![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/FuMlfRO.gif)
The good : infinite cockpit shake was fixed (as far as i can tell anyway)
The bad : infinite fireworks is still there
Mechs with centrally located cockpits (catapault, direwolf, etc) are really easy to blind with weapons fire while mechs with top mounted cockpits (summoner, highlander, etc) are not. This is a pretty big imbalance that exists for no good reason. All you have to do is aim at their CT and you blind them as a bonus. You dont actually need to deal damage to the cockpit hitbox. With small top mounted cockpits, it is much more difficult and riskier to aim for it which is why nobody does it.
For the record both the fluff and tabletop game does not have weapons fire blinding pilots (and certaintly not on a permanent basis) because the sensors filters all the junk out.
You know the fun part? Clan ACs and UACs have each shell generate the same amount of special effects (smoke, flash, etc) on impact as a normal singleshot AC (as far as i can tell anyway). This means the Clan UAC 5 generates 3 times the fireworks as the IS UAC 5 because it fires 3 shells in a burst. 4 times as much for clan AC10s, 5 times as much for a clan AC20.