If a T3 Assault mech gets a T3 quirk for a Medium Pulse laser, which is likely a T4 or T5 weapon - does that actually move the needle enough for this mech?
It's one thing to get quirks for an excellent weapon, like AC 20, AC 10, Gauss, ER LLAS, LLAS, etc., and quite another if you get quirks for small lasers or medium pulse lasers.
So just for discussion, what tier would you put all of the weapons?
IS Energy
IS Ballistic
IS Missile
Clan Energy
Clan Ballistic
Clan Missile
Here's some input from Xarian:
Xarian, on 17 October 2014 - 08:16 PM, said:
My rubric is like this:
T1 - Weapons that you see the vast majority of highly-ranked competitive teams use. Ever been blown away by 228th/etc? They run these weapons, and they can kill you with them before you even get to shoot back.
T2 - Weapons that are very good, just not quite up to the level of the T1 weapons. These weapons are competitive, very strong, and are always a good choice.
T3 - Weapons that can be good if you know how to use them properly, but generally won't be the absolute best choice for the job. Still usable, and you will occasionally see them in "good" builds, but not often.
T4 - You've got to work exceptionally hard to make these weapons effective. If you have a choice, you will almost always benefit from using a different weapon. These weapons leave you feeling like something is missing.
T5 - Useless weapons; a waste of tonnage and crit space. These weapons are unusable.


Edited by Ultimatum X, 19 October 2014 - 07:01 AM.