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Clan Confusion

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#1 UnsacredTko


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 02:34 AM

Hello Everyone, I recently joined a clan but the clan leader who i will remain nameless said that they would help train me and see which mech i would fit into. After the 1st week of playing an assault mech they said i wasn`t good at it and to pick another mech so i selected a Light scouting mech. which i was really enjoying playing which my clan leader even commented on how good i was getting then it came time mastery the mech which is the spider mech.i had purchased the spider 5 k as my second mech and my clan leader started saying that i and i quote this person "i absolutely suck at scouting ". Because i was spotting targets like i should and harrassing targets like i should but because they took me into a 1 on 1 match against an atlas d dc and told me to kill it or take down to more than half of it`s life Which i couldn`t.

My question is what should i do they want me to try out the medium mechs to become dfs whatever that mean but i really like scouting i am good at it Should i quit this clan or stick it out?

Edited by UnsacredTko, 13 November 2014 - 02:46 AM.

#2 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 02:38 AM

You should look for a new "clan".

(also, Cicada 3M is a great scouting 'mech, and it's medium.)

Edited by LOADED, 16 November 2014 - 08:18 AM.

#3 Kain


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 02:41 AM

You should definitely look for a new "clan".

#4 SilentScreamer


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 03:11 AM

If you aren't enjoying time with the clan tell your clan leader first. Maybe they have a less competitive group where there is more focus on each pilot having fun then winning at all costs?

You said you knew they were focused on training. The thing about training is you get trained to fufill what role the group needs, not always what you want individually.

#5 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 04:50 AM

As others have said, definately explain the problems to the unit leader then if things do not change look for a diferant unit.

For the record Spider vs Atlas the Spider has a good chance if the pilots are of equal skill and the map does not favor the Atlas, and both mechs are at the same point in their skill trees however as they may have put you up against a veteran D-DC pilot, in an elited D-DC while you are a novice Spider pilot without the Elite skills it was probabaly not a fair match

your failing to kill a Atlas in a Spider in no way makes you a bad scout it mearly meand you are not yet an experinced combat light pilot, Late game the 5k is a killing machine, removing any unarmored componants with the 4 MGs but it is not great for attacking fresh enemy mechs.

your best chance to take a fresh Atlas 1 on 1 would be to get behind the Atlas and stay behind it, while taking out the rear armor with all your weapons as soon as it is open the MGs are very good against the unarmored torsos.

Edited by Rogue Jedi, 13 November 2014 - 05:20 AM.

#6 Dormax


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 04:54 AM

I'd concur with the group.... There are tons of people and merc units to play with - or none at all. Personally, I'm running solo at the moment.

Try talking to your clan leader. If that doesn't resolve the problem, don't hesitate to leave and join another group.

On the same note, not all groups are equal. I've been tracking the skill levels of some of the merc units I've run into during group PUG matches. some of them have been awesome... some have been really terrible - both as players and as ambassadors of teamwork/social skills.

Bottom line... if you're not happy.. keep looking.

#7 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 06:04 AM

1st, understand that there is not a single leader for any of the canon Clans nor Houses. There are commanding officers of player created units that are affiliated with said Clan or House and Merc units.

I say it this way so that if you are in a Clan Wolf/Jade Falcon/etc unit and want to stay with said Clan but the trainer/officer is not willing to work with you, resign and look at other Clan units. Each unit, even under a specific Clan, will tend to have a different flavor than the next unit.

#8 KuroNyra


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 06:22 AM

View PostTarl Cabot, on 13 November 2014 - 06:04 AM, said:

1st, understand that there is not a single leader for any of the canon Clans nor Houses. There are commanding officers of player created units that are affiliated with said Clan or House and Merc units.

I say it this way so that if you are in a Clan Wolf/Jade Falcon/etc unit and want to stay with said Clan but the trainer/officer is not willing to work with you, resign and look at other Clan units. Each unit, even under a specific Clan, will tend to have a different flavor than the next unit.

For example.
Clan Wolf Alpha galaxy and Delta Galaxy are from the same Clan. But do not have the same expectation nor the same leaders.

The Clans are a whole faction. But there is no "leader" of the Clans.
There is just the different units under the flag of the clans. But theses are "just" units. ;)

Personatly, I have affiliated myselft with the Wolf Clan. Yet I am in no unit.
It means. I don't have leader except myself. :3

And if. I want to join a unit. I'll have the choice and won't be "forced".

Edited by KuroNyra, 13 November 2014 - 06:24 AM.

#9 Airox


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 06:58 AM

Not sure how long you've been playing, but no one is good right off the bat. It takes time and practice. I'm in a solid competitive team, but when I started I was happy to get 0 kills and 100 damage.

You say you enjoy the light mech. Find other similar mechs and play those. This will help you get better at a role you enjoy and get a deeper pool of mech options. (Good choices being ravens and firestarters.)

Recognize what you do well, and pursue that. Recognize what you don't do well, and practice that. Hopefully your leader will help with this. Hopefully. I will say that at least he's being honest. I've seen some terrible pilots be told they were good. That's just asking for trouble.

#10 IraqiWalker


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 07:10 AM

View PostUnsacredTko, on 13 November 2014 - 02:34 AM, said:

Hello Everyone, I recently joined a clan but the clan leader who i will remain nameless said that they would help train me and see which mech i would fit into. After the 1st week of playing an assault mech they said i wasn`t good at it and to pick another mech so i selected a Light scouting mech. which i was really enjoying playing which my clan leader even commented on how good i was getting then it came time mastery the mech which is the spider mech.i had purchased the spider 5 k as my second mech and my clan leader started saying that i and i quote this person "i absolutely suck at scouting ". Because i was spotting targets like i should and harrassing targets like i should but because they took me into a 1 on 1 match against an atlas d dc and told me to kill it or take down to more than half of it`s life Which i couldn`t.

My question is what should i do they want me to try out the medium mechs to become dfs whatever that mean but i really like scouting i am good at it Should i quit this clan or stick it out?

Doesn't even need a second to think, look for a new clan. I know for a fact there are dozens of really good units out there who would be glad to have you. Shameless plug in, PM me if you want to join one.

View PostTarl Cabot, on 13 November 2014 - 06:04 AM, said:

1st, understand that there is not a single leader for any of the canon Clans nor Houses. There are commanding officers of player created units that are affiliated with said Clan or House and Merc units.

I say it this way so that if you are in a Clan Wolf/Jade Falcon/etc unit and want to stay with said Clan but the trainer/officer is not willing to work with you, resign and look at other Clan units. Each unit, even under a specific Clan, will tend to have a different flavor than the next unit.

OP is talking about the unit leader. Though we call them units, 99% of the rest of the world call gaming groups like that "clans"

#11 Jody Von Jedi


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 07:15 AM

I recommend you try a different unit (clan). This is a game and meant to be fun, not forced to play something you don't want to play.

I can see a unit leader asking you to drop in a light or medium to save weight for something like the group challenge last weekend, but to say you can or can't play a certain weight class is not right.

You know, you don't have to even join a Unit if you don't want to. When CW hits, your "Faction" allegiance will be enough to get you involved in CW.

#12 Magos Titanicus


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 07:51 AM

View PostUnsacredTko, on 13 November 2014 - 02:34 AM, said:

Hello Everyone, I recently joined a clan but the clan leader who i will remain nameless said that they would help train me and see which mech i would fit into. After the 1st week of playing an assault mech they said i wasn`t good at it and to pick another mech so i selected a Light scouting mech. which i was really enjoying playing which my clan leader even commented on how good i was getting then it came time mastery the mech which is the spider mech.i had purchased the spider 5 k as my second mech and my clan leader started saying that i and i quote this person "i absolutely suck at scouting ". Because i was spotting targets like i should and harrassing targets like i should but because they took me into a 1 on 1 match against an atlas d dc and told me to kill it or take down to more than half of it`s life Which i couldn`t.

My question is what should i do they want me to try out the medium mechs to become dfs whatever that mean but i really like scouting i am good at it Should i quit this clan or stick it out?

You are a begginer and the learning curve for this game is really pretty steep . So after a few tryouts with non-mastered-mechs nobody can give a sound judgement about ones skills. just keep playing and enjoying the game and head on to the next clan.

Just a suggestion for you. I'm not in this clan http://mwomercs.com/...uard-of-arluna/ but what i've read thus far sounds fair and kind to me. maybe you should give them a chance

Edited by Magos Titanicus, 13 November 2014 - 07:55 AM.

#13 SteelGuardian


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 10:04 AM

For one get out of your 25 battles then worry about a clan as for the whole being train as a light i have had the same problem.
they tell you your good and getting better then they Say you suck To that i say it`s a waste of time and c-bills play what you want if the clan can`t use you look for a new one.

More than likely i will be looking for a new clan as well

#14 UnsacredTko


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 10:07 AM

Thanks for the reply's guy/gals i will have a nice talk with my clan leader and then leave if he doesn`t need a scout or wants to train one

#15 dragnier1


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 03:57 AM

There's also a chance your "leader" is attempting to egg you on to improve. Be diplomatic with you chat with him, see how it goes then decide your course of action.

#16 Tim East


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 08:59 AM

Pure solo player, self-taught through trial and error and error and error after error. While it is entirely true that an Atlas should not be too much of a challenge for a light 1v1, expecting you to just jump into that instantaneously is not so reasonable an expectation. Practice is the source of perfection, or so they say; I know I'm nowhere near perfect yet, and the first time trying something is inherently the time one has had the least practice at it. Ergo, I'm not so certain that the people training you are doing so differently than you would train yourself were you alone, except they've apparently added insults onto the more traditional regimen of "observe, act, observe, adjust" you normally see in brute-force learning. Depending on your psychological inclinations, this can be counterproductive.

If you find that the whole drill sergeant routine works for you, great, but if not, you might take these others up on their idea of getting a new clan or even going solo. I do well enough on my own to feel fairly good about my game. It's all about setting personal goals, like score 300 damage a game minimum, or get 6 meaningful assists including component destruction. I can't tell you what you SHOULD do, since that would imply some kind of moral or logical imperative dictating that one decision is inherently better than another when this ultimately boils down to a matter of preference on your part. I know what *I* would do, and that's leave to play what I enjoy and get to mediums when I get to mediums, but that's because I don't like to be told what to do. What you do is up to you, and I wish you good fortune with whatever decision you elect to make, Mechwarrior. See you on the field of battle.

#17 Vlad Striker


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 10:20 AM

Nobody expect high damage from light mech. If you do this dueling you are top gun. But first of all make recon, spotting actions and long-range support. For this purpose use range module, BAP, targeting computer (clan mech), ECM. You may use anti-missle set but it is not necessary if you have ECM. Information = >50% chance to success on battlefield.

#18 Inveramsay


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 10:47 AM

Spider 5D is the spider you want to have out of the lot.

By all means, try a medium, one of the shadowhawks would be a great place to start and not too many cbills. The hunchbacks would be good as well.

As for taking down a fresh atlas, it is doable but not easy, especially in an undergunned mech like the 5K. It will essentially boil down to being behind the atlas constantly as a single AC20 round to your back or leg is the end for you. The DDC is one of the most powerful mechs in the game but lumbering, use your advantage which is speed and manoeuvrability.

#19 TercieI


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 11:02 AM

Only hearing one side of the story, but sounds like you fell in with douches. Lots of friendly, helpful units out there, no reason to put up with that.

#20 Koniving

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Posted 14 November 2014 - 12:53 PM

I think you jumped in with a group just a bit too early. Also you might get used to calling them guilds, groups, units, what-have-you as the term Clan and the term 'clan' are entirely different things.

The Clans are a group of factions that are cloned, vat-produced descendents of the former Star League Defense Force bent on retaking the Earth and the entire Inner Sphere for various and differing reasons.

A "clan" is a word with no meaning here, aside from the usual internet lingo of "guild, group, random bunch of people, etc."

Good luck.

Edited by Koniving, 14 November 2014 - 12:53 PM.

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