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Psa: An Assault Mech Most Of The Time Should Be In The Front, Ahem King Crabs

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#81 Ryoko Kombat


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 12:36 PM

View PostKiiyor, on 09 December 2014 - 06:17 PM, said:


This is a fallacy of ye olde highest order.

With TTK the way it is at the moment, Assaults (and especially slow Assaults) are mad to expose themselves fully to concentrated enemy fire.

Assaults are weapon platforms. Their purpose isn't to absorb fire, because no assault can actually do that against more than one enemy. Their purpose is to get themselves into a position where they can bring their outrageous firepower to bear with as little risk as possible, and to deny ground to the enemy.

Few mechs will willingly round a corner knowing a DireWolf has it's crosshairs waiting for them. Catch a DireWolf in the open however, and it's party time, all enemies invited.

Leave the skirmishing to faster mechs better suited to it. The job of fast mediums and lights is to harass and confuse the enemy, so that the larger weapon platforms know where to be to fire for best effect.

Be honest it's right on 50x50% only...

On one side we got such "go getin' monsters" like Hago and Mahoro who manage with 732 and BNC3E to run circles of Death in Manifold collecting heads and bodies with AC20, gauss and bunch of LPL's...

On the other side we got mostly made for support platforms mounting an barns of LRM20, lasers, PPC's and the rest like DWF.

Again. Let's be honest... Atlases except one model are terribad brawlers. Mostly Victors, 732's, HM's, Misery's, BNC3/3S/3M, Gargl and Crab does brawl effectively. The rest like most of Atlases, DWF's, Warhawks, Stalker's, 733's are support gun welding platforms. So... there is not many to brawl.

B-sides. Brawler without pick-up intel/fight is just an... LARGE SLOW TARGET.

#82 YueFei


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 12:36 PM

View PostFoxtrot four eight, on 11 January 2015 - 10:52 AM, said:

Sorry, my assault is not going to draw aggro for you so you lights and mediums can run around and do what you like. I have been abandon too many times by the same guy who say's you assaults should assault. So it ain't gonna happen.

Basing your own behavior on when others do the wrong thing means that even when your teammates *are* doing the right thing, you're not there for them, so it's gonna just hurt your chances of winning.

#83 Ryoko Kombat


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 12:40 PM

View Postkapusta11, on 11 December 2014 - 05:00 AM, said:

Lol PUGs wonder why no one follows their favorite strategy:
Posted Image

Actually it will work... only if we got 1200 tons Teams layouts in tunnel alike map. But that would be Wild West Style Gunslinging Shootout Show.

#84 Fate 6


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 12:43 PM

Assaults are best in premade teams purely because when you push or don't push, the assault needs to be on the same page as their team.

I won a 4v4 competitive skirmish because we found the enemy assault out of position and removed almost half their team tonnage in the span of 15 seconds. Assaults need protection and coordination. Being heavy and armored doesn't make you invincible. Even losing half your mech as a Crab is basically the same as losing an entire medium mech.

Edited by Fate 6, 11 January 2015 - 12:47 PM.

#85 topgun505


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 12:50 PM

This. I love nothing more than to be in a light and see a team leave an assault behind on its own. Even a light as weak as my Pirate's Bane will take down an assault in under a minute if he doesn't have anyone to shoo me off of him.

View PostTastian, on 09 December 2014 - 05:56 PM, said:

I agree with this post. But more importantly, if you are on a team and you have a few whales (Dires, Crabs, or Atlas), PLEASE don't run off and leave them to be picked off by lights. This is true at the beginning of the match and its also true when the whales are attempting to front line. If you see them starting to push, don't just wait for them to die; push with them. If you don't push with them, don't complain about them not pushing. Otherwise, you are teaching them not to front line. Whales that don't front line is a learned behavior.

#86 Rossario x Vampire


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 01:01 PM

KGC got just few type of Brawl Configs such as:

1. 2xAC20+2xLPL
2. 2xAC20+4xSRM6

Only few who allow player to feel like "a baws" when it's case of from 400 to 1 metre range clinch clash dog fight. KGC without watched back can end up in few seconds time catching with his sexy big butt few 3x or 4xSRM6 salvoes.

Yes, DWF and KGC can bring a hell of a lot of PPFLD using dual welding mix of 2xAC20 or 2xLBX20 plus some LPL's, MPL's and SRM's but until we ain't got map filter they once can pop into Alpine with that kind of armament end... die by LURM shower.

#87 Shatterpoint


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 01:09 PM

View PostYueFei, on 11 January 2015 - 12:36 PM, said:

Basing your own behavior on when others do the wrong thing means that even when your teammates *are* doing the right thing, you're not there for them, so it's gonna just hurt your chances of winning.

Bullshit..assaults are the biggest slowest mechs out there, their size/armor and weight mean nothing in this game they're more vulnerable than lights are. The ONLY advantage they have is carrying a massive amount of weapons into a match...a dead assault does nothing with those weapons.
If you act based a crappy group (95% of groups from experience) you're dead, lights are running around with assault mech weaponry as standard, how many PPC shots does a light need to core your back? not many..don't bother looking to your team for help they're off playing gloryhound.

If teams played as teams then maybe this would change but since an assault pilot has to fight a light mech 1vs1 as many times as they lay down massive fire on an enemy group it's not going to happen...same crap since early alpha so I'm confident saying it'll never happen ever.

#88 YueFei


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 01:41 PM

View PostShatterpoint, on 11 January 2015 - 01:09 PM, said:

Bullshit..assaults are the biggest slowest mechs out there, their size/armor and weight mean nothing in this game they're more vulnerable than lights are. The ONLY advantage they have is carrying a massive amount of weapons into a match...a dead assault does nothing with those weapons.
If you act based a crappy group (95% of groups from experience) you're dead, lights are running around with assault mech weaponry as standard, how many PPC shots does a light need to core your back? not many..don't bother looking to your team for help they're off playing gloryhound.

If teams played as teams then maybe this would change but since an assault pilot has to fight a light mech 1vs1 as many times as they lay down massive fire on an enemy group it's not going to happen...same crap since early alpha so I'm confident saying it'll never happen ever.

LOL, Light mechs with "assault mech weaponry as standard". You are ridiculous.

Especially since you say it's a PPC Light mech. The single ERPPC Spider is like the godliest Light mech now?

People don't understand that leading with an Assault does not mean to shove it into the jaws of the enemy firing line.

An AWS with 3xPPC can also "PUSH". That doesn't mean hugging a corner and turning that corner and charging head-on into a face-full of enemy fire. It means PIVOT around that corner, slicing the pie, getting line-of-sight with the enemy, and trading shots, using superior armor and weight of fire to pressure the enemy and sweep them from away from that position, clearing lanes for teammates to drive through.

Push enemies around with the weapons, not by running the mech into danger. Just get the mech into a position where you can hit with those weapons.

Look at how top Assault players conduct themselves. They don't cower somewhere hugging cover so tightly that they're shrinking down their own field of fire. They threaten large swaths of the map, while still being smart enough to use cover as they pivot around it smartly and pressure the enemy relentlessly.

Edited by YueFei, 11 January 2015 - 01:59 PM.

#89 Xetelian


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 01:52 PM

Assaults can be anything from back liner sniper to front liner damage sponge.

If you're demanding that AWS with 3 PPC shove forward and brawl you're probably not using that AWS to its full potential.
Yes sometimes it comes down to the most armor needs to push to win but its not every game's scenario.

#90 Foxtrot four eight


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 02:24 PM

View PostYueFei, on 11 January 2015 - 12:36 PM, said:

Basing your own behavior on when others do the wrong thing means that even when your teammates *are* doing the right thing, you're not there for them, so it's gonna just hurt your chances of winning.

In solo que, I am there for me, haven't you got that yet?

#91 ztac


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 02:27 PM

with the state of the game as is , assaults can't really do any assaulting as to advance is to move into the open .. in the open you are easy meat ...the end.

#92 Bartholomew bartholomew


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 03:11 PM

I do not mind being the point in an assault sometimes. however...


#93 YueFei


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 03:33 PM

View PostFoxtrot four eight, on 11 January 2015 - 02:24 PM, said:

In solo que, I am there for me, haven't you got that yet?

Just like it has been since ancient combat, the greatest casualties occur when one side breaks and routes.

Your odds of winning and thus surviving the match go up dramatically when you maintain cohesion with your teammates.

If 50% of the time your teammates are derps, and the other 50% of the time your teammates are studs, but you act like a coward 100% of the time, then even in those games where you've got solid teammates, you're going to end up losing alot of those games (and thus dying) that you would have otherwise been able to win, survive, do lots of damage and earn lots of space bucks and XP.

Ever heard of enlightened self-interest?

Edited by YueFei, 11 January 2015 - 03:33 PM.

#94 L3mming2


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 03:53 PM

View PostBartholomew bartholomew, on 11 January 2015 - 03:11 PM, said:

I do not mind being the point in an assault sometimes. however...


so true, along with those laser alpha mechs who walk in front of my daka crab when i am ripping apart a enemy wile keeping him supresed at the same time. then i have to stop fireing the target stops his panick retreat and ofcorse ignore the litle laser mech and alpha's / kills me while i cant return fire without killing my team mate..

its not that a macro 4 xUAC5 crab fireing a shel every 139 ms is dificult to notice..
i dont realy get anoyed by bad team mates but those 2 things when they actively make my game worse instead of just failing to help the team can realy get under my skin ...

#95 Cricket504


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 04:11 PM

YES! If you are close enough to hear the UAC5's booming.. DON'T STEP IN FRONT OF THE CRAB! The crab is either suppressing the other team with a suppressive fire to give his team time to target and act on the approaching targets OR they are trying to take out that DW that is trying to splatter anything in front of them. Had this happen this weekend. Was doing a suppression of 3 targets and doing a good job of damaging them in the process. A team member stepped in front so I had to stop shooting or kill the guy. This gave the three targets time to unload on me since they had the choice taking out the medium or the crab... hummm, yep, you guessed it. Why take out the guy suppressing is own team. Now I do forgive the guy if they take that Alpha and protect me, but that happens..... ummm.. never!

#96 Escef


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 04:33 PM

Half the problems people are having in this thread can be solved by everyone obeying one simple idea:

Give each other room to move and shoot.

#97 L3mming2


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 05:08 PM

true, i calm my self when this kind of thing hapens by telling my self maby next time he is on the enemy team and gives me a free lunch :P

your level of succes is relative to the incompetence of the avrage player (in this spirit) so you know flamers are the most op weapons in game ;)

#98 Lily from animove


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 05:13 PM

View PostThe Boz, on 09 December 2014 - 11:44 PM, said:

Good luck herding them cats, cowboy!

and f*cking stay behind them, nothing is more annoying then someone cornerpopping in front of your atlas blocking your line of fire. The atlas is the perfect mobile corner to pop with from behind him.

#99 Yokaiko


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 05:25 PM

View PostLily from animove, on 11 January 2015 - 05:13 PM, said:

and f*cking stay behind them, nothing is more annoying then someone cornerpopping in front of your atlas blocking your line of fire. The atlas is the perfect mobile corner to pop with from behind him.

If I'm over 80 tons I just shoot through them, I may or may not (likely not) be able to check my fire, but if I'm banging away with 4 UAC5s you don't want to cut me off.


#100 jackal40


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 05:37 PM

Did not read 5 pages, so:

Until fully mastered - I am not able to keep up with any one. This is true with many assaults even after being mastered. If you want the assaults to be part of the battle - stay with them.

That being said, there are those pilots who don't join the line of battle. Don't know what to do about them - maybe use them for LRM cover?

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