Unit Name: [QQ] RageQuit Mercenary Corporation (aka QQ Mercs)
Timezone: Primary is NA Prime Time with some representation during EU timezones
Primary Contacts: Karpundir (EU/NA), Noober (EU)
Unit Size: 120+ and counting (50-60% highly active)
Contract Length: On our 3rd FRR contract (Jan 22nd-29th)
forum.QQmercs.com (drop a note in our Diplomacy sub-forum!)
TeamSpeak: ts.qqmercs.com (no password)
Other Info: We are a highly active competitive unit, willing to share drop decks, builds, tactics and offer training. Open to all FRR units to drop into our TS and mix in with our teams.
Recruitment Status: Recruiting for mercenaries (mixed Clan and IS) who are looking to support The FRR during IS contracts and not against The FRR directly when on Clan contracts.
Edited by Karpundir, 23 January 2015 - 08:12 AM.