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In Light Of Ottawa

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#1 Zen Hachetaki


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 10:46 PM


I have never made a direct request of you before...

I would like to request a tribute mech of some sort for the fallen member of our armed forces, Cpl Nathan Cirillo and that the funds go to his family. I don't know if he has any connection to the game what so ever, but being Canadian and you being a Canadian Company I would like to request you consider this appeal.

We like to play at being soldiers in this game... Some of us even are (not myself). I am deeply saddened and affected by these events, as I am sure many are throughout Canada, and perhaps (probably I hope) the world. I was happy to purchase the Sarah Jenner and I would love to have the opportunity to donate through this game once again to a similar cause that touches us as Canadians.

Being a father myself, I would rest easier knowing that if I was to pass, that there would be others helping my family in any way possible to get through this horrible time.

A $10 dollar mech of any sort with proceeds to his family will get an immediate purchase from me.


Edited by Zen Hachetaki, 23 October 2014 - 11:03 PM.

#2 YueFei


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 11:00 PM

I second this idea.

#3 TLBFestus


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Posted 23 October 2014 - 11:08 PM

I'm in.

#4 mindwarp


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Posted 24 October 2014 - 12:02 AM

I'm going to disagree. Not because I'm heartless, or because I hate soldiers. I bought Sarah's Jenner and happily drive it. But we got Sarah's Jenner because Sarah was a mechwarrior, the Jenner was her favourite mech and it's in her favoured configuration. We know nothing about this soldier, or about his family's wishes. It's always sad when a soldier lays down his life to protect his country, but we can't really say that a mech is an appropriate memorial for him.

I would get behind a general memorial mech for all our fallen soldiers, or a D-Day mech, or a WWI armistice mech or something like that. There are many soldiers who have died to defend our lives, homes and freedom. Memorialising that sacrifice seems more appropriate.

#5 Brody319


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Posted 24 October 2014 - 12:12 AM

I don't know what they could do personally. As pointed out by mindwarp this guy wasn't a mechwarrior fan as far as we know, so really how can you celebrate him with something he probably had no idea existed? I think we need to decide who really deserves a mech in this game. Why not Robin Williams? He died recently as well so why not have a Robin Williams' mech?
(I feel like I'm walking in a minefield because one wrong statement is gonna result in a barrage of hate.)

If you do want to help, I would say it makes more sense to just donate to a charity that wants to help directly rather than through a video game he has really no affiliation with.

#6 Livewyr


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Posted 24 October 2014 - 12:14 AM

I too disagree, and likewise not because I do not support that soldier's family and friends.

Sarah's Jenner was specifically because she was connected to MWO. If we have a memorial/fundraising mech fir this, it sets a precedent for special mechs for occasions outside MWO. That is nasty territory potentially leading into "support this cause" over a wide range of things, with an obvious inability to accommodate all of them, leading to choices.. and choices in the PR world are very very bad. (Potential for profiling etc.. "Why you support Canadian Soldiers, but not U.S. soldiers?" and that kind of thing.

#7 Kaspirikay


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Posted 24 October 2014 - 12:19 AM

I disagree as well. Sad as the events have been, I don't see what Mechwarrior has to do with this.

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