Savage Wolf, on 02 December 2014 - 07:50 AM, said:
I cannot choose not to see something that I do not know not to look at. I can choose not to keep looking at it, but I cannot choose not to look before knowing it's there. That is simply not possible. And if I get offended by seeing something, I will get offended no matter how long I look at it. It's knowing it's there that offends.
Sure you can! If you can't handle the risk of potentially seeing a cockpit flag you dislike, just disco from the match instead of spectating. Your emotional state is left relatively intact, minus whatever damage it suffered after you got killed in match.
As far as offense goes, each person consciously chooses whether or not they will take offense at something. I bet there have been multiple cases in your life where someone did something you took offense at, but which you chose to forgive or ignore. I know I have.
Savage Wolf, on 02 December 2014 - 07:50 AM, said:
And I told you it was an extreme example, but that doesn't make it a bad one. Because certain flags or items are only offensive or repulsive to some, but a dead baby is to most and so I was hoping that would also count you, so you could see the effect such an item has.
So the real question is, if I had a dead baby in my cockpit, would you be unphased by it when you saw it because you could simply switch to another cockpit?
I should hope that a dead baby would be offensive to everyone.
The only flags I can think of that I significantly dislike are the {Godwin's Law}, Russian, Chinese, and Iranian Flags. The {Godwin's Law} were eliminated so that's not an issue. I may not like the Russian, Chinese, or Iranian flags, but if I see them in game then I have the option of ignoring them or choosing not to take offense. I may harbor a significant dislike for those flags and countries, but the people putting them in their cockpit value them. I can't know the reason why they place such value on their flags, but it is up to me as to whether or not I will allow such images to ruin my day. Considering that I already have to put up with significantly more profanity and vulgarity in-game than I find suitable, a cockpit flag is a relatively minor annoyance to me and hardly worth consideration in-game.
They are still a far-cry from a dead baby though. I'm still calling bad example on that one.
Savage Wolf, on 02 December 2014 - 07:50 AM, said:
And also there is the problem where there is only the offensive cockpit left alive on your team, then you have no choice except to be forced to quit the match that you probably wanted to see the end of.
You could always disco. Nobody's holding you in the match against your will.
...Or, if it's really that traumatic for you and you absolutely refuse to disco, then cover your sensitive little eyes with your hands (no peeking between your fingers!) until you hear the victory/loss music playing, heralding the end of the round.