Hexxy, on 26 August 2012 - 12:27 AM, said:
I think the point at which the thread became completely self-referential was the death knell.
Now it's less of a "Beta Meme Thread" and more of a "Beta Meme Thread Regulars Beta Hangout Thread."
I confess, I've more than contributed to the noise to signal ratio of the thread.
But as the game becomes more and more stable, and fewer and fewer major (and humorous) bugs are located, the opportunities for humor become less and less. Back in the heyday of the thread, we could all laugh at the lag shield and the huge CT on the
Dragon and headshotting the
Atlas with an untouchable
Jenner. Now we're falling back on religious and political memes and trying to make them vaguely fit Battletech - let alone MechWarrior Online - and it's really become almost sad. Humor is like a fart - if you have to force it, it's probably ****.
This was a great thread, and I enjoyed it immensely over the course of its lifetime. But I think it might be time to let it die a natural death rather than digging up the corpse repeatedly in the hopes of getting a few more laughs.
At the very least, we shouldn't be afraid to let it drop off the bottom of the page until we have something
really funny to post, instead of spamming it with pointless memes and self-referential in-jokes that, quite honestly, aren't that funny.
It's been fun, Meme Thread.
But I think it's time to say good night.