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Frr Unit Registration

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#81 Tarogato


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 08:49 AM

I have submitted an update for the OP, it will be edited in soon. Hopefully a few more things will make it in to this update:

View PostResoluteFart, on 25 December 2015 - 10:52 PM, said:

Unit Name: The League of Extraordinary Weirdos

TimeZone:UTC + 10:30

Contacts: ResoluteFart

Unit size: 6

Contract length: Indefinite

Could you fill in this missing information as applicable?

[unit tag] League of Extraordinary Weirdos

About: provide a short blurb about your unit.

Contract length ---> FRR loyalist at heart or mercenary?

Teamspeak: what TS do you use?

Website: link if applicable

View Postjjyn, on 24 June 2015 - 03:02 PM, said:

As soon as you start a thread for only true FRR house not mercs in sheeps clotheing then the Iron Serpent will post, but not till then.You want too be called a FRR unit then pick a permenate contract. When you play a merc all you are doing is giving them more planets. You want more money and items become a better pilot and earn them like the rest of us with full contracts too the FRR.

The post has undergone a major overhaul to separate loyalist units from mercenaries. Perhaps if you have found this to be acceptable we'd love to add your unit to the list so that it can be properly recognised.

View PostWarchild Corsair, on 30 April 2015 - 03:15 PM, said:

Greetings vikings!

To help defend against the unknown invaders, Phoenix Legion HQ announces a 14-day contract with the FRR.


It's been quite a while since you provided information for the Riksdag. Your work for the FRR shall not be forgotten! I have submitted a new entry for PHL that will make it into the next update, but it is in need of an update. Let us know any additional information you'd like displayed:

Posted Image [PHL] Phoenix Legion
If you need support in attacking or defending please send a PM to one of the Contacts. I will post our TS data later on for direct support requests. Our online times are usually between 19:00 and 24:00 hrs (CET) daily. During the weekends also during daytime. We currently field enough players to have multiple 12-man-games every evening.

Timezone: CET (UTC+1)
Contract: constantly moving
Unit Size: 140+
Teamspeak: unknown
Website: www.phoenix-legion.de
Contacts: Edema, derFiend, Tunes of War, White Hunter, Warchild Corsair
Last updated: Dec 2014

#82 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 01 February 2016 - 02:24 AM

View PostRushin Roulette, on 08 December 2015 - 09:40 AM, said:

Just to give a short update regarding the 331 and this list.

We are still FRR at heart, but currently on an undercover mission to steal mechbays from the other factions storehouses. You can keep us on the list if you want to, because we will deffinitely be back once the tour is over or you could keep us behind a spoiler tag until then to clean up the list with only units flying teh FRR banner Posted Image .

EDIT: You can move the 331st to the loyalist section as we have a permanent contract and plan on staying FRR after seeing what some other factions understand under "teamwork".... *shudders*

Really, really late update to this. We have returned (quite a while ago Posted Image ) and are back with mechbays freed from the tyrany of multiple factions where the resident AStechs were forced to drink such hideous stuff like Sake, Whiskey or Beer (OK, this one wasnt bad... except for that Pils stuff and the yellow water Budwiser). They have now seen the light of a cask of Mead and a horn to drink from and have fully endorsed our return to the FRR with a permanent contract.

Posted Image

Edited by Rushin Roulette, 01 February 2016 - 02:27 AM.

#83 Rushin Roulette


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Posted 10 February 2016 - 12:10 AM

Heya. Could you please move the 331st from the merc to the house unit list? Posted Image

Sorry, I just heard in our TS today, that we will be starting a new round of mechbay stealing from the other factions (Probably starting with the IS houses).
I guess we can stay where we are on this list though, as we will not drop attacks (or defence if we can tell) against the FRR. If a big IS VS Clans event is anounced we will do our best to return this time.

Here is an updated version including the tag;

Posted Image[331] 331st R.B.M.D. Minnesota Tribe

Timezone: EU
Contract: permanent About to start a new mechbay tour for our new members.
Unit Size: 45+
Address: www.minnesotatribe.net
Password: h4ckth1sb1tch
Website: www.minnesotatribe.eu
Contacts: ClaymoreRelliK, Rushin Roulette, Grauluchs

Edited by Rushin Roulette, 11 February 2016 - 02:11 PM.

#84 van Uber


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Posted 17 February 2016 - 05:15 AM

[793] Ragnars Roughnecks

Unit of true spacevikings! Fluent in English, but usually communicates in Swedish and some Icelandic. Working on the Swedeneese.

Timezone: EU (GMT+1).
Contract: Permanent FRR
Unit Size: 10
Teamspeak: yes
Website: n/a
Contacts: van Uber, iNemeq, Barrow

#85 Timicon


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Posted 17 March 2016 - 04:42 PM

Mind if I join? i just left house liao and in 3 days, I will be a mercentrary, whh I do not like, so would it be possible to join your unit and swear allegiance to the FRR?
Ai follow order jperfectly, an
D would like to join you, since you seem strong and know what you are going, as I am getting sick and tired of the pubs in the solo and (and sometime CW.
Check out my orifilel, if you can and I will do what I can for the unit, since ai am on-line

PM me if you are curious and I will explain more in detail there.
Thanks for reading and happy hunting

Edited by Timicon, 17 March 2016 - 04:45 PM.

#86 LuciferoSam


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Posted 05 June 2016 - 12:17 AM

Hello anyone still around?

#87 Jarl Dane


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Posted 05 June 2016 - 05:05 PM


#88 Vhetra


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Posted 29 June 2016 - 10:09 PM

Posted Image [5thD] 5th Drakøns
We label ourselves as Competent, not Competitive. We don't get tryhard about the game, but we can buckle down where it matters. Currently enjoying Scout matches in FW. We have a TS, Discord, Steam group, and made a Subreddit(Though it's private right now due to spam bots. Hit us up for access). Contact one of us if you wish to apply.

Timezone: NA (EST)
Contract: Permanent FRR.
Unit Size: ~15
Teamspeak: (Hidden)
Website: reddit.com/r/Yggdrasill (Private atm due to spambots. Message the mods)
Contacts: Vhetra, Veralas, KVLTCLUTCH, Do I Care, SBDNinja
Last updated: 30JUN16

Just checking in to say we're still alive. Been playing Scout mode on FW now since it's the only place the majority of us find enjoyment(we still have a few who play the bigger modes and whatnot). Our Subreddit is private atm due to spambots we had assailing it.

I updated the information, now we have a Discord chat as well that we use to post dank memes. Updated the list there a bit.

Edited by Vhetra, 29 June 2016 - 10:20 PM.

#89 Timicon


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Posted 13 July 2016 - 06:46 PM

It would be good to join a FRR loyal unit, but considering that I am in Australia and the majority of the players are either from america or Europe, the time difference will be a bit difficult for me to co-ordinate with any unit, as well as the fact that I am on the road a lot and only play during my free time, so if there is a unit that is willing to be flexible for me, I would like to join. Sadly though, none really meet that criteria. :-(

#90 trucker1227


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Posted 27 October 2016 - 12:34 PM



Edited by trucker1227, 27 October 2016 - 12:35 PM.

#91 Timicon


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Posted 05 December 2016 - 07:13 PM

Hey there, Mech Jockeys;

I used to be in House Liao, bt switched to the FRR because none of the units in House Liao really got together to play any matches (either solo or CW) and for the last 7 months or so that I have been in the FRR, I have found it to be much more enjoyable game-wise, because more FRR pilots drop inmost matches, I have found, so I wondering, is there any good (but rather small) Unit, possibly under 30 members) who are recruiting and engaging in matches as a team (again, solo or CW).
I have come to rather love the FRR and I have been pugging each and every match since I joined the FRR, but I feel that now it is time I buckle down and find a Unit who would accept me .

I will not say what 'Mechs i have (anyone interested from a FRR unit can send me a private message as to what 'Mechs I own and their configurations), but I do have some rather grouse (great) 'Mechs from each of the four classes, but I will say that of the 'Mechs that I own, I tend to favour the Medium, Heavy and, on occasion, the Assault classes more the Light class. My time zone is +10 (Australia), but since I work from home, I am online a fair amount of time, so getting in touch with me in the game is pretty simple to do.

I also only use the VOIP system of comms in-games, because TS slows my computer down, but otherwise, there is nothing else wrong comm-ways, so I would not mind any interest from potential units getting the feel of me, but if no one is interested in recruiting me, that is fine. While I would like to be in an FRR unit (that is active), I guess pugging is not so bad either, but in a unit, it would be grouse (great) to help team members raise their scores 9and possibly their teirs) while they also help with advancing my standing, such as kills, better weapons configurations for some of my 'Mechs, but most of all, simply meeting and getting to know new people and pone day, perhaps, become friends as we scorch the battlefields and increase our standings as a top unit in FRR that could one day knock down some of the other units of other Houses to be the best,

#92 JaegerDjinn


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Posted 11 December 2016 - 03:37 PM

Timicon you need too check out the FFR hub. Team Speak password Dragon, with a capital d. From there you can meet up with alot of the various FFR units and make a better choice of you would like too join. Salute and good luck.

#93 Burt0n


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 08:06 AM

[HHBR] Head Hunters Blood Ravens

Hey everyone. I'm Burt0n, a chirpy chap who likes his rum!!! As a fairly new unit I'm happy to see us currently ranked 4th in the loyalist rankings which we obtained with just 1 lance. Currently we are seeking new recruits to join our experienced players. We've already picked up some people to form our second lance and are in the process of upskilling them for CW. You'll be happy to hear that we have two active drop callers atm, which makes stomping the clanners all the easier.

If you'd like to join or drop with us feel free to Contact cplaxeman,tripehound or myself and we will arrange some drops.

Timezone: GMT
Contract: FRR Loyalist
Unit Size: 7
Website:in process
Contacts: Burt0n, cplaxeman, tripehound
ast updated: 31/12/2016

Edited by Burt0n, 31 December 2016 - 08:07 AM.

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