With only a limited number of prizes, those who took part without winning in this contest will not go empty-handed. A free 'Mechbay code will be provided to all participants.
First up, our Community Choice Award:
its LOG knocks it out of the park with Mr. Scarecrow going trick-or-elseing!

A number of really great entries were submitted, and deserved special attention. Each of these is being provided with a bonus of 7 Days of Premium Time.
Next off, our selected winners:
We might have to consider adding a Costume section to the contest next year, with RomeoMustDie showing us that no creche nor naptime can keep a true MechWarrior from the battlefield.

House R'lyeh sleeps all year...until Moonlander summons them.

Zoltan's Nightmare PumpCat may not be a missile-boat, but it's got really sharp teeth!

2rock possessed an Atlas which would truly never die.

phinja reminds us that sometimes, "the cookie" bites back.

Lostech doesn't always mean less for Midnite, who crafted this masked Atlas from quill and ink.

Solhama directs Falconium, Epikt, Idealsuspect, ShadowPuppet, Tuke, Mason Grimm, Rose, and SubjectSeven to remind you to be afraid of the dark.
Poetic words become spooky music when penned by Marack Drock.
The Atlas of the Damned
I walked through the dark and dreary night,
knowing this was a perilous fight.
The Atlas was red, and its flames did spread.
The Lyran 'Mechs were then blasted in red.
With the danger of death upon us so,
we maneuvered our lances to and fro.
The Atlas was steady its weapons at the ready,
trained on our heads with the evil of all foes.
I locked the mech my LRMs primed.
But his evil skulled face was ready with the turn
of a dime.
The missiles flew rushing past the cockpit,
illuminating my face so tense and drastic.
The hit their target spreading their hurt,
but the Atlas lived, and was more than just curt.
He shot off his cannons into my side,
and my mech lurched back with death on the rise.
The alarms sounded, "Your core has been breached",
my breathe began to falter as if it had been besieged.
My Centurion fell with the crunch of dying matter,
and I fell into darkness with my mind having scattered.
I awoke to see the Atlas standing over me.
It red eyes glowed and its silhouette shown,
the falling sun orange and old.
The sky was dark, no stars could be seen,
and I felt as death's cold hands began to embrace me.
The charge of blue light came from its arms,
with the sound of a pulse about to kill me with harm.
But as it fired its shot aimed at its mark,
my ally jumped in and stood as a landmark.
They took the shot that was meant for me,
and allowed me to live, and to be free.
I took my advantage and raised up my 'Mech,
as the Atlas knocked aside my fallen comrade.
I trained my shot upon its face,
I made sure I would win this race.
I emptied my shots with a howl of distain,
just as my weapons discharged their volley again.
The impacted the Atlas destroying its armor,
they went through its skulled head with a clatter.
If did not fall nor did it waver,
but stood there in darkness like evil was its holder.
I shot it once more to make it fall down,
and this time the Atlas fell with a noise to make me frown.
Like a chess piece it fell,
as if the King had been uncrowned.
So thus my story ends,
with misery of my fallen friends.
For the wars of the world could not stop,
the darkness that resided over our top.
I walked through the dark and dreary night,
knowing this was a perilous fight.
The Atlas was red, and its flames did spread.
The Lyran 'Mechs were then blasted in red.
With the danger of death upon us so,
we maneuvered our lances to and fro.
The Atlas was steady its weapons at the ready,
trained on our heads with the evil of all foes.
I locked the mech my LRMs primed.
But his evil skulled face was ready with the turn
of a dime.
The missiles flew rushing past the cockpit,
illuminating my face so tense and drastic.
The hit their target spreading their hurt,
but the Atlas lived, and was more than just curt.
He shot off his cannons into my side,
and my mech lurched back with death on the rise.
The alarms sounded, "Your core has been breached",
my breathe began to falter as if it had been besieged.
My Centurion fell with the crunch of dying matter,
and I fell into darkness with my mind having scattered.
I awoke to see the Atlas standing over me.
It red eyes glowed and its silhouette shown,
the falling sun orange and old.
The sky was dark, no stars could be seen,
and I felt as death's cold hands began to embrace me.
The charge of blue light came from its arms,
with the sound of a pulse about to kill me with harm.
But as it fired its shot aimed at its mark,
my ally jumped in and stood as a landmark.
They took the shot that was meant for me,
and allowed me to live, and to be free.
I took my advantage and raised up my 'Mech,
as the Atlas knocked aside my fallen comrade.
I trained my shot upon its face,
I made sure I would win this race.
I emptied my shots with a howl of distain,
just as my weapons discharged their volley again.
The impacted the Atlas destroying its armor,
they went through its skulled head with a clatter.
If did not fall nor did it waver,
but stood there in darkness like evil was its holder.
I shot it once more to make it fall down,
and this time the Atlas fell with a noise to make me frown.
Like a chess piece it fell,
as if the King had been uncrowned.
So thus my story ends,
with misery of my fallen friends.
For the wars of the world could not stop,
the darkness that resided over our top.
And Danghen Woolf leaves us prone to his prose.
He knew they would come for him. He could not see them in the darkness, he could feel them, watching, waiting. William checked the monitors of his battered Wolverine again, the blinking red warning lights on several of the panels letting him know just how bad things were. Shadows crept between the trees, hidden and revealed in the moonlight with each pass of the clouds.
William checked his sensor displays before setting his machine in motion. The battlemech was slow to react to the pilot’s commands, further indication of the severity of the damage it had sustained. Sweat dripped down his arms and legs as the temperature crept up in the cockpit.
Something moved off to the right, a deepening darkness between the trees that seemed to be paralleling the Wolverine as it slogged through the marsh. He caught only a glimpse but it seemed to be weaving between the trees as the clouds once again blanketed the swamp in a veil of darkness. He cycled his sensors through radar to magscan to thermal settings, nothing but the ambient temperature and background magnetic fields.
An oily trail collected on the surface in the wake of the ‘mech’s steps, running from the holes in the damaged heat sink in the left leg. He was lucky that he hadn’t lost the leg getting stuck in the mud and muck unseen below the stagnant water. He swore he could even hear the buzzing of the half-pound bugs that seemed to be part mosquito and part shark waiting for him to eject from the armored shell so that they could consume him. He noticed the movement again.
William adjusted the power levels to shunt energy into the large laser on his right arm, with nothing to lock onto his shots would be “from the hip” and just marked at a simple crosshair on his neurohelmets heads up display. The reactor groaned in protest as it struggled to bear the load of the weapon and trek through the soft mud slowing it, threatening to reach up and grab at the legs of his ’mech and drag it down. He twisted to the right to better square up with the unseen enemy that must be using some kind of countermeasure to baffle his sensors. He strained his eyes to see out of the scratched and pitted cockpit, willing the moon to shine again to show his pursuers.
The Wolverine rocked violently as fire blossomed on the shoulder of the ‘mech’s left arm, chunks of armor-turned-shrapnel hurtling off into the darkness. The light flashed off the battered hulk of a Centurion directly in front of Will’s ‘mech. Will hesitated for just a moment, there was no way the Centurion had just attacked him, it was more scrap metal than battlemech, covered in moss and vines, the autocannon that would have been its right arm peeled back like a comical banana, a hole where the long range missile launcher should have been. This ‘mech was dead.
Another blast rocked Will out of his reverie, this time on the rear armor. He turned his torso as quickly as the myomers would allow him. This second attack had managed to leave small fires in its wake causing the swamp to flicker and set the shadows dancing in their hollows. Another shell of a battlemech greeted him, this time a Commando. This ‘mech was also dead, half of the twenty-five ton machine’s head was missing, it had fallen almost sitting upright, the right arm pointing in his direction, short range missile tubes caked in filth. There had been a battle here, some time ago but the mechs gave no indication of their owners, time had hidden all of the distinguishing marks that could have revealed their origin.
Will struggled to keep his adrenaline in check, his pulse racing as he looked at his damage readout, someone had attacked him but where are they and why aren’t they showing up on the radar? The enemy was smart, following him into this swamp, using the environment to slow him down and the knowledge of the disabled ‘mechs to distract and unsettle him.
He almost came out of his skin when the comline crackled in his ear. “You.”
He was losing his mind, he knew it. He had come to terms with it when the third attack destroyed the remaining armor on his left leg, sending parts of the knee actuator out into the darkness of the swamp. Betty’s voice chimed into his ear happily, “Left leg actuator offline.” The flash had momentarily blinded him. Will checked his remaining systems, he still had life support and now that he could not move he could shift power to his weapons to defend himself from his hidden pursuer.
Will scanned the area slowly as his vision adjusted back to peering into the inkiness outside of his cockpit. A third destroyed ‘mech lay almost directly in front of him, half hidden in the mist and mud that he had been walking through, had his machine not been disabled he may have tripped over the fallen chassis. It had fallen face up, a Shadow Hawk, the autocannon barrel sticking straight up like another of the dark trees. This ‘mech was not as old as the other two, but the hole in the center torso gave little doubt as to how it had been destroyed.
A footfall boomed in the cockpit, his attacker was going to finish the job it appeared. Will tried to twist around to face the direction of the noise but his damaged leg would not allow him to get far enough to see much more than the Centurion standing between the trees. He cursed his luck as he began to swing back around to the other side but stopped once the Centurion reached his peripheral vision. A sickeningly yellow glow was coming from the ‘mechs cockpit, it was faint but it was not a trick of the moonlight. He cycled his sensors back through the settings again, this time stopping on the thermal, the Centurion was colder than the swamp.
Goosebumps immediately appeared from the top of William’s head to the tips of his feet, it was not possible. He remembered himself, he remembered his powered up large laser and triggered a beam of light into the chest of the ‘mech. His sensor flared as the light superheated the cold armor but then turned immediately back to the black of the cool spectrum.
A splash sounded behind him. He was losing his mind. He was not here. This cannot happen. The Commando was floundering in the stagnant water, thermal sensors showing it almost as if it were absorbing the heat from the surrounding swamp. He switched back to visual spectrum and caught his breath, the same yellow light was radiating from the Commando’s damaged head, he could even make out the broken form of the mechwarrior slumped in the command couch, or at least as much as had been left from the scavengers. Panic boiled up in Will’s chest as he leveled the laser at the Commando and fired again, adding with it one of his remaining medium lasers. The light ‘mech slumped down as one of its arms was sheared off at the shoulder, submerging the yellow light.
The comline crackled again, “You.” The Wolverine rocked at the hips as the prone Shadow Hawk grabbed onto the right arm, dragging the ‘mech down towards the water. Will began to scream in his cockpit.
The Centurion grabbed at the chest of his ‘mech trying to force it into the mud and muck. The Commando also grabbed on, its broken and rusty fingers scrabbling to gain purchase on Wills cockpit, metal screeched in protest as the dead mechs attempted to rip the Wolverine apart. Will could see the dead warrior in the cockpit flopping around loosely as the Commando attempted to open his ’mech’s head. He couldn’t tell but it looked like a Davion uniform it was wearing, but the dirt and other filth covering it made him unsure.
The strained armor finally gave way on the arm and shoulder as the Shadow Hawk wrenched the arm off of Will’s disabled ‘mech, shifting the weight suddenly as it splashed into the swamp below. The cockpit glass also gave as the pressurized cockpit was breached by the light ‘mech. Suddenly everything went still, all of the dead mechs lay piled on Will’s Wolverine, silent as they had been a few moments before.
“You”, Will heard, it was not in his comline. “Left.”
Will could taste bile, he was going crazy. The cockpit lights had gone out when it had been breached. The yellow glow of the dead ‘mechs was gone. He was definitely going crazy.
Will’s neuro helmet was suddenly ripped from his head, the small of rot and cordite and ozone blasted his senses. He wanted to vomit, he wanted to scream, he wanted to wake up. He looked into the face, swollen, burned, but still recognizable, of Leftenant Jason Gregory. Caked with the stains of violent death, blood and viscera dried on his uniform from the hole in his torso where his left arm and neck should have been. He held Will’s neurohelmet up in his remaining arm and smiled a sickly satisfied smile as two more forms appeared at the edge of his cockpit.
“Left to rot,” the sounds of the voice where thick with gurgling fluids as Gregory gestured to the other two mechwarriors shambling into the crowded space. The smell was overpowering, Will vomited and began shaking violently causing a disgusting choked laugh to emanate from the three around him.
The two others were just as bad, holes where none should be, uniforms tattered and burned. One reached for Will, bones where fingers should have been and dug into his thigh deeply. Will screamed. Will tried desperately to unhook his harness holding him in the seat but the third mechwarrior grabbed his arms and held them down with the strength of an armor clamp threatening to crush his wrists to powder. He tried to kick but the wash of pain from the fingers in his thigh almost caused him to black out. Gregory smiled again.
“We are not done, Sir.” Gregory tossed the helmet aside and raised his arm into the air before bringing it back down into William’s stomach violently, knocking the wind out of him. Then the sound and the pain began.
Will screamed as the three dead warriors began digging through him, gleefully pulling at the choicest pieces. “Hold him,” one of the mechwarriors said, “hold him down or we will kill him before we are done.” The voices sounded far off, almost dream-like. Will tried to beg them to stop but could find no air, he tried to move but they held him down, suffocating him as they bathed in his blood.
DonnerBrau Lowlands, Marfik
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
16 September 3028
“Hold him, hold him down or we will kill him before we are done,” the medtech screamed at the technicians helping her. Astech Curtis did as much as he could to hold Captain William Venson in his command couch as they tried to remove the structural piece that had impaled him. He was unconscious when the recovery vehicle had come to salvage the damaged mechs from the battle site several kilometers away but no one expected any survivors. Medtech Lorraine had given him a sedative to keep him out while they sawed, cut, and pried their way into the damaged Wolverine, its cockpit mostly crushed as it fell while heading through the lowlands back towards base.
“Where is the rest of the lance do you think Doc?” Curtis watched carefully as the other technicians slowly cut the crossbar away from the back of the couch. “This is the only ‘mech out here, not even any smoke. I think I remember these guys leaving, a Commando, Centurion, Shadow Hawk and the Captain here.”
“Don’t know, but Command will probably want to talk to him if he lives.” The medtech checked his vitals again as the technicians signaled they had cut the mechwarrior free and began lifting the whole couch out through the broken cockpit.
William checked his sensor displays before setting his machine in motion. The battlemech was slow to react to the pilot’s commands, further indication of the severity of the damage it had sustained. Sweat dripped down his arms and legs as the temperature crept up in the cockpit.
Something moved off to the right, a deepening darkness between the trees that seemed to be paralleling the Wolverine as it slogged through the marsh. He caught only a glimpse but it seemed to be weaving between the trees as the clouds once again blanketed the swamp in a veil of darkness. He cycled his sensors through radar to magscan to thermal settings, nothing but the ambient temperature and background magnetic fields.
An oily trail collected on the surface in the wake of the ‘mech’s steps, running from the holes in the damaged heat sink in the left leg. He was lucky that he hadn’t lost the leg getting stuck in the mud and muck unseen below the stagnant water. He swore he could even hear the buzzing of the half-pound bugs that seemed to be part mosquito and part shark waiting for him to eject from the armored shell so that they could consume him. He noticed the movement again.
William adjusted the power levels to shunt energy into the large laser on his right arm, with nothing to lock onto his shots would be “from the hip” and just marked at a simple crosshair on his neurohelmets heads up display. The reactor groaned in protest as it struggled to bear the load of the weapon and trek through the soft mud slowing it, threatening to reach up and grab at the legs of his ’mech and drag it down. He twisted to the right to better square up with the unseen enemy that must be using some kind of countermeasure to baffle his sensors. He strained his eyes to see out of the scratched and pitted cockpit, willing the moon to shine again to show his pursuers.
The Wolverine rocked violently as fire blossomed on the shoulder of the ‘mech’s left arm, chunks of armor-turned-shrapnel hurtling off into the darkness. The light flashed off the battered hulk of a Centurion directly in front of Will’s ‘mech. Will hesitated for just a moment, there was no way the Centurion had just attacked him, it was more scrap metal than battlemech, covered in moss and vines, the autocannon that would have been its right arm peeled back like a comical banana, a hole where the long range missile launcher should have been. This ‘mech was dead.
Another blast rocked Will out of his reverie, this time on the rear armor. He turned his torso as quickly as the myomers would allow him. This second attack had managed to leave small fires in its wake causing the swamp to flicker and set the shadows dancing in their hollows. Another shell of a battlemech greeted him, this time a Commando. This ‘mech was also dead, half of the twenty-five ton machine’s head was missing, it had fallen almost sitting upright, the right arm pointing in his direction, short range missile tubes caked in filth. There had been a battle here, some time ago but the mechs gave no indication of their owners, time had hidden all of the distinguishing marks that could have revealed their origin.
Will struggled to keep his adrenaline in check, his pulse racing as he looked at his damage readout, someone had attacked him but where are they and why aren’t they showing up on the radar? The enemy was smart, following him into this swamp, using the environment to slow him down and the knowledge of the disabled ‘mechs to distract and unsettle him.
He almost came out of his skin when the comline crackled in his ear. “You.”
He was losing his mind, he knew it. He had come to terms with it when the third attack destroyed the remaining armor on his left leg, sending parts of the knee actuator out into the darkness of the swamp. Betty’s voice chimed into his ear happily, “Left leg actuator offline.” The flash had momentarily blinded him. Will checked his remaining systems, he still had life support and now that he could not move he could shift power to his weapons to defend himself from his hidden pursuer.
Will scanned the area slowly as his vision adjusted back to peering into the inkiness outside of his cockpit. A third destroyed ‘mech lay almost directly in front of him, half hidden in the mist and mud that he had been walking through, had his machine not been disabled he may have tripped over the fallen chassis. It had fallen face up, a Shadow Hawk, the autocannon barrel sticking straight up like another of the dark trees. This ‘mech was not as old as the other two, but the hole in the center torso gave little doubt as to how it had been destroyed.
A footfall boomed in the cockpit, his attacker was going to finish the job it appeared. Will tried to twist around to face the direction of the noise but his damaged leg would not allow him to get far enough to see much more than the Centurion standing between the trees. He cursed his luck as he began to swing back around to the other side but stopped once the Centurion reached his peripheral vision. A sickeningly yellow glow was coming from the ‘mechs cockpit, it was faint but it was not a trick of the moonlight. He cycled his sensors back through the settings again, this time stopping on the thermal, the Centurion was colder than the swamp.
Goosebumps immediately appeared from the top of William’s head to the tips of his feet, it was not possible. He remembered himself, he remembered his powered up large laser and triggered a beam of light into the chest of the ‘mech. His sensor flared as the light superheated the cold armor but then turned immediately back to the black of the cool spectrum.
A splash sounded behind him. He was losing his mind. He was not here. This cannot happen. The Commando was floundering in the stagnant water, thermal sensors showing it almost as if it were absorbing the heat from the surrounding swamp. He switched back to visual spectrum and caught his breath, the same yellow light was radiating from the Commando’s damaged head, he could even make out the broken form of the mechwarrior slumped in the command couch, or at least as much as had been left from the scavengers. Panic boiled up in Will’s chest as he leveled the laser at the Commando and fired again, adding with it one of his remaining medium lasers. The light ‘mech slumped down as one of its arms was sheared off at the shoulder, submerging the yellow light.
The comline crackled again, “You.” The Wolverine rocked at the hips as the prone Shadow Hawk grabbed onto the right arm, dragging the ‘mech down towards the water. Will began to scream in his cockpit.
The Centurion grabbed at the chest of his ‘mech trying to force it into the mud and muck. The Commando also grabbed on, its broken and rusty fingers scrabbling to gain purchase on Wills cockpit, metal screeched in protest as the dead mechs attempted to rip the Wolverine apart. Will could see the dead warrior in the cockpit flopping around loosely as the Commando attempted to open his ’mech’s head. He couldn’t tell but it looked like a Davion uniform it was wearing, but the dirt and other filth covering it made him unsure.
The strained armor finally gave way on the arm and shoulder as the Shadow Hawk wrenched the arm off of Will’s disabled ‘mech, shifting the weight suddenly as it splashed into the swamp below. The cockpit glass also gave as the pressurized cockpit was breached by the light ‘mech. Suddenly everything went still, all of the dead mechs lay piled on Will’s Wolverine, silent as they had been a few moments before.
“You”, Will heard, it was not in his comline. “Left.”
Will could taste bile, he was going crazy. The cockpit lights had gone out when it had been breached. The yellow glow of the dead ‘mechs was gone. He was definitely going crazy.
Will’s neuro helmet was suddenly ripped from his head, the small of rot and cordite and ozone blasted his senses. He wanted to vomit, he wanted to scream, he wanted to wake up. He looked into the face, swollen, burned, but still recognizable, of Leftenant Jason Gregory. Caked with the stains of violent death, blood and viscera dried on his uniform from the hole in his torso where his left arm and neck should have been. He held Will’s neurohelmet up in his remaining arm and smiled a sickly satisfied smile as two more forms appeared at the edge of his cockpit.
“Left to rot,” the sounds of the voice where thick with gurgling fluids as Gregory gestured to the other two mechwarriors shambling into the crowded space. The smell was overpowering, Will vomited and began shaking violently causing a disgusting choked laugh to emanate from the three around him.
The two others were just as bad, holes where none should be, uniforms tattered and burned. One reached for Will, bones where fingers should have been and dug into his thigh deeply. Will screamed. Will tried desperately to unhook his harness holding him in the seat but the third mechwarrior grabbed his arms and held them down with the strength of an armor clamp threatening to crush his wrists to powder. He tried to kick but the wash of pain from the fingers in his thigh almost caused him to black out. Gregory smiled again.
“We are not done, Sir.” Gregory tossed the helmet aside and raised his arm into the air before bringing it back down into William’s stomach violently, knocking the wind out of him. Then the sound and the pain began.
Will screamed as the three dead warriors began digging through him, gleefully pulling at the choicest pieces. “Hold him,” one of the mechwarriors said, “hold him down or we will kill him before we are done.” The voices sounded far off, almost dream-like. Will tried to beg them to stop but could find no air, he tried to move but they held him down, suffocating him as they bathed in his blood.
DonnerBrau Lowlands, Marfik
Dieron Military District, Draconis Combine
16 September 3028
“Hold him, hold him down or we will kill him before we are done,” the medtech screamed at the technicians helping her. Astech Curtis did as much as he could to hold Captain William Venson in his command couch as they tried to remove the structural piece that had impaled him. He was unconscious when the recovery vehicle had come to salvage the damaged mechs from the battle site several kilometers away but no one expected any survivors. Medtech Lorraine had given him a sedative to keep him out while they sawed, cut, and pried their way into the damaged Wolverine, its cockpit mostly crushed as it fell while heading through the lowlands back towards base.
“Where is the rest of the lance do you think Doc?” Curtis watched carefully as the other technicians slowly cut the crossbar away from the back of the couch. “This is the only ‘mech out here, not even any smoke. I think I remember these guys leaving, a Commando, Centurion, Shadow Hawk and the Captain here.”
“Don’t know, but Command will probably want to talk to him if he lives.” The medtech checked his vitals again as the technicians signaled they had cut the mechwarrior free and began lifting the whole couch out through the broken cockpit.
Merciless531 did quite a gourd job cultivating this classic picture.

There are so many more we could present and list:
We owe you all our thanks for participating in this event.
But we know why you are here:
On to our top winners!
The Fifth Prize goes to Residentcrow for punishing his enemies with a dark Urbie.

The Fourth Prize goes to DesoDesu for squashing an Atlas under a Pumpkin King.

The Third Prize goes to Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh for taking us back to 2979 with some Smashing Pumpkins

The Second Prize goes to Marcobra for the Lovecraftian Bio'Mech nightmares we will be having

And Finally
The Grand Prize belongs to
WhiteWolf95 for the 3D Printed Jack-O-Urbie!

Greetings MechWarriors,
In the darkness of twilight, they say the Fan Creations sub-forum is haunted.
It's time to go bump in the night, and show how Mechs can be undead!
Zombie Centurions, Phranken Steiners, and Dire WereWolves are just the beginning...
we're hosting our second annual Halloween Contest, with a new batch of even better prizes to give out!
Whether you want to create a painting, a photoshop, a stencil, a costume, a recording, a video, or even a scary Atlas cake:
Let the creative and the creepy come out in this contest! For reference, here are last year's winners.
The contest begins: 20th of October 2014 at 5PM PDT / 8PM EDT / 12AM UTC
The contest ends: 3rd of November 2014 at 5PM PST / 8PM EST / 1AM UTC
Winners will be selected by a panel of PGI staff, with a single prize given out in the form of a Community's Choice.
To compete:
You must have a valid forum account, in good standing.
You can get your account for free by registering now and completing your first 25 matches in-game.
Any player capable may enter.
?The Entries thread can be found here: http://mwomercs.com/...ontest-entries/
Late entries will not be counted.
Entries must abide by the Code of Conduct and Contest Rules.
Entries must be centred around the BattleTech/MechWarrior Universe.
Entries must be your own original work.
Winning Entries from last Halloween will be disqualified from competing again.
If you win, you must pass a skill-testing question to claim your prize.
1st - 10000 MC, 30 Days of Premium Time and a Custom Forum Title. ($56.57 value)
2nd - 5000 MC, 7 Days of Premium Time ($29.98 value)
3rd - 2500 MC, 7 Days of Premium Time ($29.98 value)
4th - 1250 MC, 7 Days of Premium Time ($13.90 value)
5th - 1250 MC, 7 Days of Premium Time ($13.90 value)
Community Choice* - 1 MechBay & 7 Days of Premium Time. ($8.33 value)
The 1st through 5th choices will be decided by a panel of Piranha Games Staff based on artistic creativity as well as cultural or comedic value.
Since this is a Halloween contest, cultural value would be defined by how well it mixes both elements of Halloween and MWO\BT
Community Choice will be decided by number of Post likes on an entry.
We will not consider votes that we find to be illegitimate through duplicate accounts, scripts, and so forth.
Skill-testing questions will include an arithmetic exercise including four mathematical operations.
This is a creative skill-based competition where your chances of winning are based on the results of your effort and talents in the medium of your choosing, the number of views this thread receives, and the total number of valid participants at the end of the competition.
Your best way to improve your chances of winning the Community Choice is to share your entry with others and encourage them to vote.
There is no regional allocation to prizes or early-bird prizes.
No purchase required.
Do you want to enter the contest? Enter here!
Greetings MechWarriors,
In the darkness of twilight, they say the Fan Creations sub-forum is haunted.
It's time to go bump in the night, and show how Mechs can be undead!
Zombie Centurions, Phranken Steiners, and Dire WereWolves are just the beginning...
we're hosting our second annual Halloween Contest, with a new batch of even better prizes to give out!
Whether you want to create a painting, a photoshop, a stencil, a costume, a recording, a video, or even a scary Atlas cake:
Let the creative and the creepy come out in this contest! For reference, here are last year's winners.
The contest begins: 20th of October 2014 at 5PM PDT / 8PM EDT / 12AM UTC
The contest ends: 3rd of November 2014 at 5PM PST / 8PM EST / 1AM UTC
Winners will be selected by a panel of PGI staff, with a single prize given out in the form of a Community's Choice.
To compete:
You must have a valid forum account, in good standing.
You can get your account for free by registering now and completing your first 25 matches in-game.
Any player capable may enter.
?The Entries thread can be found here: http://mwomercs.com/...ontest-entries/
Late entries will not be counted.
Entries must abide by the Code of Conduct and Contest Rules.
Entries must be centred around the BattleTech/MechWarrior Universe.
Entries must be your own original work.
Winning Entries from last Halloween will be disqualified from competing again.
If you win, you must pass a skill-testing question to claim your prize.
1st - 10000 MC, 30 Days of Premium Time and a Custom Forum Title. ($56.57 value)
2nd - 5000 MC, 7 Days of Premium Time ($29.98 value)
3rd - 2500 MC, 7 Days of Premium Time ($29.98 value)
4th - 1250 MC, 7 Days of Premium Time ($13.90 value)
5th - 1250 MC, 7 Days of Premium Time ($13.90 value)
Community Choice* - 1 MechBay & 7 Days of Premium Time. ($8.33 value)
The 1st through 5th choices will be decided by a panel of Piranha Games Staff based on artistic creativity as well as cultural or comedic value.
Since this is a Halloween contest, cultural value would be defined by how well it mixes both elements of Halloween and MWO\BT
Community Choice will be decided by number of Post likes on an entry.
We will not consider votes that we find to be illegitimate through duplicate accounts, scripts, and so forth.
Skill-testing questions will include an arithmetic exercise including four mathematical operations.
This is a creative skill-based competition where your chances of winning are based on the results of your effort and talents in the medium of your choosing, the number of views this thread receives, and the total number of valid participants at the end of the competition.
Your best way to improve your chances of winning the Community Choice is to share your entry with others and encourage them to vote.
There is no regional allocation to prizes or early-bird prizes.
No purchase required.
Do you want to enter the contest? Enter here!