Felt like 2xSRM6s was not enough for a SRM brawler, even with quirks. Symmetrical loadout on a Hunchy also felt dirty.
Was taking a break for the last (few?) quirk changes, thought I'd go over the variants to see what is what. Noticed they had toned down a bit the weapon quirks for all of them, fair enough. Looked at the HBK-4SP in store and:
Nice, structure quirks on both torsos. Makes sense seeing as it is symetrical. Notices other variants have little bit structure, but also some armour. All's good
Eh... Hunchback arms aren't bullet magnets at the best of times, seems unnecessary, but whatever bonus hitpoints are bonus hitpoints
Woah, now that seems overkill. Being legged is also generally rare in a Hunchy at glorious filthy-casual-Tier 3, but for the times when someone does go for it, that is a hefty boost to survivability. Plus I like putting ammo in my legs.
Gusy, stahp. +32 structure in CT? What? sure it's a brawling mech, but it doesn't need that much face time. It's not an quad AC5 brawling mech (if that's even a thing? Someone should make that a thing).
Let's just give it Locust-like manoeuvrability. Annnnd than make it so it can look all the way around to it's own butt. Instantly. Oh and some weapon quirks to round it off.
So I done bought me a HBK-4SP again.
Why... why would this mech ever need this kind of attention. It was an OK mech before, nothing great, but not really that bad. Never was going to be Meta Tier 1, or even Tier 2,but that's ok. Not every mech needs to be!

Please, in the future, please use less knee-jerk reaction to balancing mechs.
I'm happy feeling quiet tanky in this now, reliving a love I didn't know I had for SRMs. Will play it for a while, than park it.
Until MRM40 comes out.
And than.....