Voq, on 19 January 2015 - 10:24 AM, said:
Where I can identify with him on this issue is that it feels more significant in the Sparky.
I don't think I lose them more often, but I feel it when I do.
My other Griffins I have my shield arm, and I can make good use of that to minimize the likelihood of losing the right. In the Sparky they're both fairly valuable and it hurts the damage output to lose em.
They feel a little bit more like my Cat ears.
mogs01gt, on 19 January 2015 - 10:41 AM, said:
You simply notice them more since you have hardpoints in the left arm.
The loss of something important (functional arms with weapons) on one unit where they matter are noticed far more than on similar units where the arms do not matter, leading to a confirmation bias (where you will repeatedly notice it and remember it simply because it matters).
That said, I only really notice losing an arm when it's my right arm. But I don't own a Sparky. Just the other Griffins.