ResoluteFart, on 25 December 2015 - 10:52 PM, said:
TimeZone:UTC + 10:30
Contacts: ResoluteFart
Unit size: 6
Contract length: Indefinite
Could you fill in this missing information as applicable?
[unit tag] League of Extraordinary Weirdos
About: provide a short blurb about your unit.
Contract length ---> FRR loyalist at heart or mercenary?
Teamspeak: what TS do you use?
Website: link if applicable
jjyn, on 24 June 2015 - 03:02 PM, said:
The post has undergone a major overhaul to separate loyalist units from mercenaries. Perhaps if you have found this to be acceptable we'd love to add your unit to the list so that it can be properly recognised.
Warchild Corsair, on 30 April 2015 - 03:15 PM, said:
To help defend against the unknown invaders, Phoenix Legion HQ announces a 14-day contract with the FRR.
It's been quite a while since you provided information for the Riksdag. Your work for the FRR shall not be forgotten! I have submitted a new entry for PHL that will make it into the next update, but it is in need of an update. Let us know any additional information you'd like displayed:

If you need support in attacking or defending please send a PM to one of the Contacts. I will post our TS data later on for direct support requests. Our online times are usually between 19:00 and 24:00 hrs (CET) daily. During the weekends also during daytime. We currently field enough players to have multiple 12-man-games every evening.
Timezone: CET (UTC+1)
Contract: constantly moving
Unit Size: 140+
Teamspeak: unknown
Contacts: Edema, derFiend, Tunes of War, White Hunter, Warchild Corsair
Last updated: Dec 2014