Primary Objective Event
Started by InnerSphereNews, Oct 17 2014 09:02 AM
191 replies to this topic
Posted 20 October 2014 - 12:28 AM
First, let me start off by saying I do play all three game modes currently (even though I cringe every time I get a conquest game). As many have noticed and mentioned the rewards for conquest and assault aren't great enough to play these game modes any other way than as a skirmish game. If you only go for the primary objective in assault (base capture) and conquest (capping/flipping resource nodes) and your team wins because of it you will get less gxp/cbills than if you were on the loosing team but got a few (2-4) assists, did around 100 dmg and possibly had a spot assist or component destruction...100ish damage, 2-4 assists and say 1 spot and a loss isn't exactly a stellar round but it is more rewarding than a 0-dmg win from capturing the enemy base, which is the primary objective of assault mode. In which of those two examples was the player more valuable to his team? If there was an equally valuable reward to capping a base or capping resources as there is for playing a pure skirmish game then I think more people would "enjoy" playing all three game modes (and might actually actively attempt the primary objectives more often).
As for this weekends event, I think it clearly shows PGI that their low end was too low (if I remember correctly we had achieved over 3700 within the first hour) and that the top end was too high (and nearly doubling the objective points for 5% isn't even worth trying)....if the 45% tier was 50% and the jump to 450000 points was say 65-75% that might be a little better incentive, but for just 5%? I don't want to sound ungrateful though, it is nice enough that PGI would give us the opportunity even though I have already mastered the SH and don't have any interest in the SC (I played for the mech bays only, well and general fun too). If there are more events like this (hope so) it would be really cool to see a light, medium, heavy and assault mech be the rewards rather than just 2 mediums as well as mechbays (I think this would make the event more appealing to more people).
As for this weekends event, I think it clearly shows PGI that their low end was too low (if I remember correctly we had achieved over 3700 within the first hour) and that the top end was too high (and nearly doubling the objective points for 5% isn't even worth trying)....if the 45% tier was 50% and the jump to 450000 points was say 65-75% that might be a little better incentive, but for just 5%? I don't want to sound ungrateful though, it is nice enough that PGI would give us the opportunity even though I have already mastered the SH and don't have any interest in the SC (I played for the mech bays only, well and general fun too). If there are more events like this (hope so) it would be really cool to see a light, medium, heavy and assault mech be the rewards rather than just 2 mediums as well as mechbays (I think this would make the event more appealing to more people).
Posted 20 October 2014 - 01:38 AM
i still hope for a wonder... perhaps we will see more then 2 mechs and a mechbay on the discount list?

Posted 20 October 2014 - 03:18 AM
Hm. The fact we've passed the second to best level but are unlikely to pass the highest tells me PGI had reasonable expectations on what was possible (if players were sufficiently motivated) and what was not. So, good on you, guys
Posted 20 October 2014 - 03:50 AM
I think this match has been an interesting experiment to see if the community could voluntarily play in public matches by different rules than 'kill all targets no matter what'. The numbers say we can't. I tried several times to get my team to leave the last enemy standing so we could cap, only to have my team cut him down, even if he agreed to back off.
After the 24 hrs, we'd only made about 100,000 pts as a community. Simple math: at that rate we wouldn't hit the 450+k. I thought this would have been obvious to the people keeping track, but I couldn't find a single person in a match who really cared, or was motivated to encourage others to try and adapt to win the objective. After about half a dozen tries I gave up too. So we learned something, I guess. At least we got to 45%...
After the 24 hrs, we'd only made about 100,000 pts as a community. Simple math: at that rate we wouldn't hit the 450+k. I thought this would have been obvious to the people keeping track, but I couldn't find a single person in a match who really cared, or was motivated to encourage others to try and adapt to win the objective. After about half a dozen tries I gave up too. So we learned something, I guess. At least we got to 45%...
Posted 20 October 2014 - 05:12 AM
Well, considering 1) nobody had much to gain personally by achieving the conditions of the event and 2) the sale percentage ramps up pretty steeply, I think we did pretty good to hit 45%
Posted 20 October 2014 - 05:48 AM
Yeah, I think it was geared for us to reach the 45% mark. It would be interesting if this kind of event happened again, with the reward being 50% off any 2 mechs each person chooses, or something, to increase motivation.
Posted 20 October 2014 - 07:16 AM

- "The Goals where set too low"
- "Teh Devs taught us the wrong things two years ago, and are now stuck"
- "There are no victory conditions without respawns"

Posted 20 October 2014 - 08:06 AM
1100 Central, 1600 Z:
Once again, PGI has confirmed the biases of it's customer base.
Once again, PGI has confirmed the biases of it's customer base.
Posted 20 October 2014 - 10:06 AM
Johnny Reb, on 19 October 2014 - 08:41 PM, said:
Um.... 45% off is exactly off the price or as you say pricing. What are you taling about?
edit: price for most expensive crow is 11.2 million at 45% off is 6.16 million. Now the cheapest crow is 11.1 so that is at 6.105 million.
edit: price for most expensive crow is 11.2 million at 45% off is 6.16 million. Now the cheapest crow is 11.1 so that is at 6.105 million.
I did the price as 45%, not discount as 45%. Was my bad.
Posted 20 October 2014 - 12:44 PM
sneeking, on 20 October 2014 - 05:08 AM, said:
I knew game play would go out the window again for the weekend so I didn't log in and redeem my last day premium from the three modes three days challenge.
these always turn the public que to rubbish and with nothing to play for personally it was a no brainer to skip the whole weekend.
these always turn the public que to rubbish and with nothing to play for personally it was a no brainer to skip the whole weekend.
What do you mean? I played all weekend and it was as normal as it gets. If you were worried about base caps in assault, I can tell you I saw zero of them, and people weren't even trying to cap.
Posted 21 October 2014 - 07:52 AM
I thought it was a fun experiment. I had my daughter all weekend so I didn't play much. I would like to congratulate PGI for attempting to improve game performance. I am a die hard skirmish fan, but had no problems aiding this endeavor. I hope you all had a fun and exciting weekend. 

Posted 21 October 2014 - 07:59 AM
"There are no victory conditions without respawns"
You must have played too many of those games. Not every game need that. In fact, respawns do not help people play better, nor do they make games be more brave.
Plus, the lack of respawns make this game different from those shooters.
My prediction was way off. 310k at the end of the challenge (my guess was 390k).
You must have played too many of those games. Not every game need that. In fact, respawns do not help people play better, nor do they make games be more brave.
Plus, the lack of respawns make this game different from those shooters.
My prediction was way off. 310k at the end of the challenge (my guess was 390k).
Edited by dragnier1, 21 October 2014 - 08:00 AM.
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