Hello everyone, I was going to make a post in the hiring hall but then I realised only the truly desperate MWO groups would ever read it so I don't want to be associated with the plebs who post in it.
I've played off and on since late closed beta, quitting most recently when 12 person groups and ghost heat were added(I think it was the same patch, and was over a year ago at this point?). I've always been above average to fantastic at just about everything(sniping, brawling, light mechs), and while I've had some severe teething issues getting back into the game, I'm quickly becoming just as good as I used to be, although I am pretty bad about torso twisting and making use of more than 2 weapon groups.
My archived stats, embarassing and bad:

These are just from the most recent period in which I played the game, something like May 2013 to whenever 12 person groups and ghost heat and gauss charging were implemented.
My current stats:

More embarassing and bad than the archived ones, although they're perhaps a little front-loaded on the bad side and a pretty small sample size. However, I currently have almost two and a half kills and 475 damage per round on average with the firestarter I like most, which is really what I'm banking on here since nothing else looks impressive currently(although since I realised how to play it my KDR in the dire wolves has risen from below .5 to where it currently stands).
I'm looking for a competitive group that isn't filled with misogynistic and/or racist and/or homophobic white nerds. I am nearly completely out of the loop as far as the meta goes, but as far as I can tell the best mechs in the games are clan mechs that just use er large, large pulse, and er medium lasers, and maybe some gauss rifles. The only real competitive experience I have is I led a team for the Word of Lowtax during Run Hot or Die in December~ 2012 made up of a semirandom assortment of mostly incompetent players to victory against a group that seemed fairly tryhardy named Paragon, which I'm assuming has long since died off like most competitive groups.
My sense of humour ranges from self deprecating to semi ironic narcissism.
I currently casually play with(and will likely continue playing with) the remnants of the vaguely competitive group I used to be a part of, but there aren't(and never will be) enough of them to actually do any sort of CW/competitive stuff.
edit: I forgot to say that I'm an NA player who works 50-70 hours a week so I'm not exactly available 24/7.
Edited by moderatepudding, 03 December 2014 - 08:21 PM.