Kiiyor, on 09 December 2014 - 06:17 PM, said:
This is a fallacy of ye olde highest order.
With TTK the way it is at the moment, Assaults (and especially slow Assaults) are mad to expose themselves fully to concentrated enemy fire.
Assaults are weapon platforms. Their purpose isn't to absorb fire, because no assault can actually do that against more than one enemy. Their purpose is to get themselves into a position where they can bring their outrageous firepower to bear with as little risk as possible, and to deny ground to the enemy.
Few mechs will willingly round a corner knowing a DireWolf has it's crosshairs waiting for them. Catch a DireWolf in the open however, and it's party time, all enemies invited.
Leave the skirmishing to faster mechs better suited to it. The job of fast mediums and lights is to harass and confuse the enemy, so that the larger weapon platforms know where to be to fire for best effect.
I disagree on this. I think assaults are made to deal damage and take damage. Maybe not right in the front as a meat shield but at least spread some damage if you were to be in a brawler. I often times don't feel like I did my job if I get out of a brawl in a DDC with 100% health, especially when a smaller guy next to me lost all his limbs.
At the same time, you do want to conserve yourself, not overextend, and survive as long as possible. I also dislike it when people don't know how to support the heavier mechs on the field, which happens a lot.
Assaults always attract attention, but letting your teammates die off slowly and walking to the field last as a fresh assault just isn't right; if that assault had sticked on the field and not sat behind then the game could've rolled down better and the match might've been closer.
Basically TL;DR: Don't wait till the last man standing to act.
CocoaJin, on 09 December 2014 - 06:54 PM, said:
Consider this, if your Assault isn't up front, that the faster guys might want to re-group and bring the front to them. Honestly, you'd be just as much at fault for over-extending ahead of your Assault as the Assault for not staying in front. Is he staying behind or are you pulling ahead?
Agreed here. Stick with your assaults on a team, leaving them behind is fatal on a team.
Kiiyor, on 09 December 2014 - 07:19 PM, said:
Good points.
Assaults need escorts. Think of them as ships of the line in days of yore. Incredibly powerful, but without allies a couple of faster cutters could reduce them to kindling.
Having said that, if you're in a fast mech and extend too far ahead, that's fine. If you're getting shot up, pull the hell back! It astounds me when Hunchies and delicate heavies like Yagers stand and shoot at enemy teams when they are clearly not winning their exchanges. Meanwhile, a Crab or Dire is plodding forwards, just itching to help you out by blowing comically large holes in everything. Pull back! It doesn't even have to be far! Two freaking meters will put you behind cover, where you can almost always just wait, and you'll be fine!
But here I agree, back off if you are in a lighter mech and are getting swarmed. Let the assault take a few hits rather than lose a crucial component.
Don't kill yourself unnecessarily. Take the least casualties.
Edited by luxebo, 09 December 2014 - 08:47 PM.