Time is the real cost.
I like what Extra Credit says about making "F2P" better: "The game should be fun to spend money on".
What they missed was that the game should be fun to spend TIME on.
When the time spent on a game approaches that of a half-time job, that should be the cutoff point.
MWO has reached that point. To advance in the quality of skills, and the race for content, you are spending too much time on this game. The weekend events demonstrate this clearly.
Are there games that have markets for pro-level skills? Certainly.
Are there markets for games that have content that is more expensive than a casual player would wish to spend than on an AAA title? Certainly.
MWO has both of these attributes. And, MWO is becoming less fun to play, for me.
And, I do not think I am alone. PGI has more to worry about on 16 DEC 2014 than releasing CW. It had better be a blockbuster, because more things than CW are competing for a paying audience's attention.
Like my date coming up on Saturday...