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The Bar At The End Of The Universe

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#61 Bill Bullet


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 07:44 AM

Ducking under a chair tossed at his head, Bill fired off a brutal one-two combo of punches into the face of a drunken patron then danced to one side as they collapsed in a heap. Hearing a loud crash he turned and saw Marc standing over a pile of unconscious bodies, bits of ceiling plaster hanging off his shoulders. "Du bist verrückt!" he laughed and elbowed an opponent in the stomach. "Marc, I think we're going to get along famously!" Seeing Nicholas whirlwind his way through a trio of Combine soldiers and link up with Faith, Bill gave a low whistle of appreciation at the young Clanner's skill. Scanning the crowd, Bill finally saw his target: the fat Quartermaster was shouting himself red at the other Rasalhague soldiers and he sure as hell wasn't shouting for calm.

The man was shouting to his compatriots in Swedanese but Bill knew enough of it to catch the odd swear word. "Ouch, well that was rude..." Climbing onto a table, Bill then proceeded to launch himself towards the Quartermaster and with a yell brought both fists crashing down onto the man's head. Standing over the crumpled form of the Quartermaster, Bill laughed wildly at the shocked expressions of the surrounding patrons. "...for the record, my mother is a saint!" Turning around looking for a new opponent, Bill saw that the flow of the fight had opened up a path towards the bar door. Shouting to be heard over the melee, Bill signaled his companions, new and old. "Fighting withdrawal! I'd say we aren't too welcome here anymore!" and still laughing like a maniac, Bill fought his way towards the exit intent on covering his group's escape.

Edited by Bill Bullet, 10 May 2015 - 08:40 AM.

#62 Bill Bullet


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 08:37 AM

Just posting this bit to help clear up any confusion.

SETTINGS CURRENT: The Bar at the End of the Universe RP Thread takes place on a world inside the Free Rasalhague Republic. No exact date or planet name has been given. However the planet is roughly 2 Jumps away from the frontline of the Clan invasion and it is during the early days of said invasion. A detailed layout of the bar is posted on the first post of the RP so feel free to check that out. The list of essential NPCs like Mr. Green and Walt the barkeep is there as well. The main idea of this RP thread is to read about the various reactions people have towards the Clan Invasion in it's early days and the adventures those days spawned.

On RP Characters: Due to the timing of the setting there are characters (like my own) who have little to no idea who or what the Clans are, characters (like those belonging to xX PUG Xx and Faith McCarron) who have fought and survived the Clans, and since enough fighting has occurred it is possible for Clan characters (like SourKraut91's) to show up as well.

Inner Sphere Characters: The BatEotU is a place where mercs, regular army troopers, and lone wolves from all over the Inner Sphere can mingle to their heart's content. The basic idea is that the various Houses have sent troops towards the frontline to investigate the threat of the Clans and this planet is the handy-dandy last stop on the way towards the fighting. So whether your character is from the Federated CommonWealth or the far-flung Periphery there is a justifiable reason for you to be there so don't worry about that.

Clan Characters: If you choose to write as a Clanner you are more than welcome to. However I do ask for a two things in return.

1) MOST IMPORTANTLY Please offer a good explanation as to why your character is on a FRR world during the invasion and walking around freely. The best (and only example really lol) is SourKraut91's character intro wherein he reveals that Nicholas is a freebirth from Clan Wolf captured during a raid. Following the Clan tradition of being a bondsman, he is allowed to walk free.

2) Understand that your Clan character will, by their very existence, create friction and be the focus of controversy from other characters. (Nicholas was only 2 posts in before he got into a fight) so plan and write accordingly. Personally I think having a Clanner or two running around makes for good drama and good reading so you won't hear a complaint from me!

SETTINGS UPDATE: The Watering Hole is a good starting point for new characters who just want to monologue their thoughts or posters who want to start a conversation/adventure with others. With that in mind, there is a whole planet out there for you to explore, so the following contains a few new locations to start/continue your adventures!

FRR Milita Base: The local planetary garrison maintains a base within walking distance of the bar. This is the gathering spot for off-world mercs to leave their gear and get in a few hours of sim practice.

Contains: Mech sim pods for that violent Mech-on-Mech action you crave with none of that pesky "death" that usually accompanies said action.

The Docks: The local waterways are a den of thieves and black market dealings. Run by the local yakuza group (Mr. Green's business associates) it's the place to go for grabbing supplies you can't get through legal channels. Just be careful, a rival gang has been trying to muscle their way in recently and the cops have decided that any gunfire they hear in the area is none of their concern.

Contains: Pick-up spot of purchases from Mr. Green.
Place you can be involved in a shoot-out

The Outback: Several miles from the bar and the base is a large stretch of wilderness. Various terrains like canyons and forests cover it. So far from town and prying eyes it is rumored that hot blooded mercs and even regular army Mechwarriors will sometimes settle their differences in lethal Mech combat. Darker rumors persist that due to the high volume of space traffic to and from the planet you could land a DropShip out there and no one would be the wiser...

Contains: If you want to raise the stakes of your Mech combat and get real, the Outback is large enough and isolated enough to do so.
Can't get on planet through customs? The Outback has several spots that offer a good place for a DropShip to land.

This RP thread is listed as a hot topic with 60 some replies and over 1,800 views and it's because we have a great group of regular posters and interesting characters. New blood is always appreciated and the various settings allow for multiple adventures and storylines, stand alone or otherwise so don't hesitate to stop by and have a drink at The Bar at the End of the Universe!

#63 xX PUG Xx


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 03:13 PM

Mack followed his new friend down the stairs then Bill disappeared into the mill of bodies, without breaking stride he swung one massive fist at a FRR uniformed body; the rush of breath that gushed from him was most satisfying and Macks grin widened as the man collapsed to his knees.

"C'moan ya bunch a Sassenachs!!" he roared as he barrelled into a knot of three Kuritans that looked to be heading toward ACE, grabbing the first around the upper arm, he span and propelled the small man into one of his compatriots; finishing his turn face to face with the last DCMS uniformed....'officer?, oh gotta be wurth fifty points' Mack thought to himself. As the man looked from his country men sprawled in a heap to his side and stare up into into Macks eyes, the Kuritan brought him into a defensive stance and nodded slightly.

Macks grin slipped a little, this man knew how to fight and also knew how to control his emotions, a dangerous combination in any situation. Just before Mack began to move a loud yell and snapping noise from above stalled him, a body and a ceiling fan crashing into the Kuritan and a small knot of men at his back. "Nice entrance Marc" Mack laughed and reached over to pull him to his feet "C'mon, a lost Bill in the stramash. Dinnae want oor new boss tae get his heid caved in, lets go".

Then as he turned to head back into the melee he stumbled forward from a piledriving hit from behind, the force of the blow sending him to one knee. Grunting and growling from equal parts pain and annoyance, Mack stood and steadily turned to face his attacker; before him stood the bouncer, fists up in a typical boxers stance and bouncing from foot to foot. "Well laddie, that's the only freebie ye get frae me and ye wasted it. Lets be haein ye then" Mack rumbled in a low, dangerous voice but he could tell that the thick brogue must have confused the big Viking from the look of confusion and tilted head.

Stepping left and then right, Mack speared into the big man; a straight punch going through his block and taking him square in the solar plexus. Mack expected the bouncer to fold with such a vicious blow but as the realisation that it had not happened got past the adrenaline and alcohol, he felt a glancing blow to the left temple get past his own guard. His head snapped to the right and spots of light erupted in his vision, using the momentum of his already turning head he dodging back and to the right a step; dropping lower into a guarded stance.

The bouncer backed up too; one hand rubbing his chest, smiling and giving Mack a nod. Both men began to close but a group of two Davions and a pair of Mercs passed between them, fists and feet flying at a knot of Capellans. Then Mack heard the bartender yell "No one starts sh*t in my bar." keeping one eye on the bouncer he looked over to see the Wolf and another Clan looking individual bracketing a shaky looking Faith, Ace seemed to have his own situation in hand and there was Bill standing over the crumpled form of a Rasalhague soldier. Mack could see him laughing and then heard the shout of "Fighting withdrawal, I'd say we aren't too welcome here anymore!" as he headed for the bars front doors.

Coming to a martial ready stance, Mack bowed toward the bouncer while keeping his eyes fixed on him "Till next time big yin, cya" and turned toward his comrades making their way out of the bar; the odd punch and kick sending bodies flying that were foolish enough to get in his way 'That wis fun!!'" he thought to himself as he made his way out the door.

#64 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 07:36 AM

Ughh, God's.... everything sucks. Was the first thought to come to Marc's mind in the wake of the unintentional charge into the fight, releasing a wheezing cough, he struggled to regain his feet but decided that he was more content to lie there among the unconscious men that he crashed the fan into.

"Du bist verrückt!" Bill bellowed out a near mad laugh. "Marc, I think we're going to get along famously!"

"Nice entrance Marc" Mack laughed and reached over to pull him to his feet "C'mon, a lost Bill in the stramash. Dinnae want oor new boss tae get his heid caved in, lets go."

Chuckling lightly Marc nodded. "Yeah the new boss." Looking about trying to take stock of the situation he saw the image of Bill smashing both his fist down like hammer blows upon what Marc could only assume was the 'Fat One' that somehow evoked his anger. The Clansmen was offering support to the woman at the bar whom now sported an pained look upon her face. But the thing that caught Marc's attention and held it was the image of the upstairs bouncer coming his way, a wet splotchy outfit, opponents breaking to either side of the man like ice floes before an icebreaker. Murder burned in the man's eyes as he fixed his eyes upon Marc. As Mack turned to return to the fray the man struck, a bone creaking blow that caused the big Caladonian/Highlander to stumble, then turn to regard the man who began squaring off with Mack in what Marc's long dead father would have called 'good ole 40's style boxing.'

"Well laddie, that's the only freebie ye get frae me and ye wasted it. Lets be haein ye then" Mack rumbled in a low, dangerous voice. As the two began to exchange blows, Marc took the advantage of a furball of brawling mercs, Davies, and Cappies passing by to take his leave from the battling two.

"No one starts sh*t in my bar!" Suddenly bellowed out the bartender whom didn't appear anything like the warm friendly man Marc shared words with a mere hours ago as he bludgeoned one of the locals over the head with a brass studded club. Marc winced as the man dropped like a marionette with it's strings suddenly cut. But he nodded as Nickolas and another in clan leathers bracketing a shaky looking Faith, while nearby another in a similar uniform as the injured woman overseen things.

Nearby a man turned about and Marc's eyes instantly upon the man's field uniform seeking out a unit insignia, 1st Gunzburg mechanized, and the horrific scar on the man's face was a giveaway that he was a follower of the 'Iron Garl,' Tor Miraborg, a man whom's hatred of mercenaries was legendary even outside of Rasalhague space. Marc charged springing on the man and driving a knee up into the man's sternum. Scarface crumpled under the assault dropping and wheezing for air.

Nearby Bill stomped by, a mischievous glint in his eye and laughing heartily. "Fighting withdrawal, I'd say we aren't too welcome here anymore!" as he headed for the bars front doors.

"No sh*t." Marc fell in after his new CO, pausing to kick the legs out from underneath a great bearded local threatening a petite woman wearing the field uniform of the Atrean Hussars with a broken beer bottle. Marc winked at his female countryman and shouted out for any who'd bother listen.

"And we are leaving!!" Following Bill out the front double doors, Marc looked in the direction of the the FRR military base, sure enough, flashing red and blue lights were heading their way. "Ah, sh*t."

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 11 May 2015 - 11:12 AM.

#65 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 07:41 AM

[OOC: I am thoroughly enjoying this, it reminds me of my first RP on here, which happened to be in a bar in FRR space. At the time of character creation I wish I knew about dropships possibly being out in the Outback, if I did then I would have marc's crew be out there. That being said, I'd also be tempted to have a bunch of stuff that'd no way be allowed in through customs. But alas, I like the idea of Marc smuggling stuff through customs more.]

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 11 May 2015 - 07:42 AM.

#66 KuroNyra


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 01:36 PM

[does the sim got Clans Mechs in it? :P
I reeeeaaaaallly want to try to make my first RP battle in a forum. Never had the chance to do it before. :( ]

#67 Bill Bullet


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 05:07 PM

Yeah they do, because plot convenience demands it!

#68 plodder


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 07:18 PM

Fights, pretty girls all went unnoticed. The scotch and grin had taken him to the point of what passed for closing at this bar at the back end of nowhere, at the end of the universe one might say, but he had an itch to tell someone his good news. Like a fool, he just might do it if the occasion arose. Family honor? Who knew that still existed, heck, who knew if it ever had existed? I know now thought Rizz, and I know it in spades! All I need now, is another Large pulse laser and a contract that I can get ahead on. Nice!!!
Slowly getting off his stool, he pays the keep for his bottle, and a generous tip besides, Rizz surveys the room, taking in the humble yet striking accommodations of this fine saloon.

Tomorrow will show itself soon enough, time to hit the rack to get some shut eye.

Edited by plodder, 11 May 2015 - 07:19 PM.

#69 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 07:21 PM

Well being that we're in the FRR during the Clan Invasion, it's make sense that they would have them in their sim programs, But they'd mostly be wired up to be OpFor...

#70 WustenFuchs1991


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 08:33 PM

For the sake of those who demand a cohesive narrative, I was the one who gave them the specifications of most frontline Clan mechs' and modules (there may also be something rather surprising in the mechbay's going through repairs that was used to prove what I was telling them). This was done as part of my being taken as a bondsman. That said, I believe that I will be posting tonight as one of the last four or so fools still in the bar.

Edited by SourKraut91, 11 May 2015 - 08:36 PM.

#71 KuroNyra


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 11:51 AM

(Ok, and just to let you know:
Kuro was first a freebirth took as bondsman by a warden Clan Wolf warrior.
A few week later, he was already completly in the Clan Way -basicly he is for the return of the children of Kerensky... He always had a great attirance toward them in his childhood).
Has a mechwarrior, he was good. (Using an Orion, he managed to hold his ground against a Timber Wolf, wich impressed the pilot who took him has bondsman... They quickly becamed friend.)

Now, he has been beaten on the battlefield in his Dire Wolf by her Sister who still serve the FRR... And he became the bondsman of his sister (he was beat... And she did not really let the others take him for prison, she trusted him and he did not deceived her.)
He still consider himself a Clan Wolf Warrior, but will still fight with her sister. Not because he want to stop the Clans, but because he want to protect her sister.

So there you are...

Hope is coherent... And sorry again for my bad english.

#72 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 02:27 PM

[Well the Clans and especially the Wovles have a healthy respect for the Orion. It was the design that Alexander Kerensky's stomped around in.]

#73 Nightmare1


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Posted 12 May 2015 - 03:19 PM

Morn toasts to your bar!

Posted Image

#74 KuroNyra


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Posted 14 May 2015 - 05:06 AM

(Just to know, if you were to participate in a simulation where you choose your mech... What would it be? IS side only for the mechs.
Persontly, probably an Orion)

#75 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 14 May 2015 - 10:06 AM

[In character (For Marc anyways) probably a Hermes II since that's what he is currently using.OOC probably a BJ-O Blackjack since it's one of my fave mechs]

#76 WustenFuchs1991


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Posted 17 May 2015 - 08:15 AM

Now things were getting beyond interesting. As if from seemingly nowhere another clanner appeared next to Nicholas. He realized that the new arrival had asked him a question but was a little too stunned to properly answer. Shaking his head and concentrating on the now, Nicholas realized that the situation was getting out of hand. Turning to his new companions he pointed to the now retreating forms of the Bill, Mack, an Marc.

"Our stay has officially become unwelcome. It is time to leave."

Offering his hand to the Capellan woman, he quickly withdrew it when she sent a glare his way and proceeded to make her way, violently, through the crowd that still seemed intent on stopping them. Letting a small grin play across his face, the tall Clanner moved through the parted crowd behind the women, not once having to lift a finger as bodies seemed to magically vanish before them. "Impressive"

Once he exited the bar, Nicholas took note of the lights coming their way and decided that a change in venue was most certainly required. Walking up to Bill he placed a hand on the smaller mans shoulder, catching his attention.

"It is time to leave but I think I have an idea that you would all appreciate greatly if you think you are up for a short walk."

Without waiting for a response, Nicholas moved down a nearby alley that led directly to the local military base. Only when he was sure that he was out of sight of potential security forces did he turn to see who had followed...

Edited by SourKraut91, 17 May 2015 - 08:18 AM.

#77 Bill Bullet


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Posted 18 May 2015 - 12:21 AM

Bill stood by the door holding it open as one by one his compatriots made their way to the exit. Two large fellows advanced on him with murder in their eyes. Reaching into a booth, Bill grabbed a bottle of whiskey from a startled patron's hand and smashed it over the head of one of them. With a groan his victim slipped to the floor cradling his wounded skull. Switching the bottle to his left hand, Bill held it out to the side and waggled the jagged end at the remaining thug. "Don't look at the bottle." said Bill like a teacher scolding an errant school boy. "I won't." growled the thug. "Don't...look...at...the...bottle." Bill repeated, wiggling it some more. "I won't." said the thug again, somewhat confused. "DON'T LOOK AT IT!" bellowed Bill. "I said I-" as the thug was speaking his eyes glanced over to Bill's left hand, in that instant Bill lashed out and struck the man in the face with his right fist, shattering the poor guy's nose. Dropping the bottle Bill watched as the fellow staggered away. "Told you not to look." he said and laughed. Nicholas interrupted his merriment as he ran by, clapping him on the shoulder.

"It is time to leave but I think I have an idea that you would all appreciate greatly if you think you are up for a short walk." With everyone else having left and the cops closing in, Bill was more than willing to follow the Clanner. "Forget walking Nicholas, let's run!" and closing the door behind him, Bill motioned for the gang to follow Nicholas down the alleyway and into the night.


As the police ushered the last of the belligerents out the door. Walter took stock of the barroom floor. Overturned chairs, broken bottles, spilled beer, a few bloodstains, and of course the ceiling fan littered the floor. "Crazy MechWarriors, heh good thing that Quartermaster was unconscious long enough to get himself arrested, the militia will have to pick up the tab for this little ruckus." Walter felt not the least bit guilty about squeezing the local militia for every penny of damages, they were lousy tippers anyway. "Sven! The night is still young, move that fan out of the way and start cleaning up!" Changed into a clean shirt, Sven wordlessly started tidying up. Walter made a mental note to pay his bouncer a little extra for tonight's troubles. More than a few of the scattered fights would have turned lethal if Sven hadn't waded into the thick of it. The memory of a Davion infantryman getting tossed across the room when he had made the mistake of trying to pull his sidearm made Walter chuckle.

Walter finished cleaning off his trusty club and hung it on its hook underneath the bar just as Greta came by with a tray loaded down with the few remaining glasses that hadn't been turned into impromptu projectiles and started loading them into the dishwasher. "Upstairs is all cleaned out except for Mr. Green, you'd think he had been watching a game on TV instead of a bar brawl. He says he can have a few of his men watch the place for the next couple of days if you like." Walter shook his head and put a bottle of plum sake in the warmer. "Tell Mr. Green thanks but no, Sven's more than capable of watching the place. Run this up to him when you're done there Greta love and tell him it's on the house as thanks for the offer."

Mr. Green calculated the figures on his noteputer and sent off a message to his men down at the docks to gather the requested Mech parts for his latest customers. "Would hardly be a good idea to double cross the sort of men who leap into a fights with Clanners and the local garrison on the same night." he muttered to himself. On the subject of Clanners, Mr. Green paused then pulled up a video file on his noteputer. A short video of Bill and Mack played. "When we get out there I'm going to pick that kid's brain for every piece of intel I can get!" After seeing that the audio was intact, Mr. Green then pulled up a still frame of Nicholas and the other Clansman along with another video clip, this one of Nicholas defeating three members of the DCMS singlehanded. "What was it the Lyran said? Information is ammunition? He truly is an idiot. Information is not ammunition to be used once and discarded. Information is money." A few taps on the noteputer later and the videos and pictures were sent to the HPG station on planet. After the necessary funds were transferred from Mr. Green's private account the information was encoded then bundled with terabytes of pointless content to mask its importance and then sent via HPG transmission deep into the Draconis Combine.

Hours later in a dark office, a man in a wheel chair opened his desk computer and began to review the files sent to him. One marked "Urgent: Time Sensitive" caught his eye and he pulled it up. The light from the monitor reflected off his glasses hiding them from sight, but despite the man's age they were sharp and full of a deadly intelligence. "Hmmmm, most interesting..." and without hesitation began to formulate a plan. "The Dragon's will be done..."

#78 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 02:58 AM

“...All I’m saying is, if they’ve got mead, it’ll be worth it,” I said.

“Come on, Cal. Don’t tell me you’ve never drunk mead before,” my late night adventure buddy grumbled.

“But this is Rasalhague mead, Ev. It won’t just be mead, it’ll be mead done right. And the way the Clans are rolling up, we might never get another chance to drink some,” I replied.

Evelyn Hughes, known more commonly as “Anthem” when at the helm of her Shadow Hawk, was one of just a handful of recruits who had joined the AFFC from my homeworld of Tecumseh. Despite her prim and proper upbringing, and my own more salt-of-the-earth one, we’d become fast friends at Goshen and stuck together since. She could still be a bit of a stick in the mud, though.

I’ll confess, getting out and seeing the universe was most of my reason for signing up in the first place. Chances are, you’ve never been to the planet of Tecumseh, a little world a few jumps back from the Capellan border. The Federated Suns, and my ancestors, moved in a few hundred years ago, presumably because First Prince Michael Davion heard there was an all-you-can-eat buffet there and wanted to try it.

Four out of every five adults on Tecumseh are agricultural workers, my family included, producing the huge quantities of food that make up the vast majority of the planet’s interstellar export. That might be more noble, if it wasn’t because that’s about all our economy’s good for. Mining? Nup, best you’ll find is a little iron and copper. Manufacturing? Sure, if by that you mean distilleries for the vast quantities of fruit and grain. The other one out of five adults not working the farms is really just there to support the other four: a banker for farm accounts; a lawyer to sort out trade disputes; a cop to investigate... I don’t know, fruit smugglers or something.

My only real chance to see something more than my family’s orchard was to leverage my skills driving an AgriMech into convincing the recruiters that I could do the same with a BattleMech. Why not just join the infantry, you ask? I wanted to see what life was like on other worlds, not death. Turns out, though, nobles get the interesting tours. Farm kids from backwater worlds get militia duty.

Since we’d left the Valexa CMM behind us and joined on for a tour with the White Shields mercenary company, Ev and I had certainly travelled. But aside from a lot of war zones, I hadn’t really had much of a chance to see anything. While the White Shields rested and recuperated after the front line tour, Ev and I were technically free citizens, until we decided to sign back on with the White Shields or someone else for another tour. We weren’t going to be dragged back and disciplined for any shenanigans that occurred tonight. That was where the Watering Hole came in.

Red and blue flashing lights were up ahead, though, right where our guide had said the Watering Hole was. That was the sort of thing that promised disciplining.

“Hold up,” I said, gesturing for Ev to hang back in the alley we’d come up.

Easing up against the brickwork of the corner building, I glanced down the cross street. Police vehicles were pulling up in front of the bar, and crumpled bodies on the pavement spoke of a recently completed bar brawl. Wait, scratch that… the sound of smashing glass spoke of a bar brawl still in progress.

“Some scout you are,” Ev muttered behind me, “What do you see, Sparks?”

“Looks like a bar brawl. Local law have arrived,” I replied, “I guess no mead tonight.”

“Step back, give me a look.”

I obliged, and Ev took her shot at peering around the corner at the excitement.

“Bunch of military sorts just came out. S***, one’s coming this way!” she said, darting back into the alley.

We stepped back to the side wall. “Are you sure he’s looking for trouble? Maybe he’s got mead?” I asked hopefully.

“It looked like he’s just finished with trouble. I don’t know what he’s looking for now,” Ev replied.

The tall figure entered the end of the alley. I stepped forwards, hands raised open at shoulder height in what I hoped was a non-threatening gesture and not a symbol of Viking challenge.

“Easy there, big fella. We’re not looking for trouble. Just a couple of tourists out to see the sights.”

Edited by Sparks Murphey, 19 May 2015 - 03:01 AM.

#79 WustenFuchs1991


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 05:25 PM

In the short moments it took for the others to catch up the clanner found himself standing in front of two more people. Both seemed slightly surprised when the taller man approached them. Not wanting to get into another conflict while they were trying to escape from the one behind them, Nicholas raised his hands in a similar gesture to the one Mack had offered him when they had first met.

"Easy there, big fella. We're not looking for trouble. Just a couple of tourists out to see the sights."

Giving the two an appraising look, the clanner decided that they did look more like labourers then what passed for warriors in the Inner Sphere. That said, Nicholas knew that the only people on this planet were locals and soldiers. Playing the part of tourists on a backwater that was used as a jump off point for the military and a haven for criminals was probably the worst cover ever. Not bothering to question their motives though, the clanner offered his advice just as Bill jogged up to him.

"I assume you do not intend to be taken into custody this evening, quineg? If not then your best bet would be to look for another sight or follow us back the way you came. Not much in the way of options though.

(Sorry to disturb our turn order, such as it is, but that last post put me on the spot.)

#80 Thom Frankfurt


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  • LocationSearounders Tavern, Port St. Williams, Coventry

Posted 20 May 2015 - 03:10 PM

[Welcome aboard, Sparky!]

Marching along with the rest, Marc tried to do his best to not chastise himself for his actions at the Watering Hole. Besides drinking too much, he blew his cover. Word would spread and come morning there would only be a snowball in Hell's chance of him convincing any of the locals that he was a member of the press. Jubal and the Thug Lady have had him caned for such negligence, and that was if he was lucky.

Tucking a strand of lanky hair behind his ear he took in his comrades. Walking tall if looking a bit worse for wear, they all had that certain twinkle in their eyes that came from knowing that you gave better than you got. Indeed spirits seemed to be high, but the night was long from over, which his companions could easily see if they bothered to turn around and look at the flashing red and blue lights. Flourishing his coat suddenly knocked more off some more of the fine white powder form his ceiling fan ride.

Up ahead the group seemed to be stalling up, Marc moved in to investigate. "Easy there, big fella. We're not looking for trouble. Just a couple of tourists out to see the sights." Nicolas made something of a lame attempt at looking unthreatening suddenly, the Wallacian somehow stifled the laugh threatening to bust from his mouth and moved up closer to get a better look. "I assume you do not intend to be taken into custody this evening, quineg? If not then your best bet would be to look for another sight or follow us back the way you came. Not much in the way of options though."

Now what word was that, 'Quineg?'

Marc looked back to see distant silhouettes of what appeared to be handcuffed people being dragged out of the bar in ones and twos. He noticed more than one club being raised to come crashing down. "Yeah," Marc turned to look over the new pair. "Bad idea going that way, there's a whole world of hurt that way."

Edited by Thom Frankfurt, 20 May 2015 - 10:07 PM.

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