Jaroth Corbett, on 15 November 2014 - 01:55 PM, said:
The immense pressure ONE person would be under to coordinate all the different units representing the Clans would be unfair. It would definitely stop this being a game & make it a job.
Then what is the Grand Council there for?

Your compass points to Terra & you wish to get there as fast as you can, I get you however to quote Abraham Lincoln,
We need more intel on CW before we can plan anything in detail.
We need more intel on CW before we can plan anything in detail.
I believe that is right, but sadly, at first at least, we will not have to worry about repair & rearm, rest & refit, stockpiling supplies, jump routes, guerrilla warfare on not yet pacified worlds, etc. So i do not expect many logistic obstacles to the "conquer in a straight line to Terra" doctrine. I will be happy if i am surprised though. Maybe i expect too much?