Trondheim Live, Daily Report
Posted 05 January 2015 - 02:11 PM
FRR Welcomes the New Year
--With Flagons raised high in a toast, forces around the Republic gave a hearty cheer to the defenders of the Republic, who have been fighting for the better part of a month against a fierce and determined Invasion against their homeland. Not 20 years ago these people were under the oppression of both Lyran and Combine alike. Though many brothers and sisters have fallen in battle or are trapped behind the lines in now Clan territory, those who fight on salute them and hope to bring in the new year with a renewed fighting spirit and offensive.
For while the KungsArme and loyal Merc units like the Skjaldborg fight on, many more mercenaries - lured by the sudden release of additional rewards on contracts to the FRR by ComStar - are arriving in the defense of the Republic. Some units, such as the RageQuit Mercs, are returning from brief contracts elsewhere, while new faces such as the 228th are stepping foot on FRR soil for the first time. It is for this reason that while the recent defeats over the past weeks still bear scars on the hearts of our warriors, not a half-hearted cheer is to be heard in the barracks across the front lines.
FRR Begins Counter-Offensive Against Clans.
--January 2nd marked the beginning of the Counter-Offensive against the Clans, dubbed "Operation: New Year's Hangover". The name was given morso to reflect the inebriation of the pilots hot-dropping on Ghost Bear and Wolf worlds than any specific target or goal. Overall, the Counter-Offensive has two major goals as outlined by its commanders. 1) The restoration of the supply line to Rasalhague to relieve its defenders and 2) The reconquering of as many Clan-Occupied worlds as possible.
On January 2nd, a large contingent of Ghost Bears landed on the world of Goito, while Wolves landed in force on Bruben. Both Clans quickly found themselves overwhelmed by the sudden appearance of not just the usual beat-up KungsArme units they had been fighting, but freshly painted and battle-hardened Mercenaries from the 228th and SNB Mercs. The Ghost Bears, expecting an easy victory, quickly capitulated and fled while the Wolves settled down into a long, drawn-out engagement which wore down many of their prime units. Meanwhile, Ghost Bears returned to their territory to recuperate only to find Hermagor - 1 of 3 planets in the immediate vicinity of Rasalhague - under heavy assault by units from Rasalhague itself. Ghost Bears were able to beat back the attack, but at extremely high cost. Amidst the chaos, ComStar Irregulars - once pivotal in defending Rasalhague territory - claimed Orestes for Steiner, infuriating enough Rasalhague units to pull off Hermagor and allow Ghost Bears to retain control of the world. Even so, with no clan planets taken on the day and only Orestes falling, it was a good start to the assault.
On the 3rd, attacks began in earnest on Clan worlds, units hot-dropping in on Planting and Hermagor in the wee hours of the morning and continuing a fierce battle for the worlds throughout the day. Hermagor became the primary battleground as other clans came to help defend the world, so much a symbol of Clan Domination the fight became. Likewise was the fight for Planting which saw the Wolves in such a state of disarray that by evening hardly any resistance came from the planet and various Wolf Commanders began calling for a ceasefire. FRR Merc Commander Karpundir initially accepted the potential truce, but after reports continued to come in regarding Wolf interference in the Hermagor assault the Wolves were told to, quite politely, stuff and/or mount themselves on a wall, so long as they continued to defend Bear worlds. The Wolves had no response to that.
The 4th brought some of the heaviest fighting yet. With Hermagor and Planting taken the previous day, Ghost Bear defenders broke over the planet of New Oslo, facing elite units and reinforcements coming in from both Unzmarkt and Hermagor. Ghost Bears held out for a time but with the brazen assault the morale of the Bears promptly broke, and only passive resistance for the world was left by mid-afternoon. Several Bear units attempted to defend Harvest with the rest of the Wolf units, but they too were overwhelmed by the determined FRR push. Steiner once again attempted to distract the FRR units by attacking Karbala, but not one unit broke to engage them, letting them take the world easily. However, as one militia commander noted in his report of the conquest, "They were so proud of their accomplishment, rolling over an undefended planet and acting like they took Terra itself, they all jumped out of their units and poured into every bar, tavern and red-light district business in sight. Too bad for them we laced all the drinks with Ipecac." It has been stated that by the next morning every plumber on world had been booked with jobs for the next 2 months.
The FRR looks to increase its success by attacking the planets Dawn and Rodigo the following day.
Inner Sphere Fights Back - Pushes Against Clans
--The FRR isn't the only Counteroffensive occurring. Since the 2nd, Steiner too has been attacking the Clans all out. Two Jade Falcon worlds of Butler and Blackjack have been retaken, and Romulus was retaken on the 3rd from Clan Wolf. Steiner looks to continue their assault on both clans, attempting to negotiate a ceasefire with Marik on the back-end to allow them to focus entirely on the clans. Of a side note, Steiner has also used the offensive of the FRR to take some of their most coreward worlds. While the attack or Orestes drew enough attention that Hermagor could not be taken on the first day of offensives, the attack on Karbala drew nothing more than a cursory glance. Perhaps, if they had been more focused on the Wolves, they too could have four worlds back in their pockets already.
The Combine has not been so lucky. Plagued by limited resources, the Draks have not had any success against the Clans, whom in the wake of the pushes from Steiner and Rasalhague have decided to drop against the Combine instead, hoping for easy wins. Meanwhile Davion has made life difficult as well, using the Clan push to distract the Combine long enough to take worlds. While the Combine has held off the Davions for now, trading world for world, the effort has left them incapable of defending against the clans, let alone countering. The FRR has attempted to come to their aid by attacking Idlewind through Draconis Pirate Jumps, but even their efforts have not been able to glean much fruit as of late.
Rasalhague is Back!
--On New Oslo, sister units of the KungsArme met each other in tears over the broken carcasses of many Clan mechs. The Units dedicated to the defense of Rasalhague had been trapped on planet for nearly a week before the breakout through Hermagor to meet up with the main KungsArme, greatly assisted by Mercs from across the 'Sphere. Merc Commanders Deadfire and Karpundir, each leading one part of the pincer maneuver that brought the units together on New Oslo, shook hands and briefly convened with other members of the KungsArme Military Council to discuss strategies. "We've reconnected Rasalhague to her people, now we need to get her people back," said Commander Karpundir, speaking of the victory.
When Commander Deadfire asked his fellow KungsArme commanders what they thought they would do with their conquests, an unknown Skjaldborg Commander replied, "I don't know, lets take a few more and I'll think about it."
We're looking for frontline accounts on the battles for Hermagor, New Oslo, Planting and Harvest. If you are a soldier who fought for those planets - or know someone who did - please tell them to contact the TL,DR with their story. The more details, the better!
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 05 January 2015 - 05:34 PM

Posted 05 January 2015 - 07:13 PM
News from the Front Lines
"Breakout : Battle for Hermagor - Part 1"
"We're back, and we're here with a pilot who fought in the battle for Hermagor, and he has quite the interesting story to tell! So Mr....'Gheist' was it? Is that your pilot nickname?"
"Thank you for welcoming me to the program Karen, and yes, thats my pilot name, don't wear it out!"
"Very well then, if you don't mind I'll use that in the program. So Gheist, tell us your story of the battle for Hermagor."
"So this was...two days ago. I'm a little foggy on the details mind you. I was pretty wasted at the time, and after we took the planet we drank all night so...yeah."
"That's fine, take us to the battle. Set the 'Scene' if you will."
"Right right. So I think this was...yeah we were attacking. Big ol' defensive cannon they had set up. The base was some sort of Sulfur Mine, and they converted into a military base. Managed to even build gates to defend the multiple entry routes, turrets, generators, the whole she-bang. Funny what you can do with a couple of weeks. Ya know, I have to wonder if those f-kers ever sleep, I mean, how the heck do they rebuild these bases so dang-"
"-hate to interrupt, but lets get back on topic."
"Right right, sorry. Anyways, so we dropped the gate, we designated Alpha. I was in a Atlas-DDC, big, fat, slow, I only go 50kph or so...but I got two LBX 10's and ECM, so I pretty much wreck stuff when I walk into a room. So-"
"Sorry, before we go on just a clarification for the audience. Atlas? LBX? ECM?"
"Well, I'll use the K.I.S.S. method. Atlas, 100 tons of Battlemech, one of the biggest on the field. Whenever you see those Steiner videos of their "heroic defenses", its the big one with the skull-looking head. LBX, think of it as a giant shotgun for battlemechs. It doesn't have as much 'punch' as other ballistics, but all those little balls really tear up the insides of a mech. And ECM stands for Electronic CounterMeasures. Basically, it screws with the enemy's radar so they can't get a lock on us easily."
"Excellent, I think that works. Go on."
"Okay so where was I? Oh yeah so we open up Alpha Gate."
"And how do you do that?"
"Well there's this big generator behind the gate. It's up on a hill behind the gate on their side."
"Up on a hill you said?"
"Yeah, that's right. It's on a ridgeline behind the gate, and just barely peaks over the gate enough that we can shoot it from our side."
"So wait, they place this generator on a ridge - this important generator - on a ridge where you can shoot it?"
"Yep, that's right."
"I'm gonna kill myself for asking this but...why? Why would they do that?"
"I dunno. So the operators can get better Wifi reception? And ya know flood insurance is really expensive these days, ever since they blew up the dam."
"Rrrriiiight. Lets just move on. So you destroy this generator which powers the gate, and then you shoot the door down."
"Well sorta. Only when the generator blew up the door opened. We couldn't dent it for bleep."
"We're gonna have to 'bleep' that part out. But wait, you blew up the generator right?"
"And the generator powered the door, right?"
"So by destroying the generator you killed the power to the door, right?"
"That's what the techs tell me."
"So how in the world does the Gate open if the only generator powering the door is blown up?"
*waves jazz hands* "Magic!"
"I think we're out of time and I'm gonna need a break. We'll be right back with the rest of the story after these messages from our Sponsors. Our Program today is brought to you by Chloroform & Chems Industries. CCI, we knock out the competition!"
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 06 January 2015 - 11:19 AM.
Posted 05 January 2015 - 08:07 PM
Posted 06 January 2015 - 02:53 AM
Bad for cleaning that stuff, but I highly recommend it for parties.
Edited by Klappspaten, 06 January 2015 - 02:54 AM.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 09:09 AM
Klappspaten, on 06 January 2015 - 02:53 AM, said:
Bad for cleaning that stuff, but I highly recommend it for parties.
Try using Clanner tears after they eat Thunderbolt ER PPCs... they work quite well and there is plenty to wash your inventory in your 'Mech Bay AND Drop Ship!!

Edited by Karpundir, 06 January 2015 - 09:10 AM.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 10:10 AM
Karpundir, on 06 January 2015 - 09:09 AM, said:
Try using Clanner tears after they eat Thunderbolt ER PPCs... they work quite well and there is plenty to wash your inventory in your 'Mech Bay AND Drop Ship!!

Use your big boys while you can.
Soon, the mighty Keren-PGI will change your precious little Battlemech and we will not have to suffer defeat by the hands of barbarians....
Well, off to wash my new Raven!

An ex-Clan Wolf warrior took has bondman and fighting for the Clan Rasalhague.

Excellent reports, I am going to follow that topic much more closely from now on.
Keep up the good work guy. It was fun to fight against you, and it is fun to fight with you.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 10:49 AM
Posted 06 January 2015 - 10:57 AM
Karpundir, on 06 January 2015 - 10:49 AM, said:
I agree, I rarely use ER PPCs because of the heat, not even a single one.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 10:59 AM
Karpundir, on 06 January 2015 - 10:49 AM, said:
A reduction is in order, not necessarly a delete of the quircks. That mech need to stay effective.
Klappspaten, on 06 January 2015 - 10:57 AM, said:
I agree, I rarely use ER PPCs because of the heat, not even a single one.
Well the problem of the 9S is because of his quircks, alpha with 3 ER PPC with it make you heat raise at only 57%. X')
But that's off topic.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 11:18 AM
News from the Front Lines
"Breakout : Battle for Hermagor - Part 2"
"We're here with MechWarrior Ghiest, who was recounting for us his part in the battle to take back Hermagor from Clan Ghost Bear, who have occupied the world for almost two weeks. Mr. Ghiest?"
"Please Karen, Mr. Ghiest is my father. You can call me 'Daddy'."
"I think not. Anyways, when we left off you were just inside the gate."
"Yes, I was one of the lead mechs through the gate. I was using my ECM - Electronic CounterMeasures - to jam the enemy's' radar as we came through the gate and help conceal our numbers and positions. There were two paths beyond the gate into the base; the right one was more roundabout and took you into an open area which became a shooting gallery, and the left took you more directly into the base. The enemy forces were lined up on the right side, so I marched that way."
"Because you're the heaviest?"
"Well that and it allowed me to cover my teammates more, as the right path kinda cuts back into the gate area somewhat."
"So I choose the right path which also takes me below the generator on the hill, the one we blew up to open the gate. As soon as I get close though this Nova pops out from behind the ridge and starts shooting at me from almost point-blank range."
"Now how big is the Nova by comparison?"
"It's much smaller, but still a nasty mech. Only 50 tons to my 100 tons, but it carries a wicked amount of firepower. In terms of straight-up firepower, we're about even."
"That's scary, to face something like that so close."
"Nah not really, they're big pushovers most of the time."
"So what did you do?"
"Well as soon as he shot me I traded a few shots with him and he backed off real quick. Like I said, lots of firepower, but not nearly as much armor. So as soon as he backed off a Mad Cat came around the other corner and started firing at me. So we started doing this maneuver MechWarrior's call the 'Circle of Death', where we keep circling each other until one of us dies."
"And is the Mad Cat as bad as the Nova?"
"It's about as powerful as the Nova and 25 tons heavier."
"Wow, I don't know how I could've handled that. So what did you do then?"
"Well it was pretty simple really. The area we were in was still pretty narrow, so I circled until he mis-stepped and got caught on the wall. Then I charged and pinned him to the wall, and shot him till he died."
"Wait, I thought this mech was as powerful as yours...how does that work?"
"Simple. All his weapons are in the arms. Most of mine are in the torso. By pinning him to the wall, his weapons shot past me, while my LBX's found a nice home in his Center Torso."
"I thought LBX's weren't that great against armor?"
"Honey, at 2 meters, 10 smaller balls hit with all the power of 1 slug."
"Well I'll take your word for it. So what happened then?"
"Well while I was tearing the Mad Cat a new one, the Nova had come back and really started tearing into my back armor. Fortunately I had enough back there to keep myself alive long enough to finish the 'Cat and face the Nova again. He was running pretty hot, so while he tried to cool down and back off I blew his leg off."
"And so now you killed two mechs."
"No, I still had to blow the other leg off before he went down."
"Wouldn't he fall over and be done after losing one leg though?"
"Okay, technically I didn't blow his first leg off. Lets just say his knee actuator wasn't going to be moving anytime soon. The leg was still very much there and could support his weight. When I blew out his other knee actuator though, both of them collapsed under the weight and the mech died."
"Wow, thats fascinating, and incredibly inspiring! You took on two mechs, both of which equalled you in firepower, and destroyed them both! What happened next?"
"I died."
"Died, yeah. Or my mech did. That Nova did a number on me from behind, and the Mad Cat was tearing me up until I pinned him. I guess somebody finally got the lucky shot and killed my engine, so my mech dropped to the ground and my fight was over."
"Did you eject? How did you survive?"
"No time to eject. Fortunately they took out my engine but there was no meltdown or anything. Engine managed to go into emergency shutdown before the core was breached. So the mech just fell over and I banged my head on the console and knocked myself out. When I came to I had a pint of Mead in my hand, a bandage on my head, a medal on my chest and an IV in my arm. The Docs gave me specific orders to not drink, but I found out from my cohorts that we had won the battle, so no bleep-ks were given that night."
"Well we thank you very much for coming on and sharing your story with us. And that's all the time we have for today! I'm your host Karen Lindberg for Trondheim Live, Daily Report. Goodnight Rasalhague, and remember: 'If it isn't too long, it isn't TL,DR. Thank you!"
Posted 06 January 2015 - 12:02 PM
Trondheim Live Daily Report, on 06 January 2015 - 11:18 AM, said:
Kuro watched the Holovid. Great battle indeed. It was on one of theses that he has been taken has Bondsman by a Clan Rasalhague warrior, and soon becomed again a Warrior.
But his face was showing some frustration. One of his new friend from Clan Rasalhague asked him why.
<< You may have stopped us in honorable and not so honorable ways. But you have a real problem to name Omnimechs. A Mad Cat? What in the name of Kerensky is a Mad Cat?
Clans do not have Mad Cats, We have Timber Wolves. Like we have Dire Wolves and not Daishis, Summoners instead of Thor! Let us not talk about the Mad Dog you named Vulture or Hage-Whatever!
You stravags cannot get even THAT right. It is a shame, and no matter your excuses or explications will change my Mind! >>
Edited by KuroNyra, 06 January 2015 - 12:03 PM.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 12:53 PM
News from the Front Lines
"Clan Wolf made Bondsman on New Oslo"
"....now we're going to try this again, do it right this time."
"....I am not saying it."
"Say the lines or the other testicle gets it."
“….Alright…I will….say it.”
“Ok, start recording.”
"Gr-Greetings, civilians of Rasalhague and fellow Wolf Warriors. I am -ow, damn you surat!- I'm Clan Wolf Warrior KuroNyra, of the Dorbeng Garrison Cluster. My unit was dropped on New Oslo one day ago to support the Ghost Bears in defense of the world, where we fought admirably and with great hon-OW!”
“Keep it moving clammer.”
“…honor. My unit was defeated in battle, and my mech was felled by the…the…the Great and Powerful ‘Wolf Slayer’, who claimed me as a bondsman upon my defeat.”
“…yes? Yes? Ok, we’ll go with it. Keep going.”
“I would…just like to say that….I…no, I cannot read-ow, okay fine!-though I have been captured by the surat Inner Sphere forces, they have treated me with….with….”
“With all the respect and…HONOR…of a Clan Wolf pilot. I am not being mistreated in any way, and have been given standard rations and medical treatment as one can expect for a prisoner under wartime conditions. I look….forward to serving the Clans of Rasalhague with the same honor they have shown me.”
“Yes yes now finish it off nicely…”
“I ask my fellow Clan members to….lay down their arms, and surrender their mechs. The Rasalhaguians will forgive us for….our “transgressions” in their territory if we surrender peacefully, and will….honor us by allowing our warriors to train with the great KungsArme military, which has nobly and gloriously defended Rasalhague from the horrific and dezgra Clan invade-No no no, I refuse to read anymore of this. That is not even the proper use of the word-AAAHHHH*static*”
*static*”…as Kuro was saying before he...er...'lost his voice', we will treat any Clan member who surrenders with distinction and honor. You may surrender and lower your weapons now, or later. Either way, it matters not. For we are the Borg, and your resistance is futile.”
Edited by Trondheim Live Daily Report, 06 January 2015 - 01:03 PM.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 01:04 PM

Posted 06 January 2015 - 01:05 PM

Posted 06 January 2015 - 01:31 PM
Trondheim Live Daily Report, on 06 January 2015 - 12:53 PM, said:
News from the Front Lines
"Clan Wolf made Bondsman on New Oslo"
"....now we're going to try this again, do it right this time."
"....I am not saying it."
"Say the lines or the other testicle gets it."
“….Alright…I will….say it.”
“Ok, start recording.”
"Gr-Greetings, civilians of Rasalhague and fellow Wolf Warriors. I am -ow, damn you surat!- I'm Clan Wolf Warrior KuroNyra, of the Dorbeng Garrison Cluster. My unit was dropped on New Oslo one day ago to support the Ghost Bears in defense of the world, where we fought admirably and with great hon-OW!”
“Keep it moving clammer.”
“…honor. My unit was defeated in battle, and my mech was felled by the…the…the Great and Powerful ‘Wolf Slayer’, who claimed me as a bondsman upon my defeat.”
“…yes? Yes? Ok, we’ll go with it. Keep going.”
“I would…just like to say that….I…no, I cannot read-ow, okay fine!-though I have been captured by the surat Inner Sphere forces, they have treated me with….with….”
“With all the respect and…HONOR…of a Clan Wolf pilot. I am not being mistreated in any way, and have been given standard rations and medical treatment as one can expect for a prisoner under wartime conditions. I look….forward to serving the Clans of Rasalhague with the same honor they have shown me.”
“Yes yes now finish it off nicely…”
“I ask my fellow Clan members to….lay down their arms, and surrender their mechs. The Rasalhaguians will forgive us for….our “transgressions” in their territory if we surrender peacefully, and will….honor us by allowing our warriors to train with the great KungsArme military, which has nobly and gloriously defended Rasalhague from the horrific and dezgra Clan invade-No no no, I refuse to read anymore of this. That is not even the proper use of the word-AAAHHHH*static*”
*static*”…as Kuro was saying before he...er...'lost his voice', we will treat any Clan member who surrenders with distinction and honor. You may surrender and lower your weapons now, or later. Either way, it matters not. For we are the Borg, and your resistance is futile.”
Kerensky help me. Theses barbarians cannot even make a propaganda speech right!
They do not even have trial of possession and no trial of position!
Edited by KuroNyra, 06 January 2015 - 01:36 PM.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 01:41 PM
FRR Advances Further - Takes Dawn, Rodigo
--FRR units advanced for the 3rd straight day, taking the planets of Dawn and Rodigo with relative ease. Dawn had all but surrendered by Noon, and Wolves on Rodigo fought only half-heartedly for the planet throughout the day.
FRR continues to march back against the Clans, hoping to take Ferleiten and Leizen on the 6th.
All Quiet on the Steiner Front
--Steiner was quiet today, as only a cursory raid against the FRR planet Jabuka was spotted. Meanwhile, Several FRR units conducted a serious raid against the Steiner planet of Laurent as Steiner Emissaries convened with the KungsArme Council concerning a ceasefire between the two Houses.
While Steiner and FRR have for the most part ignored each other, recent incursions by both sides - most notably the loss of Orestes - have seen to draw the two Houses to a more formal understanding between each other. No word yet on whether the agreement will come to fruition, as it was not two weeks prior that Steiner attempted - and failed - to gather the necessary support for a ceasefire.
FRR Units Appear in Draconis Territory, Help Defend Drak Worlds
--In a turn of events that has left many in the DCMS stunned, FRR units began dropping in force to defend Draconis Combine worlds late into the evening on January 5th. The move, apparently planned for days but delayed due to fierce fighting for FRR worlds, helped the Kuritans in keeping their worlds of Teniente and Nykvarn. Many Kuritan warriors rejoiced at the news, and together the blue and red managed to push back a stubborn Ghost Bear and Smoke Jaguar offensive.
FRR has expressed a desire to continue to support its Draconis brethren, but has made it clear that they will secure their own worlds first before moving to assist Kuritans.
Around the Sphere:
Ghost Bears, Wolves, Falcons Pushed Back - Losing on Multiple Fronts
--With a renewed fighting spirit in the 'Sphere, the Clans seem to have broken from the unstoppable Juggernaught they made themselves out to be. For the past few days, multiple worlds have fallen back into Inner Sphere hands to the joy of all, even those pilots whom before the Invasion were sworn enemies. Encouraged by their gains, the Inner Sphere continues to push back against the Clans.
Steiner Takes Nestor from Marik
--While only a minor trade in planets, the move in the closing hours of the day has soured relations between the two nations, who have been mulling over the idea of a ceasefire for some time.
Liao takes Tallin, holds No Return
--For the second day Liao has managed to hold its own against Davion, taking back planets and holding their own. This marks one of the few strings of success Liao has had since the conflict began.
Marik Recaptures Waza
--The back-and-forth fight for the Wazan Cluster has turned another chapter as Wazan was recaptured by Marik, leaving only Phact out of the Eagle's claws. Davion has traded these worlds with Marik twice now, and will likely respond harshly with a counter-offensive of their own.
All Quiet in the DCMS
--For once not a single DCMS world was lost, in a quiet day for the Kuritans in their fight against the Clans and FedCom. While the numbers suggest a day of peace, the fighting to keep the numbers that way was anything but. Multiple units from outside Kuritan contracts came to fight for the aid of The Dragon, which helped them secure their worlds against the Clans for one more day. It is not known if those units will return to support Kurita again, but the FRR units that dropped indicated they would make an effort to do so.
Multiple Kuritan commanders noted off-recorded that they really hoped that'd be the case.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 07 January 2015 - 02:05 PM
FRR Takes Ferleiten, Leizen
--FRR units followed on previous successes, taking Ferleiten and Leizen from the Ghost Bears and Wolves respectively.
FRR Forces Land on Ferleiten, Have Tea Party
--In an unprecedented display of "roll over, play dead", the Ghost Bears offered less than even a cursory defense for the planet. By mid-morning, the planet had been secured and attacking forces moved on to other worlds. "It's sad, really really sad," remarked one Commander, who like others have grown frustrated over the fact that repeatedly, Clan units - Ghost Bears inparticular - seem to have given up and not even fought for their worlds after the recent reinforcements gained by the FRR.
"They talk about honor, but they turn tail and run in the face of adversity. Where is their honor now? You can find it in the yellow snow."
Wolves make heavy CounterOffensive Against Leizen
--For at least the Wolves, it seems the easy victories are over. After retaining Leizen for much of the day - freeing units to launch a heavy assault on Idlewind - Wolf units launched a coordinated counteroffensive against the world, dropping in hot on relatively lightly armed FRR garrison forces. The occupying garrison held out long enough for reinforcements to arrive, and the FRR pushed back hard. At the conclusion of hostilities, the victory was decisively for the KungsArme. Still, the fighting for the planet was fierce in the closing hours, and alluded to a possible resurgence in Wolf activity.
FRR Units Go on Offensive against Smoke Jaguar
--FRR Units poured on the pain against the Smoke Jaguar world of Idlewind, holding the world hostage for much of the day until a combination of Jag reinforcements and a Wolf push on Leizen drew away the attackers. Though the Jaguars won their world by a comfortable margin by day's end, the effort to protect it eventually cost them the planet of Irece, which fell back into Draconis Combine hands.
The Combine used the distraction of the FRR to push heavily on Irece, and although the Jags fell hard on the Kuritans in the closing hours of the engagement, their defenses were far too dug-in for the Jaguars to rout them.
Around the Sphere:
All Clans lose Worlds in a day of Firsts
--Today marks the first day that every single Clan lost a world. With the Draks taking Irece, even Smoke Jaguar has fallen victim to the New Years Offensive by the Inner Sphere. Irece, the closest planet to Luthein yet taken, will serve as a buffer as Smoke Jaguar will undoubtedly renew their offensive tomorrow. A small victory, but a very important moral one, especially for the Dragon.
Steiner Makes the Kessel Run
--Rumor has it they did it under 3 parsecs.
Humor aside, Steiner takes Kessel from the Combine. While the Combine lost 2 planets today, they took one back from the Clans, which means losing Kessel is a small price to pay for their victory.
No Return for No Return - Liao Trades with Davion
--No Return fell on the 3rd day of engagement, while Liao fought back by taking their 3rd world in as many days from Davion. Though a significant loss - as Capella now moves ever closer to the front lines - Liao has been looking much stronger on the front than in previous weeks.
Marik & Davion Trade Worlds
--Its just another day on the Mark/Davion Front. Tsinghai falls to Marik, while Davion counters by taking Campertown. Wazan looks to be on the forefront of another battle as the M/D border continues to rage.
Have any war stories to share? The TL,DR is looking to share them! Send us a message detailing the accounts of the front lines and we'll do our best to bring your tale to the masses!
Posted 07 January 2015 - 02:21 PM
I swear when I left Strana Mechty, our Omnimechs were running much cooler and were much more powerful!
Posted 08 January 2015 - 08:21 AM
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