Dennis de Koning, on 09 December 2014 - 04:35 PM, said:
These colours are locked because they are specific to the corresponding house.
Every Faction has very specific colours that represent it. To make them changeable would allow say Ghost Bear, for example, to sport Jade Falcon colours.
Not only would this be confusing, but it would be a misrepresentation of ones Faction and allegiance.
We did include one colour channel (albeit small) that can be modified for the purpose of indicating ones unit.
The colours are, by design, meant to be static and represent your Faction as much as the pattern does.
Once owned, they can also be used to tint other camo specs, unifying them with your Faction as well.
I hope this clears up our reasoning behind this decision.
Oh man, now I am annoyed. I am sorry, but that is some incredible bullshit for a response.
Do the IS Houses have distinct colors used to identify them?
- Yes, of course (Where is Marik without Purple, for example.)
Now, are there colors to identify with an entire Clan?
- Not really.
Every Clan Galaxy has a different color profile and pattern.
I am going to list sources here, and unless if you can counter with better sources, the argument you just provided is 100% irrelevant. Also, what is stopping a Ghost Bear from sporting the Falcon pattern as it is anyway?
To use Clan Wolf as an example:
The color most identifiable with Wolf is gray, the default color to use when not using a designated scheme. Brown, tan, and silver are colors also usually attributed to them.
Alpha Galaxy: Forest green, Tan/gold trimming,
Beta: Tan over gray
Gamma: Green over brown
Delta: Brown over gray, with black accents
Theta: Various browns with white arms
Iota: Gray with red accents
Kappa: Light gray, accents tan and dark gray
Tau: Khaki, accents gray and red
Omega: Flat Gray
Golden Keshik: Gray, blue-gray trim and gold accents
In the case of my unit, which is a fictional piece of Clan Wolf, our colors are black and deep gray with red and gold highlights.
Please tell me, how you identified green as a representative color for Wolf? Green paint is used in two of the Wolf Galaxies. How does that represent the entire Clan? In the case of Jade Falcon, obviously green fits exceptionally well. Not in Wolf. This same trend can be said for IS Houses. How many Marik units have combat paint in their iconic purple? Almost exclusively their militia units, and not many others:
As most of the players here are identifying with particular units (many of which have schemes far from the iconic colors of said faction), and not the faction itself, this is going to be problematic. The colors you selected are NOT going to help players identify with their faction. In fact, it will cause alienation.
Can the majority of Clan Wolf units get attached to the pattern you created? Some may choose to use it, but likely ONLY if they can change the colors to represent their particular unit.
Lastly, but most importantly. NOWHERE on the order page did it mention that the patterns would be locked to the set colors. Considering in previous packs the bonus camo content has been customizable, how were your customers supposed to know that they would not be able to take these patterns and make them their own? The answer: they were not. This is essentially false advertising. As a customer who has sunk $580 into this game because of how much I love Mechwarrior, I feel cheated for the $120 I put into this pack. I literally only bought the Man 'o war Package because I wanted the bonus patterns and colors to use on the Mad Dog and Hellbringer. But now, in order to bring them into the color scheme of my unit, I cannot use the patterns intended to unify units for CW, or else sacrifice the color identities of the Black Wolves.
Edit: I have now heard that the Prime variants were also supposed to be able to accept the clan patterns? Not sure if that is correct or not.
Also, the Wolf Green is EXACTLY the same as the Default (green) color. That is... a little underwhelming... at best.
Edited by Alaric Wolf Kerensky, 16 December 2014 - 11:22 AM.