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Free 2 play or Pay to Win?

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#41 GHQCommander


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:06 AM

I still think the game will be pay 2 win in 2-3 years. Nothing in stone not even the developers can promise it won't change.

Also a free 2 play can be pay 2 win, there is no OR

#42 Elizander


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:14 AM

View Postzer0imh, on 25 June 2012 - 06:46 AM, said:

kid, no time to play, not rich (play for free)
kid, no time to play, rich (legendary)
kid, has all the time, not rich (play for free)
kid, has all the time, rich (elite)

adult, no time to play, not rich (play for free)
adult, no time to play, rich (legendary)
adult, has all the time, not rich (veteran)
adult, has all the time, rich (elite)

Fanboi, no time to play, not rich (legendary)
Fanboi, no time to play, rich (legendary)
Fanboi, has all the time, not rich (legendary)
Fanboi, has all the time, rich (legendary)


Ah man, you got me. :(

#43 zer0imh


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:33 AM

i don't understand why people buy very expensive antique toys...


more power to the developers of mwo! you can get my money no problem with me.

i love the franchise :(

#44 xxx WreckinBallRaj xxx


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:35 AM

View Postzer0imh, on 25 June 2012 - 07:33 AM, said:

i don't understand why people buy very expensive antique toys...


more power to the developers of mwo! you can get my money no problem with me.

i love the franchise :(

Looking cooler than others is fun enough to pay for. I had a nice big pile of skins on my League account and MANY people do. Simply having a flat monthly would no doubt bring in more cash, but they are still being very successful in this method too.

Edited by Bluten, 25 June 2012 - 08:25 AM.

#45 Fastred


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:44 AM

View PostMechAS, on 25 June 2012 - 05:15 AM, said:

Hello, I want to know the type of payment which will take MechWarrior Online, I am interested in the game, I am player of league of legend, I like the free 2 play, where micropayments do not affect the gameplay, purchasing skins, colors for the characters, characters , ect ... I wonder if it has been confirmed if it is "Pay to Win or Free 2 Play".
Sorry if my English is not very good. thanks!.

While I agree micro payments should not be the deciding factor in game play. I also feel that this is a business and if they can not as a franchise offer some advantage to people paying for their product than they will not be as profitable and as a result will not have as many resources to develop and improve on the content. I would prefer not to see premium Mechs that a free to play mech can not harm with standard weapons and hope we will never see premium ammo which in my opinion equates to buying victories.

I do believe that there should be content and equipment accessible only by buying it with real money. So if you want to tool around for free awesome it makes for a larger player base but if you want access to anything beyond a set number of stock chassis and items you need to be paying cash which pays the programmers and keeps the servers running.

For those worried about world of tanks two I believe you will find that you free to play laser burns armor off a mech just fine the mechanics look to be completely different.

Edited by Fastred, 25 June 2012 - 07:52 AM.

#46 TLBFestus


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:52 AM

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that you will be able to buy lots of things for this game, for instance let's say a Guass Rifle. You can buy it, but you need experience to unlock and use it efficiently.

So, while you might be able to own it early, if you lack the XP, you can't use it yet. This is just me guessing, I'm not professing to be correct. So you can use cash to purchase stuff, but will need game experience, via experience trees, to unlock certain weapons and abilities.

This will be where the difference lies. Two pilots, each using a PPC (for discussions sake). The less experienced one may have slower torso twist, or a less effienct firing mechanism than the more experienced pilot who has unlocked a more efficient PPC through collected XP,not cash.

At least that's how I think it will work.

Edited by TLBFestus, 25 June 2012 - 07:52 AM.

#47 Meldarth Sunphot


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:55 AM

View PostTarantoga, on 25 June 2012 - 05:25 AM, said:

thats funny coz you already can buy mechs which will be better than their normal versions, its also funny how you all are convinced it wont be pay to win, of course ppl paying will have an advantage over others so get real

Which mechs are these? Founders? what advantage do these mechs give? Better firepower? Nope - more hardpoints? Nope - wait I know.......golden bullets? wrong again -

It gives you 25% cbill boost for matches......that's not pay 2 win....

#48 Moriarte


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 07:58 AM

I guess some of you are missing the point.

P2W dies, it makes a lot of cash in a short period, demanding new servers over and over for people to get a "fresh" start and eventually just loses appeal to enough people so that the ones doing all the investing keep looking at mirror images.

If you want to make long term money you make a game for old farts who enjoy trying to be good at a game without bonuses but are damn well willing to pay for time they cannot invest in the game. And of top of that are willing to pay to keep it "under developement".
Now I am damn sure that 99% of the community will be all over the forums if you could buy something that would not be attainable by putting in free 2 play time AND gives an edge in the battlefield.

#49 grimzod


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:06 AM

Well if you think buying premium mechs with xp and cash boosts are pay to win get ready to be disappointed.

If you think being able to buy in game currency is pay to win get ready to be disappointed.

#50 StandingCow


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:07 AM

PGI is doing F2P correctly.

The founders pack are NOT BUYING POWER. The founders mechs have no advantage other than a extra CBills, they are not more powerful. Buying power is what makes something pay2win.

This video explains it very well.

Edited by StandingCow, 25 June 2012 - 08:09 AM.

#51 Themo


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:09 AM

Posted Image

#52 JabberJon


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:20 AM

View PostKittygrinder, on 25 June 2012 - 07:01 AM, said:

Silly kid. They are not. See Ashe, shes one of the cheapest ones, and she can house anyone if shes built right. See Garen, hes also cheap (and one of the oldest champs) and hes stupidly powerful. Also Tryn, hes cheap, and effing broken in some cases. Jax too, 3150 if i remember right, and he can carry a team.

Please man. LoL is NOT pay to win. If you think it is, then you suck and are mad at the people who are better than you.

Exactly. I've never heard someone call LoL P2W, there are 0 advantages available for sale. IP boosts? Sure, just lowers the overall number of games you have to play, but doesn't give you anything in game, period. Just like someone earlier said, nobody's going to pay for cosmetic upgrades? Welcome to the interwebz, where people love custom crap. You know how many skins I've purchased for my LoL champs? I've paid more in skins then people have paid for the legendary here. Get your head out of your butts and stop making such huge, sweeping judgements.

#53 xxx WreckinBallRaj xxx


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:23 AM

View PostThemo, on 25 June 2012 - 08:09 AM, said:

Posted Image

^ This right here. I will soon be Legendary. For a MechWarrior fan of the past, this is pure gold.

#54 Shadowmant


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:30 AM

I think world of tanks had a pretty good transaction scheme. I hope we see this game have a similiar one.

#55 Glythe


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:31 AM

View PostForceUser, on 25 June 2012 - 07:03 AM, said:

Right now, because of the NDA we have no true facts on weather this game IS P2W right now. We will know at launch if the game is P2W Then. We will have no prrof on weather the game will be P2W IN THE FUTURE until it actually happens IF it happens.

While there is some WoT similarities, I want to stab you in the eye socket every time I hear the word tiers, THERE ARE NO TIERS IN THIS GAME.

No offense but let's get one thing straight......I have no doubt the game will start you off with some small crappy mech if you are playing the free version. Assuming equal skill there's no way you and your 3 friends who bought nothing are going to beat my 3 friends who each bought a different founder mech.

That's kinda pay to win...... BUT over time that advantage will dissipate as eventually the free crowd will be able to afford the same mechs that I have had since day one. Assuming equal play time however they will be at a huge disadvantage: If I play 500-1000 games in an Atlas with premium before you even have enough credits to purchase that mech I will have a long time to grind the elite upgrades. I might even be able to get the mech elite before you ever play it. So the worst case scenario is that when you finally get an Atlas I've been playing mine for 5000 games and have it completely maxed out. Sure you might have the same number of games in different mechs, but you couldn't afford to get the "big" mechs until only a few hundred games ago. If we played the same we will have the same number of pilot unlocks.... but if our skill is equal or very close my Atlas will dominate yours as mine is tweaked just a little better due to the elite chassis system. Let's also not forget if I have played 5000 games in an Atlas I really hope I can kick your butt if you've only played 500 battles in the same mech.

Bigger isn't better... I'm not making that argument. I am merely saying that by buying into the game I guarantee a slight advantage. That isn't why I got it.... I recognize the value of a premium vehicle. I have every tier 10 in world of tanks, 2 tier 8 premiums (one was earned), and several smaller tier I got at half price along with one that I got for free back when I was in the closed beta. I no longer need premium for WoT as I have 16 million in credits, 30+ tank slots and a nice chunk of free xp.

But I digress. This game will have no 'silver bullet' that you can buy from a store with real money to one shot the enemy....and that is completely awesome!

#56 Glythe


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:37 AM

View PostTLBFestus, on 25 June 2012 - 07:52 AM, said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding is that you will be able to buy lots of things for this game, for instance let's say a Guass Rifle. You can buy it, but you need experience to unlock and use it efficiently.

Equipment isn't unlocked by xp... it is unlocked depending if you have a mech that can mount the equipment. I can tell you right now the Atlas can mount the Gauss rifle (unless this game is really messed up) instead of the Autocannon 20. On Day 1 I am guaranteed to have an atlas and enough cash to put one on there if I want. If you are F2P then you might have to grind a week or a month depending on play time to even think about buying an Atlas.

View PostTLBFestus, on 25 June 2012 - 07:52 AM, said:

So, while you might be able to own it early, if you lack the XP, you can't use it yet. This is just me guessing, I'm not professing to be correct. So you can use cash to purchase stuff, but will need game experience, via experience trees, to unlock certain weapons and abilities.
You're thinking pilot modules..... learn more here


or here


View PostTLBFestus, on 25 June 2012 - 07:52 AM, said:

This will be where the difference lies. Two pilots, each using a PPC (for discussions sake). The less experienced one may have slower torso twist, or a less effienct firing mechanism than the more experienced pilot who has unlocked a more efficient PPC through collected XP,not cash.

This part however sounds correct.....

#57 StandingCow


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:40 AM

View PostGlythe, on 25 June 2012 - 08:31 AM, said:

No offense but let's get one thing straight......I have no doubt the game will start you off with some small crappy mech if you are playing the free version. Assuming equal skill there's no way you and your 3 friends who bought nothing are going to beat my 3 friends who each bought a different founder mech.

That's kinda pay to win...... BUT over time that advantage will dissipate as eventually the free crowd will be able to afford the same mechs that I have had since day one. Assuming equal play time however they will be at a huge disadvantage: If I play 500-1000 games in an Atlas with premium before you even have enough credits to purchase that mech I will have a long time to grind the elite upgrades. I might even be able to get the mech elite before you ever play it. So the worst case scenario is that when you finally get an Atlas I've been playing mine for 5000 games and have it completely maxed out. Sure you might have the same number of games in different mechs, but you couldn't afford to get the "big" mechs until only a few hundred games ago. If we played the same we will have the same number of pilot unlocks.... but if our skill is equal or very close my Atlas will dominate yours as mine is tweaked just a little better due to the elite chassis system. Let's also not forget if I have played 5000 games in an Atlas I really hope I can kick your butt if you've only played 500 battles in the same mech.

Bigger isn't better... I'm not making that argument. I am merely saying that by buying into the game I guarantee a slight advantage. That isn't why I got it.... I recognize the value of a premium vehicle. I have every tier 10 in world of tanks, 2 tier 8 premiums (one was earned), and several smaller tier I got at half price along with one that I got for free back when I was in the closed beta. I no longer need premium for WoT as I have 16 million in credits, 30+ tank slots and a nice chunk of free xp.

But I digress. This game will have no 'silver bullet' that you can buy from a store with real money to one shot the enemy....and that is completely awesome!

There is no such thing as a "small crappy mech". As they explained in their videos a light mech is able to go against a heavy just as well as any other mech, the difference would be the light mech would use it's speed and maneuverability rather than a face to face brawl.

Pay to win is when someone can buy something that gives them a distinct advantage over players that didn't pay... such as a weapon that beats anything in game that is free. There is no "sorta" Pay2win... something either is or is not.

Edited by StandingCow, 25 June 2012 - 08:43 AM.

#58 Generic Mistake


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:43 AM

View PostGHQCommander, on 25 June 2012 - 07:06 AM, said:

I still think the game will be pay 2 win in 2-3 years. Nothing in stone not even the developers can promise it won't change.

Also a free 2 play can be pay 2 win, there is no OR

Most games that switch to Pay to win later in the life of the game are for 2 reasons.
A the Devs get greedy *normally end up killing the community with this tho*
B the player base is dying and they want to get a few last $'s out of it before it kicks the bucket

Actually it is a case of OR. When people speak of F2P vs Pay to win, they are referring to F2P as a model that implies no in game advantages to the pay players. The whole argument is that if the game gives exclusive content to those who pay, that is clearly stronger then the free content. I am lover of the F2P model, for myself I see it as a way to play a game and invest based on a scale of how much I enjoy the game. Many free to play games I have not put in a penny, but any that I play for more then 2 months I tend to put some money in. But in every F2P game that goes pay to win, breaks my heart no matter if I am a free player or a paying player. Nexon is one of my favorite examples. In almost everyone of there games they have gear that you can only get via paying which is better then any gear you get by playing the game. DFO is there biggest offender, you actually get a second set of gear that changes how you look but can give stats better then higher level gear in the game. While still wearing your current gear, effectively giving you double the gear stats of every free player.

I think the second you split the player base into paying and not paying, you just cripple both sides. Yes pay to win still allows you to PLAY the game for free. But when people say it they are referring to 2 different categorizes of free to play games. Both are free to play, 1 is no fun.

Edited by Generic Mistake, 25 June 2012 - 08:48 AM.

#59 Perfecto Oviedo


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:47 AM

A medium laser is a medium laser is a medium laser. Skill is skill is skill. Tactics are tactics are tactics. It's not pay to win.

#60 Themo


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Posted 25 June 2012 - 08:49 AM

Rewarding people that invest in the game before its release isn't the same as being able to use a credit card to cut a swathe through your enemies upon release. Some games have done the equivalent of allowing player to use real cash to purchase extra hardpoints, additional tonnage and lostech without limit and i don't think that is going to happen here... more along the lines of rich peeps riding into battle on a hot pink atlas with a mirror-ball, spoilers and a mechtech bobble-head singing "they see me rollin..." i believe heh.

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