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How To Increase Accuracy:quality Or Quantity

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#1 Bhodi Li773


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Posted 15 October 2014 - 09:17 AM

I have seen in a number of games how poor targeting ability has repeatedly lost easily winnable games. Hopefully this will help develop skills in new Mechwarriors.We've all seen pilots missing easy targets repeatedly.Frustrating for you and even more so for the Mechwarrior in question.

1. Use TRAINING GROUNDS.This gives you a chance to see how well you can hit targets.Don't just stand and shoot a targeted mech 1. Circle 2. Sidestrafe and 3. Do hit and run tactics. Vary your speed and be random in your attacks .This will help you get used to running and gunning,a well respected ability in any mechwarrior.

2. Experiment with ZOOM mode. :ph34r:(push scroll wheel) This is the ability to zero in 1.2x to 1.4x or Full zoom with module equipped.This doesn't account for any boosts with command console/targeting computer.Try the different settings with your weapon groupings.Some mechs I run with regular field of view,midway and others zoomed right in.Find where u are comfortable when piloting.Different weapons with different mechs give you varying degrees of speed and weapon location so experimenting /trial and error will give you the confidence when in the thick of things to react with that shot that takes your opponent down B)or takes away critical components from an enemy mech.

3. WEAPON GROUPING.Put weapons with similar ranges and time to target together.It makes no sense to shoot an ERLL going 800+ metres with ML that shoot 270 metres.I've seen guys kill themselves by overheating :huh:by doing this constantly. Have ML and SRMS on same trigger , if in close range or going straight on at enemy.If they are past that SRMs range they just detonate before getting to target.

4. WEAPON TYPES 1.LASERS.Instant on target damage,but u need to keep on target for full length that laser fires for full effect (plus when you go past max range the damage drops to zero at 150% of max range exML do max damage at 270 but can go to about 400 b4 no damage)2.MISSILES. LRMS are effective up to 1000 metres but relative useless below 180 metres.Chances are if u shoot at a mech at 950+ your missiles will detonate b4 they get to target bc enemy will simply back up 50 metres so missiles detonate b4 they get to target. If using LRMS target from minimum distance of 180 to 800metres.This allows some arc on your missiles to get to target and still hit if they try to outrun them.Ideally 400 to 700 is your best %hit ratio the majority of the time.Along with this is keeping target reticule/crosshairs on target. LRMS naturally track to where your reticule is aimed(called DUMMY FIRING).By keeping your target in your crosshairs you are guiding your missiles to your target.Using R to lock target helps tremendously with your hit% when using missiles.With so many mechs using ECM I've killed many mechs by DUMMY FIRING at them when they thought they were protected by ecm cover and standing still.SRMS are fire and forget weapons once they r shot they go in a straight line.if u don't have that mech in front of you when u shoot SRMs they will miss.Best used when u have their back exposed or are so close u can't miss( below 270metres ).STREAK SRMS.Homing missiles that need u to maintain a lock on your target( R button) in order to fire AND home in on target(maximum range of 270 metres and if they run past 270 nada for damage...If u use R to change target missiles may still hit but chances are greatly reduced bc they will stop tracking target.Great for using against light mechs when u r in a heavy /assault mech.BALLISTICS.. Autocannons(ranges vary) ,LBX/shotgun are good close to mid range and Machine guns(short range only).ALL of these need time to travel to target .Close ranges for most ballistics mean easy to hit but as range increases u will need to lead target if they r moving. AC's will drop as range increases so shooting ballistics weapons in their range group is very important. GAUSS RIFLE is a more complicated weapon.Basically a hitech slingshot shooting solid metal balls.These shoot at a very hi rate of travel so time to target in distance requires less leading of targets but better timing as it has to charge up b4 u can fire.

Using modules like TARGET DECAY will also give LRMS an extended lock time, giving missiles more travel time to a mech b4 target lock is lost. :rolleyes:

5. The most important thing is to USE :) R :)to lock targeted mech.This gives you a display of enemy mech in top right of your screen.It will show Varying damaged parts as different colors orange/yellow/red.TARGET red parts as these have practically no armor and any damage in these areas will cause critical hits blowing up ammo,blowing off limbs etc.A DIREWOLF is dangerous but if you blow off an arm or side torso u will have removed probably half its weapons if u dont kill them by the resulting ammo :oexplosions outright.
If for some reason you can't target an enemy mech using R(probably ecm).Look for glowing areas on their mechs.This indicates previous damage done to this area and a possible weak area for you to exploit.

Remember you are in a Metal :angry: MECH of mass destruction,taking a few hits to blow off an enemy mechs main weapons/components that r in the red is a great trade off.I hope this helps some fellow Mechwarriors out their,(preferably if you are on my team :D )or on the opposing team(Oh no , What have I done? :blink: ).Either Way ,GLHF and I'll see you in-game.

Edited by Bhodi Li773, 15 October 2014 - 09:20 AM.

#2 Nightmare1


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 06:35 AM

Best thing you can do is learn how your weapons fire. Some, like the AC/20 in the CN9-YLW's right arm, hit slightly to the side of their cross-hair due to the angle of fire. I've learned to adjust for this. Knowing how your weapons fire with respect to each other is important, so that you aren't trying to hit with that AC/20 at LRM or PPC range.

Overall, the more time you spend with your Mech and a particular build, the better and more accurate you will be with it. There really isn't a magic bullet. Also, keeping calm goes a long way towards putting all those shots in one component. When you get excited, your hand movements tend to become more erratic, and you lose some of the finesse you may have with that mouse. Keeping your cool lets you make those slight adjustments as you fire. You might also consider adjusting your mouse sensitivity if you find that you are over or under compensating in battle.

#3 dragnier1


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:01 AM

ping affects accuracy too. Was watching someone with 1500-2400 odd ping taking on another. His shots came a good 2 seconds after, that's how bad it affected his accuracy. Using a proxy server might help, but improvements might be minor for high pingers.

#4 ImperialKnight


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Posted 30 October 2014 - 09:23 PM

mouse sensitivity helps the most

Edited by knightsljx, 30 October 2014 - 09:23 PM.

#5 Thrudvangar


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Posted 05 November 2014 - 10:21 PM

brains helps the most...

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