Freelance News Report - What Is Happening Out There?
Posted 04 December 2014 - 02:23 PM
Federated Commonwealth
December 5th 3049
For months rumours of a marauding army from beyond the Periphery has been circulating in the back rooms and bars of many Inner Sphere outlying worlds. Stories from bedraggled refugees of huge armoured soldiers, unrecognised BattleMechs and almost completely outmatched defenders have been giving the locals restless nights.
With little word of confirmation or denial from official channels, that rumour mill has been running riot. Some have told that these invaders are an alien life form, intent on the destruction of the Inner Sphere. While others have asked if this is the vaunted SLDF returned to enact vengeance on the House Lords for their abandonment of the Star League so many years ago. Whatever the truth is, one thing is certain; a vast area of space covering the Greater Valkyrate, Oberon Confederation and Elysian Fields has gone quiet. More than twenty worlds, some of the most lawless and dangerous of known colonised planets have simply dropped off the grid.
No ship that has gone out has returned in almost three months and the planetary governments of border worlds have started to snap up Mercenary commands to bolster their defences. The armies of the Federated Suns, Draconis Combine and Rasalhague Republic all seem to be gearing upto fight and tension levels appear to be at an all time high.
What we all must be wondering by now is; when will the invasion come to us?
Tamer Peterson,
From Bensinger freelance press.
Posted 04 December 2014 - 02:28 PM
Posted 04 December 2014 - 02:49 PM

I intend to do little flash reports on the run up to and possibly during Community Warfare.
Posted 04 December 2014 - 06:51 PM
DATE December 5th 3049
From: PMcL
To: Arc
We have received a long range transmission from [redacted] but due to method of transmission and receipt information may no longer be timely. Indications are that the planet has been overrun by forces of unknown origin, Valkyrate and Oberon Confederate defenders have been wiped out and full system is under foreign control.
[Redacted] will provide confirmation but force estimate stands at “at least” two Regiments ‘Mech force of unknown design and origin. Support force consists mainly of Aerospace and armoured infantry, again of unknown design and origin. According to [Redacted], organisation of forces appears to hold to an unusual pattern, Units structured in multiples of five.
I guess we can add another system to the list.
Posted 05 December 2014 - 04:06 PM
To: JA
From: Agt. C
SUBJECT: Awesome 9M
Comms intercept, Irian test range, FWL.
Pilot: Firing primary weapon alpha strike in 3, 2, 1. Now! [Static] Heat spi... [Static]...utal but I’m still online. The DHS are doing their job that’s for sure.
Range control: We show good hits on torso weapons but arm weapon is out of sync by 3%, acceptable at normal PPC range but at extended range will be off by a large margin. We are going to try a fix at this end, wait one.
Pilot: Roger that. Heat levels dropping rapidly, this baby is going to be a real beast on the battlefield. I’m also showing full contact damage at 700+ metres, is that right?
Range control: Confirmed, the ’Techs at Fusigon have been busy on the new Extended Range PPC’s…
Wait one.
We have a security breach! Comm’s are compromised, change to channel priority bet. Alert ground forces we have a... [Static].
**Recording ends**
The agent managed to transmit the recording to the safe house but reports are that she was cornered by SAFE. As per protocol she enacted her last resort, no breach of security should come from this but it does mean we will need a new asset on site.
Posted 07 December 2014 - 05:30 AM
DATE December 7th 3049
From: PMcL
To: AS
Further to comms traffic [circa 08/29/49], we have received confirmation of Kell Hounds 1st Regiment, 3rd Battalion being hit by the invaders in the Oberon Confederation. It appears Morgan Kells’ son, Phelan, is MIA and suspected KIA. It appears he got out a signal but no sign of him or his ‘Mech have been found, the remainder of 3rd Battalion evacuated from the asteroid and retreated to FRR space.
[Redacted] has obtained intercepts from Radstadt confirming the mercenaries losses in the confrontation. It appears they are enacting an escape clause in their contract and planning a sortie in force back to the Confederation. I will keep you up to date on developments.
Posted 07 December 2014 - 04:10 PM
Federated Commonwealth
December 8th 3049
The wind ruffled her blonde hair as she gazed up at the avatar of war with crystal blue eyes, the movie star good looks that she had inherited by genetics somehow belied the heart of a warrior that pounded in her chest. The sight of the Griffin stirred her at a level she had never experienced in any other aspect of her life. Sure she had experience with the odd par amour but none of them came close to thrilling her the same way as when she was at the controls of a BattleMech. Right now that attachment was cutting her to the bone and she fought the scratching at the back of those blue eyes. Oh baby what have I done to you? The laser scorched armour plating across the centre torso and the shattered armour around the missile launch tubes on the right torso spoke of the heavy energy and Gauss weapons fire. The missing right arm showcased that enemy’s accuracy, the errant strands of Myomer musculature and dripping coolant created the image of torn and bleeding tissue while the snapped foamed titanium structure look like the mangled remains of a humans own humerus.
A deep male voice from behind broke into the woman’s melancholy “Well Captain it looks as though you ran into much tougher resistance than you thought.” A heavy silence hung for a moment as she continued to study her machine, just before the silence turned awkward she nodded as she turned to face the man. He wasn’t unattractive, the broad powerful shoulders and square jaw coupled with the thick brown hair gave him a rugged, wilderness loving look. The spotless, well-tailored AFFS uniform contrasted this and the red Colonel insignia rank on his epaulettes told her he was a MechWarrior. “I’m not sure what to make of them Colonel but they called themselves Jade Falcons, certainly they were no ordinary pirate band” for a moment her eyes focussed distantly, remembering some painful memory “We lost seven of our Company and we barely even made a dent”. “Well whoever they are it seems they have taken the full Coreward Periphery along the Fed Com border and from what I’ve heard the local Lords are having a conniption fit. They are screaming about invaders sitting on their borders and have even started snapping up Mercenary contracts. It looks like whoever these Clans are the whole of the AFFS is taking notice, I’ve seen daily dispatches of Merc units and line Regiments moving Coreward”
Turning back toward the Griffin Captain Tamara Cole had a cold hard look on her face “I received word that my sisters Unit was hit a few months ago and I understand they are gearing up to go back out. I can’t believe these high tech invaders are going to be satisfied with holding some backwater, Periphery systems and very soon I think we are going to need every warm body we can get”
“The very fate of the Inner Sphere will be at stake when these Clans head Rimward”
Posted 08 December 2014 - 05:49 PM
Federated Commonwealth
December 9th 3049
LDLC: “This is All Around Apollo on the Apollo News Network and I’m Lamont De La Croix. My guest tonight is our military and political conspiracy theorist,
EFH: “Lamont!!”
LDLC: “Sorry, sorry. Should I say, our military and political specialist, Miss Endine Fitz Hume? Tonight we will be discussing the [pause] well to be quite honest, terrifying stories that are getting such traction with our brethren in the printed media...”
EFH: “If we believe even half the rumours and ‘leaked’ reports, the bogey man and his army of minions are on the doorstep of the Inner Sphere. Even I am finding it hard to be convinced that the entire Coreward Periphery has been swallowed up in the space of a few months…”
LDLC: “Exactly! Rag tag travellers come stumbling through the Spaceport mumbling about giant super soldiers and the next thing you know we have every nut job crying it’s the apocalypse or that Stefan Amaris has returned to enact his vengeance. I mean come on, are we adults here?”
EFH: “Well in fairness, no word has been heard from Sigurd, Crellacor or some of the more trade orientated systems out there. Even my contacts in the military have went quiet about the whole thing and you know that when the kids go quiet in the next room you had better go find out what they’ve broken”
LDLC: [laughing] “Too true Endine but I mean it’s hardly conclusive, silence is suspicious but that could be anything….”
EFH: “Well the Grave Walkers 2nd Regiment have been putting our own militia through a vigorous training regime in the last few months but that has fell off to almost nothing. High tempo training, followed by an extended downtime for repair and refit is usually a sign of upcoming operations. Supplies have been flowing into the forts for all that time too. If I were a betting woman I would say they are getting ready for a fight”
LDLC: “Hmmm, well I suppose only time will tell. The loss of some pirate systems out in the hinterlands won’t have many people overly worried, if someone has decided to take them to task it can surely only be a good thing for the law abiding people of the Federated Commonwealth.”
*** exert of transcript from AAA (All Around Apollo) nightly chat show, Apollo News Network. Aired 09/12/49 ***
Posted 09 December 2014 - 06:25 PM
SUBJECT: FRR Intercepts
DATE December 10th 3049
From: JA
To: HD
We have received a report by BB from the sector chief in Lyons confirming our ‘friends’ in Rasalhague have gotten their hands on battlerom footage from a pair of pirate battles. These originated from the Porthos and Santander systems, both of which have not been heard from since late August and at the time it was written off as another power play from one pirate “king” or another. However it now seems that the stories and reports of a massive shift in the balance of power out there may be something for us to take note of, I will speak to you in person on the 11th.
Something else worth taking note of; it appears CS is up to its old tricks. The BB report itemised a copy of the rom footage being sent via Class 1 HPG, it didn’t arrive. So I have taken the liberty to setup a partial Command Circuit and the original should be delivered by courier in three weeks.
Posted 10 December 2014 - 05:36 PM
December 11th 3049
Ivy Upsalom paused her ‘Mech in its mad scramble from one piece of cover to the next; just long enough to get a glimpse of the nightmare that stalked after her and to fire off her paired autocannons. The explosive rounds seemed to do no more than scrub the brown and grey camouflage paint from its thickly armoured hide. She had no idea what the damn doggies called that thing but it was coming for her and its pilot was looking to claim her title. Clan Wolf and your damn trials, ha! Send me your best and I’ll show them why I’m the Lady Killer.
The resounding scream of tortured metal as a gauss round ripped into and almost through the side torso armour of her modified Quickdraw tore Upsalom from her reverie and spurred her into another dash. Her pride was receiving as much damage here as the ‘Mech but she was not out of this fight yet. Cutting across the gulley that the Clan ‘Mech moved along, she let loose with a salvo of short range missiles. The missiles ran true, catching the side torso and ferroglass cockpit shield; Upsalom took heart when the ‘Mech visibly flinched from the cockpit strikes. Swiftly turning the Quickdraw she raced back while the Clan Wolf warrior was blinded and hopefully stunned by the impacts but as Upsalom closed, she suddenly realised her error. The warrior wasn’t as stunned as she had hoped and the monster was raising its weapon laden arms towards her cockpit. The maw of the Gauss rifle aligned with the Quickdraw and fired…..
Upsalom jerked upright, sweat soaked her clothes and her eyes darted around the small room; the dream still fresh in her mind’s eye, It’s only a dream Ivy, she won that one but it ain’t over. Looking down at her right wrist, she tugged at the three white cords and said in a quiet voice “it ain’t over by a long shot”.
Posted 11 December 2014 - 03:41 PM
Federated Commonwealth
December 11th 3049
*** INN News Special ***
[Dishevelled and slightly panicked looking announcer]:
“We interrupt our scheduled programs to bring you this breaking news story, several sources in the military and government have confirmed… “
[Holds finger up to ear]
“Yes, yes…. It has been confirmed that a series of massive conflicts have broken out along the borders with the FRR, Capellan Confederation, Draconis Combine and the Free World’s League…”
[Someone off camera passes her a sheet of paper; she scans it and turns slightly to look at them, the colour draining from her face]
“We now have sketchy reports coming in from the Lyran sector of attacks from an unknown army, calling themselves the Jade Falcon Clan….”
[She attempts to cover her microphone but can be faintly heard]
“What the hell is going on, is this a fifth succession war?”
[A pause as she listens]
“OK, OK!”
[She takes her hand away and faces the camera once more]
“Right now we have no way of knowing exactly what is happening but it appears the Inner Sphere has been invaded and we here in the Federated Commonwealth are looking at a new Succession War. Stay with us and we will bring information to you as it becomes available. For those viewers on border worlds, head for local shelters if available or seek a secure area for your family.”
[Again she pauses, listening to someone off camera]
“We have received a recording of an engagement that occurred yesterday on Bensinger, I must warn viewers may find the images disturbing”
[The image changes to a video of BattleMechs engaging a line of unfamiliar looking ‘Mechs, giant armoured infantry swarm around their feet, using jump jets to bounce along like giant toads. Impossibly bright beams of laser light fly between the lines of ‘Mechs, streamers of exhaust smoke trailing missiles as they scream from launchers to targets and blue bolts of manmade lightning leave blurry after images on the screen as PPC fire connects two ‘Mechs together for an instant. The image begins to jostle as the person holding the camera turns, the viewpoint changes as though it is being held close to the ground and bouncing as the holder runs. A burst of static cuts off the image but a scream is heard before the words “TRANSMISSION LOST” appears]
Posted 13 December 2014 - 01:57 PM
Free Rasalhague Republic
December 12th 3049
Thrombald Magnusson glanced at the screen showing the grainy, static filled image of a bedraggled and blood stained male face; the woman next to Thrombald entered a command for the playback to resume, a look of distaste on her face “What is wrong Sylvain? Does the sight of blood offend you?” “No sir, the sight of defeat does” she replied in a tone filled with iron I wonder if you will be so defiant in the face of the enemy, returning his gaze to the screen he thought I have been where this man has, I have seen that look before; in the mirror after the nightmare has visited. I wonder my friend; will you learn to deal with yours better than I have mine?
The playback resumed and the hoarse voice of the man could be heard faintly, his breath coming in dry wheezes “I told you [cough] They were metal [wheeze] monsters, at least two hundred and fifty centimetres tall [cough, cough] Why don’t you believe me?”. A harsh laugh came from a female voice off camera “Because I know who you are, you are a piece of filth; a pirate. What possible reason do I have for trusting you?” The man’s chin dropped to his chest and began to bob up and down in rhythm to his sobs, through the hoarse, tear choked sounds Thrombald heard him say “Because they will do to [cough] to you and your family, what they did to mine. I watched [cough], I watched from two kilometres away as they flattened Ryan’s’ stronghold, watched as my wife and three [sob, cough], three children were killed” the man raised his eyes to the camera suddenly, a fire of madness and desperation burning in them “They are coming and they will kill or enslave all of you!” The image cut out, replaced by the pale blue serpent of the Republic and Thrombald thought No my friend, I don’t think you will survive your nightmares.
Turning to the woman next to him he asked “Do we have indication of when they will arrive?” the woman, Sylvain Mansdotter, nodded “They have not communicated as yet but based on current course and speed, our best guess is planet fall on or around the 16th” Thrombald turned toward the small holoprojector, currently displaying the area around the mountain base they stood in; BattleMechs were illustrated as 2” tall replicas moving to pre-prepared positions, the fixed defensive weapons that weren't already online were being readied as quickly as possible. It will have to be enough, what will you throw at us? Chuckling darkly to himself he said quietly “We will be waiting for them my dear, we have nowhere else to go” and I may finally be able to put my nightmare to rest.
Federated Commonwealth
December 13th 3049
The Hunchback paused and seemed to look right at him, the whine and buzz of actuators could be heard clearly over the crackle, fizz and boom of weapons fire coming from a few streets over. Dale could see the Sword and Fist emblem of House Liao on the side torso plating and was sure he could see the pilot moving in the cockpit. Come on, come on! You don’t see me; I’m just a tiny little insect, nothing for you to worry about in your giant war machine. The moment seemed to stretch into forever and Dale could feel the rivulets of sweet running down his back; joining with the fine misting rain to stick his t-shirt and skin together. Still, I have to be still. Don’t breath yet, it’ll turn. IT WILL TURN. Suddenly the ‘Mech began to twist away from Dale’s position on the building’s roof, only fifteen metres away and five metres above the medium class brawler. Steam trailed lazily away from the autocannons muzzle as rain splashed against it, the slight glow from the superheated weapon told Dale it had been fired only moments before, now the MechWarrior was looking for a new target. Wait, wait, NOW! Dale thought as he stood up, straining to bring the man pack missile launcher to his shoulder.
The front of the single use launcher popped open as he pressed the firing stud, a heartbeats pause and then the missiles motor ignited. A fiery tail erupted from the rear of the launcher and scorched the wall three metres behind Dale, then the missile shot out; the kinetic force knocking him to the roofs surface. As he landed on his back an explosion lit the edge of the roof, a flame licking up at the rain darkened clouds. “Yes” Dale shouted and hurriedly dragged himself to his feet and peered over the edge but the cry of triumph died as the monster below swung an armoured fist out at the building. The edge of the roof began to collapse as the floor below disintegrated under the Hunchbacks multi-tonne blow and Dale scrambled back on hands and knees as the roof came apart beneath him. Suddenly the structure seemed to still itself and find new strength, the roof section Dale was on wedged at an angle into the remaining floor below but leaving him fully exposed to the Liao pilot. The war avatar raised the same mortar and debris covered fist and Dale found himself staring at the laser port, one blast of that and he would be nothing more than some carbonised flesh and bone. Some birthday this turned out to be he thought.
Then there was a flash from the machines left and it lurched heavily as the arm spun off trailing myomer strands, spiralling tails of green coolant and electrical sparks. Dale scrambled to his feet and made for a stairwell at the back of the building, only slowing once he was out and glanced back as he ran down the alley toward the next street. Standing over the fallen Hunchback was a Quickdraw and Jagermech painted in black with a white highlighted red stripe, at least those Legion Merc’s are living up to their contract he thought to himself. The Quickdraw turned toward him and raised a massive hand in salute; Dale returned the gesture and kept moving I guess thirteen is my lucky number.
“Was that the kid from the roof?” the Jagermech pilot called “Aye it was that, couldn’t have been more than thirteen years old. I’m amazed he managed to get a shot off with that SRM” replied the Quickdraw pilot. The pair of ‘Mechs turned toward the glow of fighting further into the city and the Quickdraw pilot said “Come on, 2nd Cohort are having all the fun, lets run the Liao’s back to their DropShip”.
Edited by xX PUG Xx, 18 August 2016 - 11:14 AM.
Posted 15 December 2014 - 08:13 AM
Star Lord Class JumpShip
Zenith jump point, St. Ives
Capellan Confederation
December 14th 3049
Captain Lucius Caine swallowed past the dryness in his throat as the universe sprang back into existence, even after all these years he still felt the effects of Transition-disorientation-syndrome. He glanced around, wondering if anyone had noticed their Captain was susceptible to the nausea some people felt after an Interstellar Jump but it appeared no one had. Certainly Leftenant Perry knew of his weakness; Caine had felt the necessity to inform her so she could assume command if he was incapacitated through it. As he looked at her she nodded, her silent acknowledgement allowing his confidence to return, very well down to business then.
“Navigation, report” Caine called out to the youngster stationed at the nearest console, another babe in the woods, barely old enough to shave and into your first battle Williams “We are fifty two thousand kilometres above the elliptical and seven thousand three hundred and five kilometres from our plotted emergence point” Williams replied, a hint of pride slipping past the practiced professional tone. Caine allowed himself a slight smile “Well done mister Williams, weps what do we have out there?” the woman was still scanning her screens but called back in a calm tone “We are clear, no contacts within immediate range; looks like the intelligence was right”
Caine acknowledged the report with a nod of the head, his mind already racing through the next points of the operational plan “Very well, deploy all DropShips, get the fighter CAP out and have the reaction fighters on +5” lifting a slim headset from its perch on his seat he brought the microphone to his mouth and pressed a button for a ship wide channel “All commands prepare for transit to planet, give ‘em hell people and good luck”
Posted 16 December 2014 - 05:33 PM
Federated Suns
17th December 3049
Master Sergeant Gunn sat upright with a jolt, fists clenched and raised in a defensive posture; his red rimmed, crystal blue eyes darted about looking for danger. The gentle hand that came to rest on his exposed shoulder caused him to spin out of the cot, coming to the ground in a guarded crouch “Its ok Gunny, you’re safe here” the calm female voice was familiar but Gunn’s vision was blurred Where the hell am I? Why is everything blurred? “Gunny sit back on the bed, you’ll be fine” That voice, Lesley? “Is that you Lesley? What’s going on, where am I? Why can’t I see properly?” Gunny felt the same gentle hand on his arm, this time he relaxed and allowed it to help him stand. He was guided back to the bed and carefully sat, suddenly realising that almost his entire body ached but a lancing pain in his side told him something more than a bruise was wrong there. He also realised his shoulder and torso were covered in swathes of bandages. Oh wow, this must be what it feels like to be a punching bag, I can’t remember ever being this sore after a full contact hand-to-hand drill. “Are we still on St. Ives? What happened to the Legion?”
Lesley Irace, the Praetorian Legions chief MedTech answered in her gentle bedside tone “The Legion and our allies secured the planet. When you punched out of your Griffin the command couch didn’t clear properly, from the reports it appears it either struck the upper shoulder shielding or possibly the remains of the gates generator. Your Neurohelmet took a glancing blow but probably saved your life, apart from a nice sized bump and a mild concussion you should be ok” as she spoke, she checked the dressings on his shoulder and chest. Adjusting it and re-securing it with calm, practiced efficiency “Unfortunately you broke two ribs, got a nasty laceration to the upper arm and suffered some heavy bruising when you landed in your typical out of control manner. I would say you’ll be laid up for a day or two and those ribs will need a few weeks. “What about my ‘Mech, was it recovered?” Gunn asked quietly, the way a parent would after an injured child. Irace rolled her eyes and couldn’t help but tut in exasperation. “MechWarriors, you’re all the bloody same, more worried about your bloody toys than yourselves! You’ll need to talk to the General about it; I concern myself with the well-being of human’s not mechanical monsters.”
Posted 18 December 2014 - 05:51 PM
Free Rasalhague Republic
18th December 3049
Sylvain Mansdotter watched as the Ghost Bear ‘Mech unleashed a pair of cerulean energy bolts into the struggling Awesome, observed with cold detachment as the manmade lightning seemed to link the two titans together for a heartbeat. The assault ‘Mech began a lazy spin as the left leg separated from its hip joint and fell to the snow covered valley floor, shards of armour spalling off in a glittering spray to cover the ground around the stricken machine. Mansdotter heard the sickening crunch and saw the loose strands of myomer snap and fidget at the exposed actuators but somehow her emotions were smothered, she felt nothing; no anger, no hate, no remorse, no pity. She felt as though she wasn’t really here, this wasn’t really happening; as though she was simply watching a tri-vid back in her lodgings.
You’re in shock Sylvain, you need to snap out of it, suddenly the shouts and screams over the comms channel hit her and she shook her head. “Överste Mansdotter, we are being flanked! Överste, can you hear me?” the voice of Löjtnant Coulson broke through the tumult of voices “All commands fall back to line Charlie, repeat line Charlie. Fire and Support lances, provide cover and prepare to exfiltrate south; pull back to the DropPort” Mansdotter could hear the Löjtnant relaying the orders and giving more detailed instructions to the evacuation transports; then the sound of his voice changed, taking on a tinny quality as he changed to a private channel “Överste are we pulling out? We still have units out there trying to round up civilians” Sylvain drew a steadying breath, her nerves still on edge “Yes Peter we have to get as much of our force out as we can. The Republic needs every one of these ‘Mechs and bodies capable of fighting, if we don’t find some way to draw a line and stop these Bears….” The image of General Magnusson’s Atlas standing toe-to-toe with the Ghost Bears il-Khan jumped into her mind NO I will not relive that now, I have no time for self-pity “Get everyone that can move back to the port, we are leaving this planet to the Bears for now. Don’t worry Coulson, we WILL be back”
Posted 09 April 2015 - 04:44 PM
Liao Occupied Territory
10th April 3050
Flames licked at the husk, smoke drifting lazily away from the remains of the small hovercraft; former Master Sergeant turned gorilla fighter Gunn wrinkled his nose at the disturbing BBQ smell being carried with the smoke "Sorry lads but this is war and you're the enemy" he thought to himself turning away. The mix of the dying light of the sunset and the flickering flames behind him cast an eerie glow across the grim faces of his three companions; all former Mechwarriors, all stranded behind enemy lines, none willing to give up the fight.
"Well we hit them again, it's not exactly pay back but if we keep it up they'll need to keep a bigger garrison here. I don't need to say that the more forces the Cappies have here the less they have available to push the front lines" the nods and stiff postures told Gunn his companions knew exactly what he meant; the larger the garrison force, the more likely they were to get killed or captured. Then again Gunn had resigned himself to that fate months ago when the planet fell, it had seemed so easy when the Davion forces had taken the planet but now the CCAF forces had swept so far past this region of space it was a laughable idea that any rescue would be forthcoming.
So that just left one thing for him and the others to do, the only thing they knew how to do.....
Keep fighting to their last breaths.
Edited by xX PUG Xx, 09 April 2015 - 04:46 PM.
Posted 10 April 2015 - 04:15 PM
Clan Jade Falcon occupation zone
10th April 3050
The night offered a close embrace to Sindra, clinging to the shadows like a child to her mother's legs she sneaked along the alleyway to her target. In her mind the target was all there was, whether it was the sweet spot between the ribs for a blade to slip through or the right spot to plant some C6 to take down an entire Lance of 'Mechs; training allowed her to focus the entirety of consciousness on the target.
Pulling her hood close, she peeked an eye around the corner of the alley. The target was maybe fifteen metres away, it showed no sign of knowing she was there. Taking a deep cleansing breath and slowly exhaling between tight lips to produce a low sigh, she stepped out on the balls of her feet and lightly trotted forward; a slight twitch of the head was all the warning she had.
A metre from the target it span, a massive fist slamming into her cheek. The sound of breaking bone drowned out the grunt that she allowed to escape from her lips, the shame of that admission burned in her cheeks but the rush of blood and darkness hid her shame. A torrent of pain erupted, her left arm spasmed from the jolt and she involuntarily dropped her hand; the target followed through with a straight kick to the torso. The breath rushed from her lungs, a choked cough escaping her this time my god I have failed was a frightening admission that popped into her head as it bounced off the ferrocrete and the darkness swallowed her.
"Did that surrat really think I had not heard her?" the Elemental said to himself in a tone of disbelief. "If she had at least struck first I would have taken her as Bondswoman" he finished as his massive foot stamped down on her sternum, smashing her chest bone and crushing her heart.
Posted 27 June 2015 - 04:01 PM
The “Boonies” testing ground
Praetorian Legion home planet
3rd June 3050
Approaching the testing ground control station, Captain Gunn still marvelled at being home, barely two months before he had written off his chances of seeing this little moon again. Gunn had been marooned on St Ives when the world had been overrun by CCAF forces pushing the Legions Davion employer’s light years back into their own territory. Then in a surreal turn of events the rumoured Clan invaders had been invited to fight a proxy battle on a little farming world in the FRR “Who the hell had heard of Tukayyid before last month?” Gunn thought to himself with a wry smile. As that momentous battle had reached its peak a rescue mission had dropped on St Ives and retrieved Gunn, along with a handful of Davion and Mercenary MechWarriors that had spent the previous weeks fighting a guerrilla war against occupying CCAF forces.
As he walked toward the low slung, bunker styled building a thrumming staccato rhythm of an autocannon boomed from the far side “Must be some hotshot test firing their ‘Mech” Gunn thought with a hint of jealousy. Since returning from St. Ives as a Dispossessed MechWarrior he had been promised a new ride was in the works but was urged to be patient as the Legions Council had worked to replace equipment and personnel lost in the battles on Tukayyid and numerous other operations in the previous months. As he got closer the sound changed and the rate of fire increased, in fact it more than doubled and the reverberating noise of the weapons fire caused Gunn to wince and pick up his pace to enter the sound proofed control station “What in the hell is that thing?”
Then he caught sight of the distinctive shape of a DRG-1N Dragon and the three metre long flames erupting from the class five, duel mounted autocannons in the bulbous right arm. The muzzles of the weapons glowed white hot as a near constant stream of high explosive shells hurtled towards the target five hundred metres away, Gunn watched dumbstruck as the immobilised Atlas assault class ‘Mech simply disintegrated under the withering fire. A voice from Gunn’s right broke through his enraptured state “Don’t worry Gunny, that hulk was completely stripped of everything useful except armour, do you like your new toy?” Instantly recognising the voice of General Mordale, Gunn came to attention and saluted the Legions commanding officer “Sorry sir, I was a little distracted”, casually returning the salute the General replied with a laugh “Stow that ‘Sir’ stuff, we’ve known each other for how long?” tilting his head toward the viewports he said “Well, what do you think?”. Then the Generals words struck Gunn ‘do you like your new toy?’
“The Dragon is my new ride?”
Posted 03 July 2015 - 03:12 PM
Federated Suns
3rd July 3050
"Here they come again!!" came the warning over the task force wide channel, the blare of alarms in the background spoke of missile lock, overheat warnings and damaged systems. Lieutenant Johnny Campbell didn't recognise the voice but recognised the world of trouble she was in, he wasn't much better off himself.
Three hours of constant fighting and scarce time to have damage repaired had left his Highlander Assault class 'Mech tattered and almost bereft of ammunition. The armour over the right torso and arm were more memory than fact and one of his medium class pulse lasers had been gutted by a Clan Gauss rifle round; the short range missiles had three reloads each and his main weapon, the large bore autocannon in the right arm, had five rounds left in their storage bin. If the allied forces didn't find a way to either throw the Clan assault back or pull reinforcements soon, the task force would be cut to shreds and the world lost.
Almost like a red flag to a bull, the last thought signalled the wail of an alarm as enemy target lock was detected; the Highlanders targeting computer painted the outline of an approaching Clan Wolf Ebon Jaguar. High speed autocannons spewed forth streams of explosive rounds and the telltale glow of capacitor discharge signalled the coming C-ERPPC lighting bolt, all taken in by Campbell in the split second it took him to begin twisting the ninety ton 'Mech to allow his freshest armour to absorb as much damage as possible. The brutal force of the autocannon rounds shoved Campbell around in his command couch, the straps digging into his chest and thighs as he fought to keep the Highlander from over compensating for the loss of armour and kinetic force of his move. By sheer luck the C-ERPPC missed low, the arcing electrical bolt exploding a tree as the moisture at its core superheated to steam quicker than the bark could burn: the splinters of wood rattled impotently against the armoured legs of the Highlander but Campbell took no notice, he was too busy.
"Sarge, I could do with a hand here. That Bon-Bon has a thing for me and I think one on one fights are out the window anyway!" Campbell called over his Lance channel to Sergeant Lloyd Fairstone. The flash of a three metre long flame announced the Sergeants receipt of the message, the Hunchbacks class twenty autocannon sending a high caliber round straight into the torso mounted C-ERPPC. A brilliant flash heralded the destruction of the energy weapons capacitors, the verdant energy stored within exploding out to shred the weapon and a large portion of the torso plating it was attached to. Campbell added his own autocannon and a single pulse laser to the onslaught; the ballistic round dropping in lower and crushing armour on the Clan 'Mechs left leg, the laser however drilled into the now exposed torso and the spray of greeny blue fluid and greasy smoke that escaped from the rent signalled the destruction of a heatsink.
A moment's hope flourished in Campbell's mind as the Ebon Jaguar throttled down and began to backpedal, the Clan 'Mech limping heavily and steam spewing from gaps in armour seems: switching to a thermal view the OmniMech practically glowed from its heat levels. "Push him Sarge, it's got to be close to shutdown" Campbell called out as he throttle the Highlander into a steady forward walk, allowing the targeting computer to gain as strong a lock as possible before firing. The Hunchback paced his movement and sniped steadily at the Clan 'Mech with a trio of medium class lasers, saving the large bore autocannon until the range had dropped further. 'Another fifteen metres' Campbell thought to himself, watching the HUD count down the distance to the target. "OK, NOW Sarge!!" he called as he fired everything he had in what he hoped would be a devastating "alpha" strike. The lasers and missiles spread destruction across the centre and side torsos of the Clan 'Mech, armour ripping open at seams or spalling away in shards to the ground. The autocannon again dropped low, the targeting computer unable to compensate adequately for damage to an actuator but the round struck the same leg. This time the explosive force found no armour to spend itself against and struck devastatingly against the reinforced support structure of the legs internals, snapping it in two and melting the heavily bundled strands of myomer used to control the motion of the limb. With one leg destroyed and the balance thrown off with a massive loss of armour, the Clan Warrior had no chance to stop the inevitable fall of his 'Mech; gravity claimed the mechanical titan and Campbell watched as the Heavy class 'Mech slammed nose first into the dirt of the valley floor.
However as quickly as this all happened Campbell realised the HUD had begun to display another group of contacts, then another and another. Soon the display was so cluttered with red carats of enemy contact he no longer took notice, it seemed the full force of Clan Wolf was at House Davion's doorstep.
Posted 01 September 2020 - 02:19 AM
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