Joe3142, on 06 December 2014 - 06:31 PM, said:

Looking good...though (and IDK how to explain this in techno speak, lol) the torso looks a little stretched and tall.... it should probably squashed about 10-15%----
But is looking very good regardless.
In fact, playing in GIMP -.........
The "head dome", and arms are fine, as are the legs, from the front view but the "torso" could be reduced 15% in height (possibly even 3-5% more)
and from the side view, the legs are not thick enough, I increased them to 135% in GIMP
and at that point you would be near perfect proportions.
(I have NO idea how difficult that is to do, though......
Actually, just
redid the torso (in gimp on my screen) and reduced the torso height
20% and it's about perfect.
and by torso, I mean from the top of the pushbars, to the "waist", not the head dome.
In either instance, might about 2/3 of the ladder rungs, though since the
entry hatch is in the rear, they would probably be on the back, anyhow.
Edited by Bishop Steiner, 07 December 2014 - 08:04 AM.