The basic concept of games is just that.. it's a game. Some gamers are more dedicated to games than others. You're correct about how you aren't alone on the fact that some games start feeling like hard(er) work than they are fun but at the same time.. effortless games get boring real quick compared to the ones you have to put effort into.
I enjoy Mechwarrior Online because it gives me goals to work toward to make my experience better in the game and allow to make myself more useful in the field instead of joining a battle.. trying to deal a lot of damage (or get at least get a kill) before getting killed and joining another battle to repeat the process. Mechwarrior Online is one of the very few online games I've played that does not make me feel that I absolutely MUST pay real money into it to get anywhere in the game or be more of a worthy competitor in the field.
If you feel that your "free" time isn't worth spent here with us, I apologize that you feel that way but I for one don't feel that way even in the slightest when it comes to spending my free time here with the other members of Mechwarrior Online. If I could spend money toward this game to get the items that only one who spends money can get then I would but I have other things that take higher priority of which I'll take care of first. (Gas in my car, food in the fridge/on the table/in my belly, clothes on my back, hygiene products, utility bills, etc) When I finally get enough spare money to dedicate/donate then I will.
As for your concern over whether or not they missed the point of making the game fun to play.. You couldn't be further from the truth. The moderators here for Mechwarrior Online have dedicated their time and efforts into making the game more enjoyable to spend our free time in. They even participate in battles in the field with us and invite us to add them to our friendlist (which I have yet to do but I'm lazy like that). They review questions and concerns over details of the game that should or could be fixed to iron out glitches that we may stumble upon, some are game-changing (like falling through or getting stuck on certain parts of the map) and others are purely cosmetic ("Why the hell does my autocannon look like a machine gun?") Sure it may take time for them to get to the problem presented to them but they do their best to try repairing those glitches so the problems go away until the next glitch is stumbled upon.
As to your last statement
"PGI has more to worry about on 16 DEC 2014 than
releasing CW. It had better be a blockbuster, because more things than CW are competing for a paying audience's attention.
Like my date coming up on Saturday...
you give me the impression that no matter what anyone does.. you'll ALWAYS feel that something more could be done and I kind of feel sorry for anyone who tries their best to earn your approval as it seems no matter what they do they may never achieve it 'cause you are never happy nor satisfied with what you come across and/or expect in life.
This is only a suggestion.. but maybe you should dial it back a bit and be more appreciative for what others do when they provide entertaining things to do with our free time instead of soiling on all that is shiny.