Mott, on 21 October 2014 - 06:58 AM, said:
- I like the Battlemasters, but just find they die a little too easily compared to other heavies and assaults.
- Jump-sniping is nearly dead. Introducing the grasshopper now is... pointless. It's a lesser mech than those we already have in the IS, at a time we need something infinitely better. Unless the hitboxes are borked, it being slimmer than the CTF is a non-factor. The summoner is slimmer than the timberwolf... yet it falls apart under half the fire that the timberwolf can walk out of unscathed. The width of a mech that moves slower than 100kph doesn't matter one iota to its survivability.
It's a zombie with missiles, correct? I guess it remains to be seen how viable that is, but somehow i doubt that's going to jump it from a T3 heavy, which is where i place it behind the T1 CTF and T1/T2 JM6 2xAC20 or 2xGauss.
- You're right, they could break lore/sarna and open up the engine limits on the Panther, which would go a long way to improving its viability. I would definitely wait to buy until that is confirmed 100% though.
1.) I'm telling you, you should try the WubMaster. It's devestating. If you already have a XL400, like from a Boar's Head, it's the most fun I've ever had in an assault. Most pilots just don't expect that much wub from a BLR.
2.) I'm not saying you should jump snipe with it. Just use the JJs to get more favorable ground, and to help you turn faster than you can on the ground. There is a reason all the pros use JJ equipped mechs, and the greatly enhanced maneuverability is a major one. As for CW, it will have gates that you need to destroy a generator behind to open. The grasshopper has center torso energy mounts. A laser laser, two mediums or two medium pulses can determine who wins those late game slug-fests.

3.) Already confirmed.

Edited by Greenjulius, 21 October 2014 - 07:06 AM.