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Important Details Regarding Faction Content!

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#61 Nightshade24


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 11:23 PM

View PostHARDKOR, on 09 December 2014 - 10:52 PM, said:

So I bought the other two crabs and I can't change the camo. Is that a bug?

could be the fact it has no camos yet

#62 Nightshade24


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 11:44 PM

Anyone got a problem with there ghost bear war horn? it has no animation for me or sound. (yes I am getting the kill)

#63 Uklistan


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Posted 09 December 2014 - 11:56 PM

View PostNightshade24, on 09 December 2014 - 11:44 PM, said:

Anyone got a problem with there ghost bear war horn? it has no animation for me or sound. (yes I am getting the kill)

I've heard the clan wolf horn going off but none of the others - I haven't mounted any of mine yet, so I just hear that one from other players.

#64 KuroNyra


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 12:19 AM

View PostIqfish, on 09 December 2014 - 03:12 PM, said:

You gotta love the course of PGI after you guys got rid of your publisher.

Ho you know. I'm sur at 100% that some guys are laughting in another forum saying "And PGI did it again. Releasing something broken! #MWOSUCKOLOLOL"

#65 Lance425


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 12:39 AM

View PostKuroNyra, on 10 December 2014 - 12:19 AM, said:

Ho you know. I'm sur at 100% that some guys are laughting in another forum saying "And PGI did it again. Releasing something broken! #MWOSUCKOLOLOL"

You're right! I've never played a game where they had to push out a Hotfix after a patch yet!





#66 Keira RAVEN McKenna


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 12:40 AM

My Falcon horn works

#67 Meistersaenger


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 12:54 AM

What i miss - or is it a bug? - is the opportunity to get the patterns on my wave I mechs. i mean... "fraction content"... sounds like i could get it on all mechs from that fraction, not only 5 of them.

#68 Tuann


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 01:18 AM

View PostDennis de Koning, on 09 December 2014 - 04:35 PM, said:

Regarding the non-customizable colours for the Faction Camo Specs.
These colours are locked because they are specific to the corresponding house.
Every Faction has very specific colours that represent it. To make them changeable would allow say Ghost Bear, for example, to sport Jade Falcon colours.
Not only would this be confusing, but it would be a misrepresentation of ones Faction and allegiance.
We did include one colour channel (albeit small) that can be modified for the purpose of indicating ones unit.

The colours are, by design, meant to be static and represent your Faction as much as the pattern does.
Once owned, they can also be used to tint other camo specs, unifying them with your Faction as well.

I hope this clears up our reasoning behind this decision.

I am not amused by having to read this Reasoning , after selecting the patterns/colours,...

it also denies us the possibility to use camo schemes with my faction or other colors to make different looking mechs

no bonus points here,...

and showing the Maddog with the content camo and colors, and then saying it is excluded when delivering is a clear case of false advertising actually,...

Edited by Tuann, 10 December 2014 - 01:21 AM.

#69 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 01:48 AM

it was mentioned by Dennis de Koning that if the player base want the colours changable you will concider it,
Please make the faction content colours changable.

the only other colour locked cammo was for the Founders Mechs and that had the patterns changed later to one where you could modify the cammo. The colour locked cammo means I cannot use those pattens in group drops and still sport my units colours, meaning those patterns are not very useful to me.

I understand the reasioning for the decision but as most factions have diferent colour schemes for individual units that reasioning seems faulty.

also, on the subject of cammo colour it would be nice to get greater modification of the FS9-E Ember Hero mechs colour.scheme.

Edited by Rogue Jedi, 10 December 2014 - 07:18 AM.

#70 Prussian Havoc


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 01:49 AM


On one hand it is so incredibly reassuring that gamers take PGI so clearly to task over Faction content decision. It shows how deeply invested they are in PGI 's creation - MWO. Please excuse those most passionate within community, though they may not represent the majority of our community, their semi-articulate rants on the forums clearly put them deep in the camp of gamers who take PGI's decisions to craft and shape MWO much too personally. I for one support and applaud PGI's decision to use Faction Patterns as just one means to enforce Faction solidarity, rather than to leave "Faction Patern color-choice" a user-defined means to celebrate separation within individual factions. Stay the course PGI.

On the other hand it is more than a bit disconcerting that more gamers are not tolerant of a clearly articulated Developer intent with regard to a decision. PGI's vision for MWO has come through with an increasing degree of clarity now that they have so fully separated themselves and OUR beloved game - MWO, from iGP influence. i trust PGI in their decision to minimize user-defined distinctions with regard to both Clan and Inner Sphere Faction patterns.

I am in favor of PGI's emerging vision for MWO CW. Locked Clan Faction Pattern color choice is one step. Locked Inner Sphere Pattern color choice will be another.

Let faction uniformity be established with this PGI decision... We will have months and years for PGI to take this "Beginning" and expand it deeper with future introduction of additional faction content which will no doubt offer a wider selection of similarly (and rightly!!!) constrained faction regalia.

We are at the beginning of Faction content here folks, let's not cast stones at PGI for giving us a Great Improvement in the Game... just not in our favorite color!

#71 Lucky Noob


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 02:08 AM

to the Opening Topic......

Damm thats Custumer Suport at is best, fast and precise.

you earned this PGI.

Posted Image

#72 Sir Roland MXIII


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 02:56 AM

Prussian, you preach quite eloquently and passionately about tolerance and understanding but that is a two way street between the customers who pay PGI's bills, and PGI providing us with good reasons and solid content to buy so we don't continue to deepen Chris Roberts' pockets. All they have to do to raise profits for RSI is do what they did here: tell the customers they have no choice in customization with the Faction Content that many paid to have.

This is before accounting for the ugly, blatant false advertising, and the fact that the reasons given for these restrictions are not actually 100% in line with BT, as they like to claim. If they decide not to end this unreasonable lack of choice? Well, I will choose to take the Zeus Resistance pack I was going to get next month and give that money to RSI or any other developer who promote freedom of choice, and I suspect I will not be alone. Russ would say he understands that, why can't you?

Frankly, I expect this has and/or will cause a few people to request refunds for already paid-for Resistance packs. That understanding you ask us to have for PGI? Well, careful asking for that since it doesn't always work in their favour - especially in this case now that it is understood how the faction content packs "work".

#73 GeistHrafn


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 03:39 AM

View PostNightshade24, on 09 December 2014 - 11:44 PM, said:

Anyone got a problem with there ghost bear war horn? it has no animation for me or sound. (yes I am getting the kill)

Mine works fine, barring the normal issue where multiple kills on the field won't allow one of the horns to sound. The clan warhorns seem to be a lot quieter than the normal horns tho.

#74 Stormfury


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 04:43 AM

View PostDennis de Koning, on 09 December 2014 - 06:45 PM, said:

I am completely open to modifying the option to customize the colours if the majority of users desire it.
Stating your point clearly, with tact, decorum and well thought-out reasoning will receive a better response than that of poor etiquette.

Considering yours (and others) concerns though, our schedule is quite full so any meaningful changes, if they are to be made, would have to wait until early next year.

Thank you for discussing in a civilized manner. It's so nice to see you guys talking with us these days vs the days of past.

I'm definitely in the camp that feels like we were mis-informed with our purchase. I had taken all 4 clans because I like a couple of the patterns and wanted all the colors. I thought, like many others, we'd be able to take the smoke jaguar skin and color it in ghost bear colors. Last week when we were asked to make our faction content choices, I didn't understand (still don't) what we got by choosing ghost bear x 4 for instance. Would that have given me the ability to put the extra 3 skins on new mechs? Ie. Wave 1? Primes? How do we get the camo scheme onto our primes? I thought that all of my wave 2 mechs 15 in total (3 variants x 5 chassis, yes I thought maddog was wave 2) would have the skins.

Thanks for your time and clarification.

#75 RustyBolts


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 04:50 AM

View PostPrussian Havoc, on 10 December 2014 - 01:49 AM, said:


On one hand it is so incredibly reassuring that gamers take PGI so clearly to task over Faction content decision. It shows how deeply invested they are in PGI 's creation - MWO. Please excuse those most passionate within community, though they may not represent the majority of our community, their semi-articulate rants on the forums clearly put them deep in the camp of gamers who take PGI's decisions to craft and shape MWO much too personally. I for one support and applaud PGI's decision to use Faction Patterns as just one means to enforce Faction solidarity, rather than to leave "Faction Patern color-choice" a user-defined means to celebrate separation within individual factions. Stay the course PGI.

On the other hand it is more than a bit disconcerting that more gamers are not tolerant of a clearly articulated Developer intent with regard to a decision. PGI's vision for MWO has come through with an increasing degree of clarity now that they have so fully separated themselves and OUR beloved game - MWO, from iGP influence. i trust PGI in their decision to minimize user-defined distinctions with regard to both Clan and Inner Sphere Faction patterns.

I am in favor of PGI's emerging vision for MWO CW. Locked Clan Faction Pattern color choice is one step. Locked Inner Sphere Pattern color choice will be another.

Let faction uniformity be established with this PGI decision... We will have months and years for PGI to take this "Beginning" and expand it deeper with future introduction of additional faction content which will no doubt offer a wider selection of similarly (and rightly!!!) constrained faction regalia.

We are at the beginning of Faction content here folks, let's not cast stones at PGI for giving us a Great Improvement in the Game... just not in our favorite color!

I would have zero issue with the locked faction colors had it been announced at the beginning or even prior to content selection. Because I would have known what my options were and I would have selected accordingly. However, since none of this was known until yesterday, I now have several camo patterns that I cannot use due to unit rules. Had I known about this restriction I would have chosen differently. Also, to show all the camo patterns on the Mad Dog, but then exempt the Mad Dog from the use of the pattern is just wrong. But once again, had it been known prior to yesterday or even if they had displayed the (locked) patterns on one of the appropriate mechs I would have been ok with it.

#76 YakkSlapper


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 04:59 AM

So, when do we get the resistance faction packs n items/colors?

#77 Reno Blade


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 05:32 AM

Could someone help me understand the thing with the MadDog camo?


This restriction also applies to Mad Dog's purchased as of today with MC, or on January 20th with C-bills.

All that being said: If you received the Mad Dog 'Invasion' variant as part of your Ultimate Clan Reward for having purchased the Masakari and Man-O-War Clan Collections, we will be injecting Clan Pattern unlocks for any of the Clan Faction Content you had selected.
So, for example, if you selected 2 Ghost Bear and 2 Wolf Clan Faction Content packs, you will be receiving 1 Ghost Bear and 1 Clan Wolf Pattern unlock for your non-Invasion Mad Dog variants.

- The MadDog Prime (I) Invasion variant will not get any faction camo, but the other two variants will get the faction camos like any other Wave2 mechs?
- None of the Wave1 mechs will get the camo? or will it just be delivered later?
- The other Wave2 Invasion variants will get the camo option later (when you can change camo patterns for them) or is it already possible?

View PostDennis de Koning, on 09 December 2014 - 06:45 PM, said:

I am completely open to modifying the option to customize the colours if the majority of users desire it.
Stating your point clearly, with tact, decorum and well thought-out reasoning will receive a better response than that of poor etiquette.

Considering yours (and others) concerns though, our schedule is quite full so any meaningful changes, if they are to be made, would have to wait until early next year.

Hi Dennis,
thank you for the explanations.

I was very happy to see the camo patterns as bonus for the Wave2 pack, as it pushed me towards buying the full pack (also for the MadDog).
I intented to use the Clan Wolf camo with Clan Ghostbear colors.
I also intent to use Clan Ghostbear colors for my Steiner and Liao camo patterns, as this combination would probably look awesome.

Not beeing able to have any visible (speak more than 2% of the surface of the mech) color option would severly limit the joy of using these camo patterns.
Mechs like the Golden Boy, the Arrow or the SiG are great because of their camo and they are not fixed (besides the Gold on the Golden Boy). Changing the colors on these mechs can bring some great effects (like a pure white Arrow/SiG look like a SW Stormtrooper) :)

Please consider making the colors of the camo (at least one channel) changeable and useable for all mechs like for any other Premium camo.
Thank you. Keep up the great work and communication.

Edited by Reno Blade, 10 December 2014 - 05:46 AM.

#78 Orion Starion


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 05:45 AM

I definately do not support the camo colors being locked.
I also don't agree with the inability to change the camo patterns on Hero's and the like. But at least with those you can still change all the colors.
Honestly, one of the biggest draws for me from all of the Mech Warrior games has been the ability to customise the mechs. Especially the camo and paint.
MWO will never loose customers or income for giving the players more options. But the more they seem to be limiting those options the more players and income they will miss out on.

Just my 2millicreds.

#79 Innocent


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 05:58 AM

As far as the faction patterns go, it would be nice in the future if you would put details about content at the time it is first advertised.

PGI did not give customers any way to know that the colors would be locked. The logical assumption was that the faction patterns would work like all other custom patterns, the player would be able to change the colors.

Are the colors on the IS faction patterns going to be locked as well?

#80 Appogee


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Posted 10 December 2014 - 06:20 AM

I'm sorry, but what does it mean that the colors are "locked".

I unlocked each of the four sects of camos and colours for the factions.

Does this mean the Clan Wolf camo can only be show in in the Clan Wolf colors?

If so, then it seems fairly logical to me... Why would a Ghost Bear camo ever appear in Clan Wolf colours?

Edited by Appogee, 10 December 2014 - 06:21 AM.

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