...but the new Quirked-out Huginn? Wow, just wow!!!
I've got about 120 drops in it, most of them pre-quirk, pre cool-down mod, and mostly dying without scoring kills. Now however, I almost didn't want to post here, because the new ride almost feels like cheating--kind of like it felt after buying the Timberwolf before the tweaks to lasers and JJ loadout. Now, I'm consistently scoring in the top four in damage/points--when I don't do something stupid.
It fires off SRM4s like they were belt-fed, shredding armor in an explosion-filled frenzy. My biggest problem so far has been that I can't tear my seat out to fit more rockets.
It's certainly not for every light pilot, not a sniper, no ECM, poor jumpjets, seriously ammo dependent, you will die one leg at a time.
But, if you like to tuck yourself behind an opposing Assault or anyone with poor torso-twist, and proceed to destroy their will to play, this is a blast!
I've found my other fast, back-stabbing, gunboat-hunter lights are too slow in damage output for my tastes. Or they get too hot. The Huginn tends to allow me to finish off an opponent before getting overly hot and before backup can arrive.
The drawbacks I've found: I simply cannot carry enough ammo to finish the match. I've ripped out great accessories: AMS, BAP, less JJs, reduced armor in the head & arms to minimum safe levels, reduced the MGs+1/2 ton ammo, and even eliminated them entirely, slightly smaller engine (but speed is still life!), and still I run out of ammo. I can't jump like my Spiders, I can't duel (esp vs lights!) like a Jenner, and I can't run up walls and spread damage like my Commandos.
The ease of being legged coupled with ammo-consumption keep me from scoring even more damage and kills. And that's tricky. But, that's far more enjoyable for me than simply feeling you cannot reach the performance levels you need in order to properly contribute to the match. This Mech is now really instrumental in reducing enemy heavy gunboats, rather than only being the best looking Mech on the field.
tl;dr: The Huginn, post quirk+SRM4 cooldown mod is a blast! But, don't use it. Ignore me when I'm behind you. I'm not touching you.