Bit cluttered but that's ok.
Yeah harasser might be better fit as scouts are more speedy (i.e. SDR-5V, etc) and just spot enemies. Highlander is sorta more brawler (skirmisher in my opinion are longer ranged, and due to the low slung hardpoints it's more of a brawler). Banshee, Blackjack, Treb, yeah you are correct.
For weapon groups at least I mean by the split of em, not necessarily which buttons to push but what weapons should be in groups and which should be in another group. So for example STK should group ML together and chain fire LRMs instead rather than separate MLs, making it harder to use to some extent.
Edit: Kit Fox is an a-ok, totally runable. Good support mech.
Mist Lynx Prime... is at best equal to a stock locust. I'm not sure if I can stick with that statement either. It's a true hardcore new player experience if a new player uses it.
Stormcrow is very strong, but a bit hot. Very good all in all.
Ice Ferret isn't quite super super strong, but works as a sniper and can do some work (similar to Kit Fox but faster and without anti missile stuff).
Hellbringer is insanely hot as a sniper/support, but works as is. Maybe one can try to use it as a pure brawler with torso weapons only until near death then the PPCs.
Mad Dog is neat but hot, only fire the Pulses when under supreme fire.
Gargoyle is actually a-ok, not as bad as I've heard. It can have a good shotgun effect and brawl well enough.
Dire Wolf B is again hot, but has lots of ACs. Use ACs mostly then in emergencies use PPCs/lasers.
All I have today, can't truly write a long report on em yet. Maybe by the end of this week sometime. Thanks all to your support on this thread though.
Edited by luxebo, 03 March 2015 - 10:24 PM.