The military intelligence service sent us this brandnew report.
Houses report
This is the map at Day 2, Start +45h
And this is the map at Day 3, Start +66h
Here you can see the progress of conquering (during the last 21 hours).
Won/lost territory
Steiner won territory against Kurita in the east.
Steiner lost territory against Clan Jade Falcon in the north.
Steiner lost territory against FRR in the east.
Steiner lost territory against Marik in the south.
FRR won territory against Steiner in the west.
FRR lost territory to Clan Wolf in the north-west.
FRR lost territory against Kurita in the east.
Kurita won territory against FRR in the west.
Kurita lost territory against Steiner in the west.
Marik won territory against Steiner in the north.
Marik won territory against Liao in the east.
Marik lost territory against Davion in the north-east.
Davion won territory against Marik in the north-west.
Davion won territory against Liao in the west.
Liao lost territory against Davion in the north-east.
Liao lost territory against Marik in the west.
Clan Wolf won territory against FRR in the south.
Clan Wolf lost their complete eastern territory to Clan Ghost Bear.
Clan Ghost Bear won territory against Clan Wolf in the south.
Clan Jade Falcon won territory against Steiner in the south.
Edited by Catalina Steiner, 14 December 2014 - 08:57 AM.