Wtf Did You Do To The Match Maker?
Posted 31 October 2014 - 03:13 AM
Now, 2 of 6 matches
+ 1 12:1 match on my seventh match.
I've had 3 large (40+) LRM salvos target a single leg, and in the same match watched a team mate die from LRMs that flew THROUGH a hill to hit him.
Posted 31 October 2014 - 03:57 AM
You expect the Match Maker to be able to predict which players are going to unintentionally get advantages from bugs in the game and match those with others? It's a problem, yes, but what does that have to do with the Match Maker?
Also steam rolls is part of the game, not because of the match maker, but because of how the gameplay works. The match maker can't fix that.
Posted 31 October 2014 - 01:56 PM
Posted 01 November 2014 - 02:10 AM
It's not the matchmaker, this the sodding tournaments.
Every time a tournament happens, suddenly I get huge strings of losses and steamroller matches.
Why? Because suddenly those "playing for fun" guys pull out their optimised builds and are playing opponents well below their actual skill level
Posted 01 November 2014 - 02:15 AM
And given that I've gone month without being on either side of a steam roller, yeah, I think the matchmaker WAS doing a pretty good job.
Up until I realised the problem around tournaments, which is not fixable.
So tournaments involving points translate to:
1. I will never get a prize
2. While people who might get a prize a playing, my game experience is going to go to ****
3. I'm going to waste hours of my time trying to do anything during a tournament.
So, how many other "casual" players like me are going to draw the same conclusion.
It's not worth playing when PGI run tournaments.
PGI run tournaments most weekends
I can really only play weekends
Therefore, it's mostly not worth playing at all.
Posted 01 November 2014 - 02:40 AM
DONT BLAME OTHERS . Learn to play better.
Edited by GutterBoy5, 01 November 2014 - 02:44 AM.
Posted 01 November 2014 - 03:07 AM
And "You're ****" is NOT an answer.
If I'm ****, so are the people I'm playing against, supposedly.
My point is that I play the same ALWAYS, so my ELO == my skill.
If I'm "good" and I muck around to have fun, the my ELO << my skill when I feel like playing properly.
And there's no fix for that.
It's midnight. All I want is to play a few matches and get my 3x double XP for the chassis I'm playing.
It shouldn't take two hours.
Posted 01 November 2014 - 03:18 AM
And you missed my point.
It USED to be like this.
I quit for six months
Then it got better. Good for PGI.
Posted 01 November 2014 - 05:07 AM
Posted 01 November 2014 - 10:23 AM
I have around 4000 games completed and a 1.2 win/loss ratio. Over the last few days I have had multiple loss streaks, today is no different. It is the most horrible gaming experience I have ever had, and I honestly think pgi are doing something - because the numbers do not add up, it makes no sense.
I could screenshot my mech stats page, I have levelled Shadowhawks this week and been playing the CN9AH too, each one has a win/loss of like 0.3 to 0.5, the rest of my mechs that I have used more than 5 games in over the past 6 months? 1.something.
I am utterly disheartened this week and really, really hating the game right now.
GutterBoy5, on 01 November 2014 - 02:40 AM, said:
DONT BLAME OTHERS . Learn to play better.
Umm, because a single players performance can COMPLETELY SABOTAGE MULTIPLE GAMES IN A ROW? Just shut up Gutterboy.
Edited by Axeface, 01 November 2014 - 10:25 AM.
Posted 01 November 2014 - 06:14 PM
Not saying I don't lose , I have , but still earnt points in this challenge. If the game isn't working for you, adapt to the game, change your load outs ,mech or something.maybe your trying to use wrong weight class? Just cause DW(example only) is the killer atm doesn't meen it's good for all players I personnally suck in a DW, but put me in a medium & I usually ring circles around most assaults. You may find this yourself.
Posted 02 November 2014 - 11:56 AM
None of those make any sense really, so take a pick....

It has absolutely nothing to do with the skill of the individual player, anything not systematic would give both better teammates and better opponents resulting in maintained ~1:1 w:l ratio. Something systematic or some form of abuse happens, and some people gets regularly farmed during tournaments. Hope its something they can fix....
The only time this did not happen for me was when the challenge was valid both in solo and groups, then it remained normal.
Edited by Duke Nedo, 02 November 2014 - 11:57 AM.
Posted 03 November 2014 - 11:13 AM
GutterBoy5, on 01 November 2014 - 02:40 AM, said:
DONT BLAME OTHERS . Learn to play better.
You really need to go ask your mommy what the word, "manners", means. If she doesn't know, perhaps your elementary school teacher can help. Good luck becoming a grown up!
Edited by Riverboat Sam, 03 November 2014 - 11:14 AM.
Posted 03 November 2014 - 11:21 AM
I have no idea why we can't have a queue that only allows a max of 4 players per group? I would never drop as a 2 or 3 man group against a 12 man if PGI would give me the choice. I mean really!
Posted 04 November 2014 - 10:57 AM

Posted 04 November 2014 - 11:04 AM
Yagarcanda, on 04 November 2014 - 10:57 AM, said:

Matchmaker only looks at weight class and Elo. It tries to make 3/3/3/3 of each weight class (but will bend this rule if a match is not found quickly) and it tries to balance equal Elo (an individual matchmaking score based on win:loss)
There is no attempt to match up builds, variants, etc. A team could have 9 ECM mechs vs a team with none, a mech with NARC is not preferentially placed on a team with LRs. Any matching based on loadout would only make it take even longer to find a match. (when the Hellbringer comes out a team could have 12 ECM mechs)
Posted 04 November 2014 - 11:05 AM
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