Let's have a metallic grinding noise when you rub up against another mech so we know not to keep damaging ourselves.

Grinding Noise
Started by Empyrrean, Oct 22 2014 12:43 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 22 October 2014 - 12:43 AM
Posted 22 October 2014 - 01:05 AM
Empyrrean, on 22 October 2014 - 12:43 AM, said:
Let's have a metallic grinding noise when you rub up against another mech so we know not to keep damaging ourselves.
You already get that since the last patch if you are on a TS server with some players in Clan mechs. You can clearly hear the metalic grinding noise of braces rubbing together while they are grinding their teeth.
EDIT: I guess I should also give a serious reply

Good idea, but I really see a limited interrest in the community for this. Either you are running forwards into someone and can see them yourself, or you are walking backwards and are either hitting an immovable object (wall) or an unstopable object (player).
Edited by Rushin Roulette, 22 October 2014 - 01:16 AM.
Posted 22 October 2014 - 12:10 PM
Greetings all,
When we get the future content of 'knock down' and destructible items, I'm assuming this will be part of the package.
- There will need to be sound effects for all the different aspects of these features, for knock down, from the initial collision to the fall, and the stand back up component. For destructible items the collision sound and visual effects.
But as you mentioned, we do need some indication of a Mech scrapping along a building, structure, or another Mech.
(currently we just see the Mech 'float', or skim along the collision item, with no sparks or sound.)
- Depending on the size of the collision box on some map items the Mech can actually just 'clip' through the image and there's no effect at all. (but that's a different topic)
As a note here, there are unused warnings from 'Betty' with reference to 'Proximity warnings'. This is most likely waiting for future content to be enabled.
When we get the future content of 'knock down' and destructible items, I'm assuming this will be part of the package.
- There will need to be sound effects for all the different aspects of these features, for knock down, from the initial collision to the fall, and the stand back up component. For destructible items the collision sound and visual effects.
But as you mentioned, we do need some indication of a Mech scrapping along a building, structure, or another Mech.
(currently we just see the Mech 'float', or skim along the collision item, with no sparks or sound.)
- Depending on the size of the collision box on some map items the Mech can actually just 'clip' through the image and there's no effect at all. (but that's a different topic)
As a note here, there are unused warnings from 'Betty' with reference to 'Proximity warnings'. This is most likely waiting for future content to be enabled.
Posted 22 October 2014 - 12:19 PM
Frankly, I just want to see knock-down re-emerge. That was one of the coolest game features, I think.
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