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Tabletop Question By A Beginner

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#1 Monroe the Pinhead


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 09:56 PM


Before the question i just want to say i hope im asking this this in the right place if not, sorry. anyways,
i have just gotten the Battletech Intr. Box and have gotten down the quick start guide rules and have practiced the green training scenario A LOT with the hunchback and enforcer mechs. That being said those were the only two mechs i used, now im starting on the intro rule book rules and other mechs. so far im getting it down but there is one stat/abbreviation (i guess) i cant understand, its probably obvious but i cant see it anywhere in the book. its for the HER-5SA Hermes II and its ultra ac/5's Damage table. it's
R2 (R/C)
i understand what R2 means but what is (R/C)? is it the formula for calculating how much ammo was used or where the cluster hit location? Also how would i use this in a game? An example would be AWESOME.
please help me understand this so i can keep learning how to play.
i feel kind of stupid asking this question as it seems something easily grasped in the rule book
Thanks A Pinhead

found a link. http://www.darkagepr...kStartRules.pdf
page 14 if it helps any.

#2 LoPanShui


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 12:23 AM

It means "Rapid, Cluster" to let you know to use the Rapid Fire rules and the Cluster Table to determine how many shots hit. To help you out, here's a list.

AE: Area Effect
C: Cluster
DE: Direct Energy
DB: Direct Ballistic
H: Heat Causing
M: Missile
R: Rapid Firing
V: Variable Damage
AI: Anti-Infantry
OS: One Shot
P: Pulse
**: Point-Blank
E: Electronics
CE: Counter Electronics
T: Targeting System
S: Switchable Ammo Supply
PE: Performance Enhancement
F: Flak
X: Explosive

#3 Danghen Woolf


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 12:35 PM

#1. Welcome to the world of amazing mech battles
#2. What LoPan said
#3. Welcome to the world of amazing mech battles
#4. Learn about the Bell Curve
#5. Fire = bad, unless used on bad guys

#4 Monroe the Pinhead


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Posted 20 November 2014 - 12:25 PM

Ah ok, that makes sense. Thanks for the list to! Now to learn about the Bell Curve.
A Pinhead

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