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New Approach On Cw And Pug/solo Players

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Poll: New approach on CW and PUG/solo-players (3 member(s) have cast votes)

Would you like to see the described approach to CW implemented?

  1. Yay - sounds great fun (2 votes [66.67%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 66.67%

  2. Nay - who needs PUG (1 votes [33.33%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 33.33%

  3. May be if... (your suggestion) (0 votes [0.00%])

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#1 Vajrabhairava


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Posted 12 November 2014 - 05:04 AM

A short word in advance:
I am a playing MWO since a 1 year and a bit more and think I am a dedicated player who likes the game all in all very much. Reason for this thread is my wish to distribute something to the community, enhance the playing experience for all and help the single player community (PUG in public matches) to get a bit more integrated into the upcoming CW scheme.

To add dynamic to CW, depth to overall game play and motivation for a greater number of players I would like to suggest the following approach on how CW works practically (and I am conviced that the additional workload/changes to be made by devs/PGI are reasonable and lightly).

As far as I can see my idea is an addition leaving all of the allready worked out CW parts untouched.

If I replicate other threads or things allready worked on/denied by PGI just ignore them and jump to next section:).

Thats said here my two cents:

Assuming we start with Clan invasion battles leaving IS vs IS (faction wars) out for time being (and keep wall of text as short as possible).

= Planets =
In CW each planet has a fixed set (type), number (#x) and order (of appearence) of maps according to size. Maps have same planetary stats (for sake of contigency). Maps could be a mix of "similiar"/matching maps (i.e. crimson straight+river city+mining collective, therma+tourmaline, etc.pp.).

= Campaigns =
Battles for conquering a specific planet take place in the fixed set (map set of specific planet) summarized under the title "campaign + planet name". Match modes change (fixed or randomly). To take over a planet attacker has to win campaign, means has to win consecutively on all maps of the set.

= Match selection / CW option =
CW gets a choosable option in "match type selection". CW option overrides selected match type mechanism.

= Groups =
If groups choose CW-option:
The groups choose a campaign (planet). Clans can choose capturing planets bordering clan territory or defending allready captured planets against IS counter attacks, IS can choose defending in conquering campaigns or try recapturing campaigns against allready conquered planet. This secures core clan territory for time beeing and an ongoing invasion drive of clans into IS territories.
Groups keep on with a campaign till they quit playing on a specific date.
Groups get respawns in matches, respawn renews for every new match of a campaign.
If campaign is successful the conquered planet belongs to the faction(clan) of that group and is owned by the specific group winning the campaign.
Groups get steady income for owned planets into unit coffer. Players receive campaign achievement (Planet X campaign won) + single bonus reward.

Loyalty-Points are awarded for every match (win or loss) of a campaign. Bonus for winning campaign.

= PUG/solo players =
If PUG choose CW-option:
PUGs get assigned to campaigns randomly. As thumb rule clan players get assigned to conquering campaigns, IS players to defending those planets with reconquering clan planets as rare exception.
There is no (regular, see "options") respawn in PUG matches. Players winning a match (dead or alive) or surviving (alive) while getting defeated in a match continue the same campaign in the next match. All others (loosing side and dead) get a random new assignment for the next match.
If IS wins a campaign the planet stays with the faction that owned it before the campaign.
If clan wins a campaign nearest clan territory absorbs planet into its boundaries taking over ownership of it.
All winning players of a campaign get campaign achievement (Planet X campaign won) + single bonus reward.
Mercenaries/lone wolfs choose side of campaign by selection of mech type, i.e. a merc/lw piloting a clan mech fights on side of the clans, piloting an IS mech means fighting on IS side.

Loyalty-Points are awarded for (x wins, y losses)# of matches consecutively played for IS or Clan. Big bonus for winning a campaign.

On campaign progress:
To conquer a planet you have to win consecutively on all maps of the fixed set of maps (of that planet). If defender wins a match attack is halted. That means the conquering force has to fight on the same map again to advance the campaign. If it is again a loss for the attacking force the defender drove them back. That means the following (now 3rd consecutive) match starts on the last map the attacker won prior in the campaign.
If a defending group wins the first two matches of a campaign, according to above stated both on the same map which would be the 1st of fixed set of maps, the planetary invasion is repelled before it really begun and the defenders denied invading forces to gain a foothold on the contested planet.
If a campaign is won by the defenders in this way a new campaign against the same planet has to be started.
There could and should be extra bonus rewards (and loyality points) for
a) driving of an invasion that successfully started to conquer a planet (won a few matches)
b) denying invasion foothold from the beginning (defenders win first two matches). Bonuses for the later should be impressivly higher.

On CW Pre-match screen:
Beside info about match type the campaign name (including contested planet´s name) is displayed. Planetary info box displays not map specific stats but planet specific stats. These are more or less equal for all maps of a fixed set of maps of a campaign.

PUG can buy respawns for MC. Price per respawn should be reasonable low (say 5 to 15 MC) with disscount on respawn packages (i.e. if one respawn is sold for 10 MC you can get 20 respawns for 150 MC).
Spawn and respawn locations in CW could be modified / changed in the area of the def/att side.

So first thank you for reading and second your earnest consideration of it. I am looking forward to your thoughts and comments.

Greetings Vajrabhairava

Edited by Vajrabhairava, 12 November 2014 - 05:07 AM.

#2 The Massive


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 02:29 AM

I think you need to watch Dev Vlog #9

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