DarthRevis, on 28 October 2014 - 06:58 AM, said:
What? How fast do you think the Gauss round is moving? Also how hot do you think you need to be to melt steel?
It doesn't need to be hot. Gauss rifles are a series of magnets that fling a projectile. Any heat that the projectile creates would go directly into those sensitive parts. Magnets may not be sinsitive themselves, but the curcuits you need to make sure every one of them goes off correctly are. So if their is air in the barrel, as is shown because of the opening, boom a projectile suddenly reaching km/s would generate quite a bit of air resistance and heat, possibly even damaging the components.
As for everyone saying it explodes and thats why its okay I disagree. I've never had a gauss rifle explode, most of the time if I even have one its in my arm, which most of the time people shoot at my ct or side torsos. You have to go out of your way to shoot off the arms and make the guass crit. Look at the jaeger mech, look at how ******* tiny its arms are!
AC 20s 40 damage isnt so bad because ******* it generates heat! lots of heat. Thats why you don't see ultra ac80 direwhales, you overheat and die.
PPCs is not limited by ammo, but it generates a lot of heat and is a slow projectile. it takes skill to aim a PPC and even then it has a minimum range.
So everything with comparable damage has a huge disadvantage, with both heat and other disadvantages
but gauss doesnt have any, no heat, and you so rarely see it explode, that mechs are willing to mount 2 of them. Most of the time people are looking to strip your side torso or ct, which for almost all twin gauss mechs, means the gauss is never the target.