This is my hand at Bishop's (to my knowledge) mech of choice - the Fianchetto - with what I have available.
The loadout is Bishop's 2xSSRM2, 1xLRM15, 1xPPC, 2xMLas.
I may change it when I figure out how to reliably set in decals and repaint textures correctly.
I used Applejack, Crusader, Raider and Griffin Sparky material assets. (Extra points for checkers with lightning bolts?)
Sadly, the Phoenix addons don't have texture colors added so they look kinda bland.
Used 2 SSRM2 launchers from the Wolverine as per Bishop's original design and the back of the Wolvie with the jumpjet.
Oh, and ... "Fear the Endo-Steel".
Right, so - right side view, with Phoenix attachments.

Left side view, without Phoenix attachments. Bling!

And the back, hybrid Wolvie/Griffin jump pack.

Edited by Edweird, 02 November 2014 - 10:07 AM.