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Mechbay Background

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Poll: Mechbay bacground (75 member(s) have cast votes)

Do we want new stuff in background of mechbay?

  1. Yes, I want it juicy (58 votes [77.33%])

    Percentage of vote: 77.33%

  2. No, let it be (3 votes [4.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.00%

  3. Maybe few things (14 votes [18.67%])

    Percentage of vote: 18.67%

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#1 XtrimeZ


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 02:39 PM

So I started this thread to see how mechwarriors see the future for background of machbay.
For me I want to see more life in it.

  • workers walking around fixing stuff;
  • pilots getting ready for mission;
  • more particles at background;
  • bird flying around that was picked up from random planet by accident;
  • some other mech been drop off from mechbay;
  • etc.
Does anybody else have a good suggestion or more examples for this kind of idea?

Pics would be awesome.

#2 Koniving

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Posted 21 November 2014 - 03:26 PM

Just to mention it... There is a technician model in the game's files. He has been there since closed beta.
.....He NEVER made it to the actual Mechwarrior level, but if he did he would be the guy making sparks in the left-hand corner of the old interface.
Posted Image
See the sparks on the scaffolding?
That's where he is supposed to be.

Bird would be an interesting little thing to see. Or other trinkets, like the Urbanmech "Classymech" figure scampering around Claptrap style.

I would certainly have liked "going from one mechbay to the next" over "your mech suddenly disappears and a new one appears".
Various images that come to mind.

Just some thoughts.

#3 Kalimaster


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Posted 21 November 2014 - 03:50 PM

Perhaps even items we could have, allowing us to customize our Mech Bays

#4 XtrimeZ


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Posted 22 November 2014 - 04:23 AM

I think many players are lost in sense of scale in this game. That one pilot next to mech would make a big difference.

#5 XtrimeZ


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Posted 22 November 2014 - 04:43 AM

How about switching rooms when you pick skill tab? (maybe in far future of game)
In this case you would switch to your office.
Posted Image

#6 Catalinasgrace


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Posted 01 December 2014 - 11:04 AM

Since we are getting closer to CW one idea could be to show the 4 mechs or last 4 that you have ran in game in the mechbay area.

Say instead of a front on view, show a view sort of from the front/side view where you can see down the mechbay. Showing all 4 mechs that you have chosen last. Make it look alive with scale, people walking around doing something.

I am all for this idea!!!!

#7 DaFurryFury


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Posted 01 December 2014 - 01:08 PM

Agree with all of the above.

I would love to see my 4 more recently played mech in a dropship or something. I love just being able to look at all the pretty things, but at the same time it sucks when your video card barely plays the game and something like that would only increase the load time of the mechlab. haha

I liked the little people running around on the ground in MW4 and there was often the little scale person to the right of each mech so you can see at least how tall it stands.

There are a lot of visual changes (suggestions) I would make to MWO that I think really bring out immersion in a video game. (which is arguably the most valuable game construction concept in a video game)

#8 Omi_


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 01:25 AM

I think it would be rewarding to have all the dynamic stuff in the mechlab increase depending on the size of the pre-made group that you're in, or if you're playing in CW. That way, playing with other players feels more lively while you're configuring your mechs while on teamspeak, etc.

Edited by Hornsby, 03 December 2014 - 01:26 AM.

#9 ShootterMcGavin


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 01:26 AM

Another idea, is to introduce a group tab which gives you more detailed information on friend's mechs. Showing which Mech group members ready up with, and allowing you to see their custom camo, etc. as well as basic mech info; FP, heat index, etc. Have the backdrop be in the theme a hangerbay of a drop ship as if your lance is about to be sent into action.

#10 9erRed


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 02:26 AM

Greetings all,

Considering that the next mode of play will be 'Invasion', and there is an operating DropShip.
- PGI will probably upgrade or enhance the Mechbay we have now as they need to build some of the models interior for the in-game use.
- This may trickle over to the static Ui Mechbay.
- There is also additional work being done on bringing in a form of 'smurfy' to this same location, so again, possibly new eye candy.

We have had the model of the Mechanic as long as the game has been out, but both it and the Pilot are not complete figures.
- Both would need complete textures and rigging done to have any use, and changing the Mechbay to more than a still background is something that PGI does not have the time or resources for, yet.


#11 Trashhead


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Posted 07 December 2014 - 10:43 AM


Also, when creating a camo for my mechs, i would like an option to choose my background to an example of a certain map.
This way i could see how well a camo will work on a certain map.

#12 Fat Jack Murphy


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Posted 09 May 2015 - 02:23 PM

i rather have the devs spend time on stuff that matters to gameplay then eye-candy.

#13 Burktross


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 07:46 AM

View PostFat Jack Murphy, on 09 May 2015 - 02:23 PM, said:

i rather have the devs spend time on stuff that matters to gameplay then eye-candy.

Little things count-- they all add up to one important feature of gaming: Suspension of disbelief.
More immersions, more suspension.

#14 Mordric


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 05:05 PM

How of a system can run this game? Mine is about two years old and it still runs the game pretty fair. Would be nicer if I had a faster system that was newer but it's not an option right now. And the game still runs at 45-50fps on nvida 560m with 1gig vid-mem and 12 system. I7 core

#15 50 50


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 05:09 PM

Little things like this do add to the game.

If you really wanted to go all out, you would have the ability to wander around as your pilot in your mechbay. Use the gantries and terminals.
Throw in a few NPCs to give it a bit of life, have a few things going on in the background.
You could access various functions by talking to them and using objects in the room and mechbay.
Click on them to open a menu etc

Doesn't change the matches or any of the functionality there and it really is fluff, but a bit of immersion like that is good fun.
Consider the hangers in Star Citizen as the example.
It may also be a way to introduce some other objects like the cockpit items. Maybe the NPCs are some of the objects you can add.

Could really thrown in a lot of content when you start thinking down this line.

Edited by 50 50, 10 May 2015 - 05:10 PM.

#16 Will9761


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 09:41 PM

I want to see this happen, it would great to see little things like this make the game interesting.

I would also like to hear minor sounds in the background like technicians working on repairs or people taking just like in MW2:Mercenaries.

Edited by Will9761, 10 May 2015 - 09:57 PM.

#17 Zeoraimer


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 05:03 AM

Some pilot/mechwarrior falling out of his cockpit...

#18 BulletChief


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Posted 23 July 2016 - 12:44 AM

this still needs to be a thing!

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