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Discussion for new Rewards system

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#61 Markoxford


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:21 AM

Rewards are good, but need to be boosted a magnitude to become more of a game changer rather than a few extra cbills.

#62 MayGay


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:25 AM

yeah about this, I made more money on losses then I am in wins now, not even pulling 100k for a win now, I call shenanigans on this, we should all get our brooms out

that said I like the idea, but really I should not be making less than 100 grand on wins unless some noob premade decides to wast my time and cap win, some adjustments would be appreciated thanks

#63 Phaeric Cyrh


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:31 AM

View PostJames Griffin, on 22 October 2014 - 08:25 AM, said:

yeah about this, I made more money on losses then I am in wins now, not even pulling 100k for a win now, I call shenanigans on this, we should all get our brooms out

that said I like the idea, but really I should not be making less than 100 grand on wins unless some noob premade decides to wast my time and cap win, some adjustments would be appreciated thanks

The reward for a win is more than for a loss.. Other than that the rewards are the same.. The fact you made more on your losses probably reflects how well you played in those games rather than the scoring system.

#64 Mogney


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 08:41 AM

Last night I had a really bad match, 0 kills, 2 assists, and 305 damage. I got 25k cbills. This was a brutal match and my team got roflstomped.

No big deal really, but I do remember a span of several months after I just started playing this game where 300 damage would have been AWESOME.

I think if I had only been getting 25k cbills at that time, I doubt I would have had the patience to keep playing the game and get better and get more mechs.

Plus I would have been really dissapointed to have such a "high scoring" game and still get almost nothing in terms of rewards.

Just saying that maybe PGI needs to look at lower skilled newer players and make sure they arent putting the vice a little too tight on their cbill earnings. The rookie bonus expires pretty darn quickly.

#65 MayGay


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:22 AM

what I am saying is that I just made under 90K for a win, I often made over 90k on a loss before the changes

#66 Drogra


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:22 AM

Earlier, my unit was doing drops (4-6 of us), and we dropped into Caustic. I'm in my Brawler AS7-S, and an enemy Jenner comes running past us trying to get behind us to "scout". Our lights and LRM mechs engage, and chip him to pieces. I target him, and sit back and watch the show (most of the time he is 700-900m so I can't do anything to him), and I earn like 15k from Spotting assists and lance bonus' during this "show" that I did NOTHING to earn other then watch a buddy work to earn probably half of what I got.

On average, our Lights were earning 50% of what they normally do, and I was pushing a bit less then I normally get, but not so much that I was complaining. Our group play didn't change any, but in whole, our group was earning 40-60% on a good game, and 25% on a bad game of what we made pre-reward 2.0. And the whole "make money and XP for doing nothing" is kind of stupid.

#67 M0rpHeu5


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:36 AM

Playing normaly results in a lot less CB than before but if you farm the new rewards you get more than before.
In short i like the idea but i dislike the fact that you should farm rewards to have a decent CB pay at the end of the match.
The rewards system needs a lot of work still so you earn normal amounts of CBs normaly without farming

#68 Phaeric Cyrh


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:38 AM

View PostM0rpHeu5, on 22 October 2014 - 09:36 AM, said:

Playing normaly results in a lot less CB than before but if you farm the new rewards you get more than before.
In short i like the idea but i dislike the fact that you should farm rewards to have a decent CB pay at the end of the match.
The rewards system needs a lot of work still so you earn normal amounts of CBs normaly without farming

I'm not working the rewards system.. I just always played this way with my scout mechs.. I feel like I am being rewarded now for the things I have always been doing.

#69 A sebaceous cyst


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:50 AM

I posted this under the patch notes but I guess it belongs here. PGI you want direct comparisons of rewards 2.0 and the old system and how it affects the income/exps of below average/new players, here you go:

Alright, I'm a relatively new to MWO player, I own all of 2 mechs (a SH 5m that I just finished mastery on and the Centurion I just got for purchasing MC over the weekend) and I am not a great player (yet) or even a good player...maybe even below average for the 300ish matches I have played (just wanted to get that out there before people start replying with "get better" comments...only way to get better is to play and people only play when they have fun and feel a sense of accomplishment/progression). I know my stats are subpar but they are what they are. Prior to today I was averaging 679 exps per match along with about 76000 cbills per match without any bonuses from premium time or heroes/champions. After being shocked earlier at the severe reduction in exps and cbills from the new rewards system I decided to track 10 games in the new centurion (not stock, I made a few mods) to see just how much the difference is. Most matches weren't great, but I had at least a couple of spots, 1-6 assists and 100+ damage In all games but one (the first win of the day where I had 3 spots, 1 kill, 5 assists but only 40 damage). Here are the results:
game 1: loss 103 exps 26000ish cbills
game 2: loss 114 exps 32000ish cbills
game 3: loss 155 exps 29000ish cbills
game 4: win 746 exps 70000ish cbills (1st win of the day, exps were double)
game 5: win 293 exps 63000ish cbills
game 6: win 251 exps 58000ish cbills
game 7: loss 200 exps 64000ish cbills
game 8: loss 42exps 19000ish cbills
game 9: loss 66exps 23000ish cbills
game 10: win 281exps 49000ish bills
Now I know these games weren't stellar but I was trying as much as I would on any given night. I was slightly hampered by using a new mech that has no skills (but this is pretty much what a brand new player who just completed the 25 cadet matches and just bought their first mech would experience...and yeah again I realize many many new players could do much better than me). Also after the first 2 games I stopped loading coolshots and artillary strikes because I noticed I would loose money if I had to replenish them. Prior to today in 10 games (just over an hour of play by the way) I was averaging 6800 exps and 760,000 cbills. with the "new improved" rewards system I averaged 2250 exps and 430,000 cbills with a 30% boost (around 303,000 if I had a standard mech). I know there are many of you out there who are a lot better players than I am and due to your skill (and perhaps also the skill of your teammates, specially if you drop in large groups, I dont have that luxury, I have 2 friends who play this game and were are rarely on at the same time and since there is no in-game social system I mostly play solo) are able to effectively capitalize on the "new improved" rewards system and are most likely earning more experience and cbills with this system...but the point is newer players like me aren't...and more importantly this is NOT a slight difference in rewards/earning. For newer players like me its more than a 50% reduction in cbills per hour and more than a 60% reduction in exps per hour. The grind to earn enough cbills to buy a new mech was already pretty severe but now mastery of a chassis seems almost unattainable. Frushtration will drive newer players from the game, it won't encourage them to open their wallets (right now I pretty much regret having bought MC and have completely changed my mind about getting any level of the resistance pack I was so excited about yesterday). Why is it that whenever "improvements" are launched PGI takes 3 steps backwards to take one step forward?
Take for example the JJ "improvements" to clan mechs that also launched with this patch. I have listened to my friends gripe about this and read enough posts today about it. The issue seemed to be that the stock clan mechs with JJ had fixed allocations for the JJ but if you swapped the omni pods around you could put the JJ where you wanted (at least that is how it was explained to me). So to correct the issue now all JJ are locked no matter what omnipod configurations used in clan mechs which has made many loadouts that were possible yesterday invalid today. Wouldn't it have made more sense (and made more people happy instead of angry) to go the other way, allow all variants with JJ to put the JJ where ever people wanted to (take a step forward) instead of taking away peoples choice (a step backwards)???
It was the same thing a few weeks ago with the improved ELO matchmaking (a great step forward) but we could only get it if we agreed to random game modes and loose our ability to choose not to play a game mode (or modes) we don't enjoy (for the record I play all 3 but its nice to be able to choose, specially after 5 conquests in a row)(loss of choice, a huge step backwards).
Rewards 2.0 is a step in the right direction...if it ADDED to the previous system and rewarded team play WITHOUT a reduction in cbills and exp (also worth mentioning the new scout rewards for lights kind of clash with the lance formation/team play rewards).

#70 Renalvic3312


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 09:56 AM

Basically this patch is telling you to get a narc and spam. I can tell you that if you are narcing people, and then FINISHING them off, you get thousands. 1 game I even got 225k because I was narcing and stealing kills, of course this is a horrible system but it seems to work at the moment.


But on serious note, why are we now being rewarded 30k for running off and killing a mech on it's own? Some legit rewards 2.0, when does it become hawken call of duty mode where I get kill streaks and stuff?

#71 Drogra


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 10:36 AM

Oh, joy. TAG + Streak boating. Running into a premade running nothing but that..... Dead in seconds, 33k for my trouble of loading into the game. Thanks, game no fun.

Edit: I was wanting to buy the Shadowhawks while they were on sale, but its going to take the entire sale duration to get enough to buy one at this rate. Low rewards (prohibiting consumables) and rapidly rising frustration (resulting in fewer games per play session) because of cheese builds used in mass to get decent rewards for playing in a competitive fashion = rapidly decreased desire to continue to play this game, and 0 desire to buy the resistance pack that I was planning to do so YESTERDAY.

Edited by Drogra, 22 October 2014 - 10:47 AM.

#72 Merciless531


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 10:51 AM

It was a good thought to give more points for supporting and doing objectives, but I think you need to boost the basic point of the game, and that is to destroy the other team.

damage, finishing blow, most damage on a kill, and wins should give much larger rewards than anything.

everything else is just a bonus, or at least should be. As of right now, the EXP and c-bill reward system is a nerf for anyone playing the way they always had.

Edited by Merciless531, 22 October 2014 - 10:53 AM.

#73 Phaeric Cyrh


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 10:53 AM

View PostMerciless531, on 22 October 2014 - 10:51 AM, said:

It was a good thought to give more points for supporting and doing objectives, but I think you need to boost the basic point of the game, and that is to destroy the other team.

kills, damage, finishing blow, most damage on a kill, and wins should give much larger rewards than anything.

everything else is just a bonus, or at least should be. As of right the EXP and c-bill reward system is a nerf for anyone playing the way they always had.

That is closer to the way it used to be, and why no one was playing lights and mediums because they just can't match the output of the bigger mechs.

Besides killing blow/kills should be no more important than an assist, all it boils down to is that you happen to have been the one to get the last shot in.

The way it works now you get some points for kills, but that is augmented by "most damage", "solo kill" and possibly other like, flanking, hit and run, etc..

Maybe these values need to be tweaked alittle to reward the brawlers more, but it seems to me they got the categories mostly right.

I would like them to add; ECM shield for shielding teammates with ECM, AMS points for shooting down enemy missiles, focused fire points for multiple teammates firing on one enemy..

Aside from that it seems like a good thing.. What they need to do is gather data and make some tweaks.

Edited by Phaeric Cyrh, 22 October 2014 - 11:06 AM.

#74 Slambert


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 10:59 AM

I dont see any rewards specifically aimed at promoting certain behavior for Assaults.

It hasnt been a big problem in the last 2 days because the new mechs and mechs on sale has inspired a lot more aggressive games: heavy lance stomping forward leading a charge with most of the team close behind.

#75 Rooikat


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 11:03 AM

New reward system...do not like, no Sam I Am, I do not like it one bit.

Find that a good fight with a win can result in less rewards than the old system and a bad loss is nets next to nothing and it becomes a true grind.

Even playing the roll of a flanking light or medium nets some very low rewards. :(

I am all for role based play, but there should be a higher minimum reward for wins and losses with the bonuses on top of that.

#76 M0rpHeu5


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 11:07 AM

View PostPhaeric Cyrh, on 22 October 2014 - 09:38 AM, said:

I'm not working the rewards system.. I just always played this way with my scout mechs.. I feel like I am being rewarded now for the things I have always been doing.

It's good that your playstyle is better rewarded, the bad think is that other playstiles for nerfed.

#77 Phaeric Cyrh


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 11:17 AM

View PostM0rpHeu5, on 22 October 2014 - 11:07 AM, said:

It's good that your playstyle is better rewarded, the bad think is that other playstiles for nerfed.

As I have said, it seems like brawlers aren't getting the love they deserve in the new system (my brawler builds are making slightly less).. If that's your problem , then I agree.. If you are one of those that runs around grazing everyone with your lasers to get kill assists, or someone who doesn't work with their team/lance, then maybe your play style should be nerfed.

#78 Darth Futuza


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 11:25 AM

So after a few hours of trying it out I've come to the conclusion that the rewards are cool, but PGI will definitely need to make some c-bill reward adjustments to this. Also some more rewards for brawler and assault mechs would probably be fair. Looking forward to next patch when this gets improved. Glad we finally got something encouraging roles, just wish it paid a bit more.

#79 cRaZy8or5e


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 11:33 AM

View PostcRaZy8or5e, on 22 October 2014 - 06:29 AM, said:

I like encouragement to maintain a role. However, as compared with cbill earnings before, even getting role bonuses, I'm at about 30-40% less from what I earned before.

Scouts/Lights didn't really notice much of a difference.

View PostPhaeric Cyrh, on 22 October 2014 - 06:41 AM, said:

Wow.. Really? I am going to have to post some screen shots but even in losing matches I am breaking 100K in c-bills withmy scout mech.. I just got out of a loss with slightly over 100k and I did sub 100 damage with only 2 kill assists.. A crappy offensive performance.. I did however do a lot of scouting/spotting.. I got many NARC and TAG kills and affiliated rewards... Seems I was paid pretty handsomely for a lackluster offensive effort in which I performed the role of scout well.

I think you're misunderstanding. I'm stating that scouts and lights didn't experience a drop off in cbill earnings. From what you are stating it sounds like they got a boost.

EDIT: however assaults and heavies in particular, and brawler mediums experienced a serious drop off in cbill earnings in my experience.

Edited by cRaZy8or5e, 22 October 2014 - 11:39 AM.

#80 B00B


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Posted 22 October 2014 - 11:38 AM

i like the new system pretty much. it improves teamplay and i love to get cb for every action i do _:D

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