Trede, on 21 October 2014 - 07:48 AM, said:
Dude, we fight CSJ, CI, 228th, WoL, AS, etc in group queue too. That's where you go to master 'Mechs. PUG queue will net you less xp 90% of the time anyway. At's where I've mastered just about everything since the last wipe.
It may be the case for you... but not for others... as evidenced by the comment immediately after yours.
Group Q was the place to go to best level mechs. Then once group sizes were up'd to 12 that was no longer the case, unless you're in the 10-12man group facing the fodder-team of 3-5 groups thrown together to face you. Solo is now where you go for relaxed play and easier XP efforts.
You don't level mechs when you're being rolled by high level 12-men teams. Losing 12-0, 12-2 does not net you sufficient xp even if you turn in great personal performances.