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Important Details Regarding Faction Content!

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:09 PM

Greetings MechWarriors!

This news post contains some important information regarding the roll-out of today's Faction Content!

For players who attempted to apply Faction Content to their Mad Dog 'Invasion' Variants

As outlined on the Wave 2 page, the Clan Faction Content Patterns released today only apply to whichever Wave 2 'Mechs were included in your respective package purchase. They will not apply to any Wave 1 'Mechs.

The Mad Dog 'Invasion' variant was made available after the release of Wave 2 to players who purchased both the Masakari and Man-O-War Clan Collections. As the Mad Dog was not included with the Koshi, Fenris, Loki, or Man-O-War Collections, it is not considered part of the Wave 2 Collection and is thus not eligible for receiving the Clan Pattern reward items.
This restriction also applies to Mad Dog's purchased as of today with MC, or on January 20th with C-bills.

All that being said: If you received the Mad Dog 'Invasion' variant as part of your Ultimate Clan Reward for having purchased the Masakari and Man-O-War Clan Collections, we will be injecting Clan Pattern unlocks for any of the Clan Faction Content you had selected.
So, for example, if you selected 2 Ghost Bear and 2 Wolf Clan Faction Content packs, you will be receiving 1 Ghost Bear and 1 Clan Wolf Pattern unlock for your non-Invasion Mad Dog variants.

All injections for those eligible players have been completed as of this post!

For players who attempted to apply Faction Colours to their eligible Wave 2 'Mechs, but were charged MC

After the release of the Faction Content, players who attempted to apply one of their Faction Colours to an eligible 'Mech from their Wave 2 Collection were either being charged the normal amount of MC for the item, or were not able to save the change (in the event they did not have enough MC to cover the cost).

We will be issuing in-game refunds to any player who was charged MC for the Faction colour items that they were eligible to receive as part of their Clan Faction Content selection.

All refunds for affected players have been completed as of this post!

For players who purchased the Resistance Wrath pack, but did not receive their King Crab Reward 'Mech

Sincere apologies for the delayed injection. The King Crab has just scuttled into your account! If necessary, please log out and log back in to initiate the redemption.

#2 Iqfish


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:12 PM

You gotta love the course of PGI after you guys got rid of your publisher.

#3 Sodimus


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:23 PM

Thank you for including the Mad Dog Invasion variant with the Clan Pack Content!

#4 Kivatu


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:28 PM

yeah we can see the positive changes after PGi took 100% control,
better support
quicker support,
quicker respond for problem
good in making the dateline target
and they keep coming up with good surprises

Edit: ahhh yet another surprise... now with CW...well somebody once told a hug and a kiss is far sweeter when you didnt see em coming

Edited by Kivatu, 12 December 2014 - 01:25 AM.

#5 Alaric Wolf Kerensky


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:31 PM

Why are the colors on the Faction camos NON-customizable? Even with the single color you are allowed to change, it only changes a tiny portion of that color. It is ridiculous. I have confirmed that I was not the only one led to believe that they would have colors that could be altered, and it is really upsetting considering the faction content was half the reason I purchased the packs. Please, let us change the colors.

#6 Jetfire


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:33 PM

I feel much better about paying MC for King Crabs now. It was a bit misleading to show the Mad Dog in the colors and as a Add-on to the pack but not actually count it for the unlocks. I very much support this path and it makes me feel like giving you money.

#7 Jetfire


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:37 PM

View PostAlaric Wolf Kerensky, on 09 December 2014 - 03:31 PM, said:

Why are the colors on the Faction camos NON-customizable? Even with the single color you are allowed to change, it only changes a tiny portion of that color. It is ridiculous. I have confirmed that I was not the only one led to believe that they would have colors that could be altered, and it is really upsetting considering the faction content was half the reason I purchased the packs. Please, let us change the colors.

I agree, if not at least make the case for a first time color locked camo. I could see why as they are less colors than custom textures based on a color. Might be hard to do so I could understand if it is not possible.

#8 Arkadash


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:38 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 09 December 2014 - 03:09 PM, said:


You guys are a class act.

#9 Pezzer


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:40 PM

Thanks for the quick support, guys! You're the best free-to-play distributor on the market, and this proves it! I've seen similar, worse, issues happen in other FTP games and they ended up giving users the shaft with the most minimal of apologies. Glad to hear that everyone got their MC back.

#10 Mekkman


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 03:50 PM

Good response, well done.

#11 Moonlander


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 04:16 PM

Nice quick response to this issue! Thanks for working so hard guys! Keep up the momentum!

#12 Bartholomew bartholomew


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 04:20 PM

So does this mean we will eventually be able to buy invasion (and possibly resistance) paint jobs for other mechs?

#13 Dennis de Koning

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Posted 09 December 2014 - 04:35 PM

Regarding the non-customizable colours for the Faction Camo Specs.
These colours are locked because they are specific to the corresponding house.
Every Faction has very specific colours that represent it. To make them changeable would allow say Ghost Bear, for example, to sport Jade Falcon colours.
Not only would this be confusing, but it would be a misrepresentation of ones Faction and allegiance.
We did include one colour channel (albeit small) that can be modified for the purpose of indicating ones unit.

The colours are, by design, meant to be static and represent your Faction as much as the pattern does.
Once owned, they can also be used to tint other camo specs, unifying them with your Faction as well.

I hope this clears up our reasoning behind this decision.

#14 Nightshade24


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 05:08 PM

My Clan Ghost Bear warhorn doesn't work (to make it go off I have to get a kill correct?)
Meanwhile other player warhorns (minus the clan ones added today) I've been hearing quite a bit.

I asked the chat and everyone else hears them but me... kinda weird.

#15 Cimarb


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 05:09 PM

Please unlock the faction camo colors!!!! Please!

#16 Cimarb


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 05:15 PM

View PostDennis de Koning, on 09 December 2014 - 04:35 PM, said:

Regarding the non-customizable colours for the Faction Camo Specs.
These colours are locked because they are specific to the corresponding house.
Every Faction has very specific colours that represent it. To make them changeable would allow say Ghost Bear, for example, to sport Jade Falcon colours.
Not only would this be confusing, but it would be a misrepresentation of ones Faction and allegiance.
We did include one colour channel (albeit small) that can be modified for the purpose of indicating ones unit.

The colours are, by design, meant to be static and represent your Faction as much as the pattern does.
Once owned, they can also be used to tint other camo specs, unifying them with your Faction as well.

I hope this clears up our reasoning behind this decision.

I do not agree with that at all, Dennis, sorry.

For example, Clan Ghost Bear has many galaxies within it. Until we can get one for every galaxy, we are forced to use what is available and tweak the colors to match the Galaxy as close as possible.

I happen to be in Beta Galaxy, so it is less of an issue for me - the CGB Faction Camo happens to be Beta Galaxy's camo - but for our other Galaxy, or all of the other Ghost Bear units, they are now forced to use our Beta Galaxy camo/colors, which is a horrible situation for all of us. Beta Galaxy now has the same exact camo and colors as every other unit that is forced to use the basic CGB camo.

You have essentially taken the uniqueness out of the camo for all of us...I love your work, but this really saddens me...

#17 RAM


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 05:15 PM

View PostDennis de Koning, on 09 December 2014 - 04:35 PM, said:

Regarding the non-customizable colours for the Faction Camo Specs.
These colours are locked because they are specific to the corresponding house.
Every Faction has very specific colours that represent it. To make them changeable would allow say Ghost Bear, for example, to sport Jade Falcon colours.
Not only would this be confusing, but it would be a misrepresentation of ones Faction and allegiance.
We did include one colour channel (albeit small) that can be modified for the purpose of indicating ones unit.

The colours are, by design, meant to be static and represent your Faction as much as the pattern does.
Once owned, they can also be used to tint other camo specs, unifying them with your Faction as well.

I hope this clears up our reasoning behind this decision.

Presumably this will sadly apply to Resistance Faction camo as well?


#18 RustyBolts


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 05:17 PM

View PostDennis de Koning, on 09 December 2014 - 04:35 PM, said:

Regarding the non-customizable colours for the Faction Camo Specs.
These colours are locked because they are specific to the corresponding house.
Every Faction has very specific colours that represent it. To make them changeable would allow say Ghost Bear, for example, to sport Jade Falcon colours.
Not only would this be confusing, but it would be a misrepresentation of ones Faction and allegiance.
We did include one colour channel (albeit small) that can be modified for the purpose of indicating ones unit.

The colours are, by design, meant to be static and represent your Faction as much as the pattern does.
Once owned, they can also be used to tint other camo specs, unifying them with your Faction as well.

I hope this clears up our reasoning behind this decision.

I think you have been doing very well lately but you dropped the ball on this one. This should have been explained up front and not after receiving a package. This may have impacted how several pilots selected content. I chose the content based on the camo patterns and not the colors. Had I known the colors were locked I would have chosen differently.

#19 Kassatsu


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 05:20 PM

Super mis-leading to show off the mad dog in faction-specific colors and camo when it was not even included in it. I never read anywhere that it was not eligible for it.

Props for giving it to the people with the (I) variants though.

#20 Keira RAVEN McKenna


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 05:20 PM

hmmm bit frustrating. I was assuming I could take a base ghost bears camo and darken the colours to make it a Snow Ravens one.

Bit of a waste of money then buying all 4 factions if they arent alterable.

I hope a choice reset is being considered now we know we cant change the colours so we can choose t4 of the same if thats what we will have to put up with.

PS... I'd love to have THIS...

... as a Snow Ravens Warhorn.

Edited by Keira RAVEN McKenna, 09 December 2014 - 05:26 PM.

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