Joseph Mallan, on 23 October 2014 - 04:32 AM, said:
But we don't see all the bonuses the OP received to make all that cash v the times he may have soloed a really good game. May just be that Carrying a team is not as profitable any more as working WITH your team has become.
sry but no, most of the times i have sen now, everyone palys the same, with the difference I tag opps now because when I do so i get juicy rewards. But tagging an opponent in the battle does hardly improve the teams performance or their killing efficiency. I juts use the tag to grab Cbills out of a fight that is as regular as always. Thats not effort thats not reward, thats just printing c-bills because its possible.
take a situation, 3 guys come across medium, two guys fire and blow him apart, the other does nothing than pointing the tag and probably do only a very slight amount fo damage. calculate the rewards, tag damage is 35*x, while real damage is
while the others get damage * 21.
Then they share 2300 for component destruct. 4000 for a kill 3500 for an assist (so doing half the work is abit above half as rewarded as pointing a tag to the opponennt, LOL). and 5000 for kill most damage.
thats now 14800 reward + some for damage 2poeple have to share. If now solo kill and brawler condition s are met, yes then you cna get a lot of more rewards. But thats situational.
vs 6000 + assist of 3500 for just pinting and maybe giving some damage (no matter how useless and where this damage was).
xploit the system with a medium laser a tag and just tag and shoot at anything being in focus fire to get ridiculous amounts of rewards. No one cares by this reward system is that tag was tactically used or just spamed at the guy being shot down. It just cares that a tagger was pointed.
Joseph Mallan, on 23 October 2014 - 04:53 AM, said:
Not on a loss. You failed, you don't get the big payday cause your employer lost his shirt cause you didn't do your job.
The job is to win the mission, not to tag for money. You tagged to provide specific targets for lrm's or narc them for that purpose, now you tag for the money. You simply tag anything just because of that. and the gyus doing the real job, hardly get rewarded for it.
Edited by Lily from animove, 23 October 2014 - 05:23 AM.