Shuffled 10 Resistance chassis (including KGC and UM) to account for latest Hero mech releases. Most, now have all the requisite pieces for a Mastery Pack/Bundle, except for the Black Knight and Urbanmech (which need Champions).
Added the Civil War chassis under "What the Remaining Chassis Need ... ."Cougar, Uziel, Mad Cat Mk II (that seems so weird to type), and Annihilator all need Champions.
The list of chassis with no hero has shrunk to the Clan Invasion Wave 2 and 3 chassis, and the Origins (that's the IIC pack) chassis. Everything else either was introduced with a hero, or has had one created since. Only a handful of those not-yet-heroic chassis lacks a Champion (IFR, MDD, GAR; edit: also EXC, was sure it had one, was also wrong).
Happy mechin' folks.
Edited by Virlutris, 15 March 2017 - 08:13 PM.