Cease Fire Between Ghost Bear And Wolf
Posted 15 December 2014 - 08:56 PM
As you can see we respected the cease fire and did not attack you on Ferris. Now that we have opened our lane to FRR we will be respecting the cease fire as long as you do so we can work together to destroy the inner sphere. We hope the peace stays so that both our Clans can continue to grow. Good luck to all of you.
Hann Solo
Posted 15 December 2014 - 09:03 PM
Your players talking trash in the wolf forum are doing you no favors.
Posted 15 December 2014 - 09:04 PM
Posted 15 December 2014 - 10:24 PM
Posted 16 December 2014 - 02:01 AM
Agreed with terms.
Posted 16 December 2014 - 04:48 AM
Ax2Grind, on 15 December 2014 - 10:24 PM, said:
Everyone have the option of removing their un-desirables from their Touman. It is the pleasant reality of organized groups.
Posted 16 December 2014 - 06:55 AM
I figure there are a few things worth mentioning regarding the Wolf-Bear ceasefire.
We are very open to the concept of a ceasefire between our two great clans. We had similar ideas before any representatives came to us from Clan Wolf, and were happy to see you guys, at least for the most part, shared our goals of a semi-unified clan front to push ever deeper into the Sphere.
The Three great powers that make up the great Ghost Bear war effort, The Mercstar Alliance, Clan Ghost Bear International, and the Euro Alliance (STS, WDMC, 9th Blood and Fire + others) are all in agreement that working together towards our collective goals in the best interests of both factions.
Ever since the agreement was reached, not one Ghost Bear unit has crossed the ceasefire line. If any had even attacked once, you would see a Wolf unit with their name on Ferris. But you don't, as the Bears as a whole have never crossed that line.
Sadly the same cannot be said for the other side. We understand that this is perhaps the work of "renegades" or at the very least a wolf unit or two that does not share the same desires for peace. So, we are willing to over look that mistake... for now.
We do however request that you contact the party responsible for the raids on our world and reign in their warriors. The unfortunate reality is, that either through PGI's personal intervention, or simply due to the way CW mechanics have been laid out, Ghost Bear is running out of possible attack avenues.
Look at the map. We have not had a lane in Smoke Jaguar for days. Our recently opened up vein into Kurita space has once again been denied to us. We are down to two available options. continue attacking the FRR, which we have been doing unceasingly, and push further into Wolf territory.
I guess what I am saying is, reign in your fellow warriors. Make sure they know the desires of Clan Wolf as a whole and what you hope to achieve. For we are already getting bored on our single isolated front. Another unprovoked attack or two over the ceasefire line, and we may need to annexe Ferris, simply for something to do. I do not mean this as a threat in any way. I just want to lay out the realities of our situation clearly for the interested parties.
The fact that we have had a couple days of relative peace between our great factions is encouraging. I hope to see that bond continue to grow in the future.
With regards to the recent spat between certain Wolf and Bear members on these forums, I think a few things are worth mentioning.
First, at least in regards to the Mercstar Alliance, if the poster can't use proper spelling and punctuation in their posts, it is probably safe to assume that they do not speak for Mercstar as a whole. Individual members are free to do as they wish, at least for the most part, and barring breaking CoC, or other offenses, we try to censor our members as little as possible. We don't really have an official system, but essentially any unit leader or ranking unit officer of a Mercstar Alliance Member unit should be able to speak on behalf of The Mercstar Alliance. Everyone else is usually just along for the ride. So I would suggest ignoring the odd **** disturber in a 200 member super unit made up of a half dozen different comp units.
That being said, personally I take a very dim view on trolling, baiting and generally being a douche bag in the presence of others. I find it to be a big waste of time and effort. If you don't know me personally or through my efforts in MWO these past two years, others would likely tell you that I am a community builder with a priority of building positive relationships between units, and working together for the betterment of the community. Mercstar the community, The Marik Civil War Campaign, and the Mercstar Alliance super-unit are all examples of what I am all about.
Simply put, I usually don't have the time or desire to get into the petty crap that is so prevalent in online communities. I've got real work to do.
So, me and a few others have "encouraged" the member in question to leave things alone. That being said, we don't intend on forcing anything unless that imaginary moral line is crossed, which honestly, hasn't happened yet.
A suggestion for Gyrok if you will. Don't feed the troll. just ignore him, he will find other things to amuse himself with. Or take him up on his "1v1 me bro". Nothing like a good honour duel to settle silly disputes. Declare your trial of grievance if his presence and posts offend you. I will try to make sure it is enforced. Heck, that could be kinda fun.
Perhaps some honour can be restored to the House of Gyrok and his Delta galaxy brethren after you tossed aside your commitments last minute and abandoned Star League Reborn in the most recent Clan Nova Cat Invitational 10v10 Tournament.
Actually, in hindsight, maybe that is why hes bugging you. Though I guess I don't know for sure. In reality, I really don't care : )
With regards to The Mercstar Alliance (the super unit, not the community TS) I figure I should clarify a few things.
We are a collection of MWO competitive units that have banded together as a greater whole for CW. What we can achieve together as a whole is far greater than what we could hope to achieve as lone units. The reality of CW is that times are tough for smaller comp units (15-25 members). It is fiendishly hard to conquer any planets as a small unit. The only good option is to try and get your names on planets through defenses. but even that can be difficult, as defensive planets can change unit hands constantly due to their being on the front line.
Take Steel Jaguar for example. In my opinion they are easily one of the most skilled and accomplished units in MWO history, and frankly, I don't think I have more respect for any other unit other than possibly the 228th IBR. That being said, what have SJR been able to accomplish in CW? Other than the odd defense grab that they have since lost, they haven't gotten anything. Which is both perplexing and sad. Though perhaps that is more due to a lack of Smoke Jaguar assistance. In a way, they were fighting that front entirely alone. At least until one of my favorite clan comp units and veterans of the MCW campaign showed up.
Big props to SA. If you are reading this, kick some ass guys! Mercstar is cheering for you, and would be happy to assist in any defenses you need reinforcements on. You guys will make a real faction out of CSJ yet

Sry for the segway. Back on topic.
The above are some of the many reasons we put together The Mercstar Alliance. Alone we must face the greatest conflict Battletech has ever known on terms that are difficult for any smaller competitive team to deal with. Together, anything is possible. In The Mercstar Alliance's short 7 days of existence as a unit (we got things officially rolling 2 whole days before the surprise release of CW) we have already proven that we are one of the single most powerful units to grace CW. Together with our ghost Bear Allies, we are effectively unstoppable. Not one day has gone by with our midnight goals not being achieved.
This was the goal of The Mercstar Alliance, and so far, myself and the other unit leaders that make up our unit could not be happier. CW is awesome. I don't think I have ever played so much big stompy robots in one week in my entire experience with MWO. And it is our spirit of cooperation and the many roots we have planted throughout the community that have made it all possible. At least on our end.
Lastly, I wanted to clear up the rumours/suggestions of what our future plans are.
The whole goal of The Mercstar Alliance was to hop around, Mercing out for the factions that had the greatest draw for the multitude of units that make [-MS-] up. We decided that Ghost Bear was going to be our primary Clan faction, and are currently deciding on which IS faction we wish to support.
So while the rumours of [-MS-] bugging out after this week are partially correct, do not assume that is the last you will see of us in Clan Space. We will be back the following week. Bigger and more organized than ever, with another dozen planets to our name.
It would be a bad assumption to believe that Ghost Bear will be helpless without us. Even without [-MS-] for a small period of time, The Euro Alliance and CGBI are more than a match for anything the Sphere can throw at us. Not to mention the plethora of other allied units, and the other Mercstar associated units that will be staying behind to continue on the gains we have made so quickly. As for the Clan side of things, well most of us know how the CGB - Wolf/Jaguar conflicts went. Which was quite pleasant for the land of the Bear.
Lastly, keep in mind the Ghost Bears have a long memory. They are known in fluff to hold a grudge. And [-MS-] is fully commited to the Ghost Bear cause. Any injustice perpetrated in our absense will be payed back two fold upon our return to clan space.
Word to the wise: The Mercstar Alliance is fully committed to the Ghost Bear cause. The rest of you clanners can have your silly plans of a Terran conquest. Us wardens plan on creating the Ghost (Goal) Bear Dominion.
We hope to have the capital of Rasalhague secured by Christmas. Now if only PGI would let us...
Lastly, I want to give a big shout out to both The Golden Keshik and Clan Wolf International!
Keep up the good fight brothers! You guys are making a big name for your selves on your push towards Terra. Especially the [CWI] boys. You guys have nearly every friggin planet in Wolf space under your control. That's Awesome!
We had a blast fighting as your partners in the most recent CNCI Tourney, and wish you all the best on your push towards glory.
Antonius Rex,
of The Swords of Kentares,
and The Mercstar Alliance.
TLDR: You're loss. but at least you saved some time

Edit: PGI, if you are reading this, please give the Ghost Bears back their 3rd attack lane. It would be nice if we weren't handicapped in our quest for glory. And I am sure the Wolves would appreciate us not getting bored and staring at Wolf space while drooling

Edit: No idea who made this original picture. Someone in SwK tossed the text on. Every time I see the pic it makes me giggle. I propose we include it in all diplomatic messages from Ghost Bear. But maybe its just me.
Shout out to the original creator, whoever it is, for being awesome in general.
Edited by Antonius Rex, 16 December 2014 - 07:31 AM.
Posted 16 December 2014 - 07:20 AM
Posted 16 December 2014 - 07:24 AM
Antonius Rex, on 16 December 2014 - 06:55 AM, said:
I figure there are a few things worth mentioning regarding the Wolf-Bear ceasefire.
We are very open to the concept of a ceasefire between our two great clans. We had similar ideas before any representatives came to us from Clan Wolf, and were happy to see you guys, at least for the most part, shared our goals of a semi-unified clan front to push ever deeper into the Sphere.
The Three great powers that make up the great Ghost Bear war effort, The Mercstar Alliance, Clan Ghost Bear International, and the Euro Alliance (STS, WDMC, 9th Blood and Fire + others) are all in agreement that working together towards our collective goals in the best interests of both factions.
Ever since the agreement was reached, not one Ghost Bear unit has crossed the ceasefire line. If any had even attacked once, you would see a Wolf unit with their name on Ferris. But you don't, as the Bears as a whole have never crossed that line.
Sadly the same cannot be said for the other side. We understand that this is perhaps the work of "renegades" or at the very least a wolf unit or two that does not share the same desires for peace. So, we are willing to over look that mistake... for now.
We do however request that you contact the party responsible for the raids on our world and reign in their warriors. The unfortunate reality is, that either through PGI's personal intervention, or simply due to the way CW mechanics have been laid out, Ghost Bear is running out of possible attack avenues.
Look at the map. We have not had a lane in Smoke Jaguar for days. Our recently opened up vein into Kurita space has once again been denied to us. We are down to two available options. continue attacking the FRR, which we have been doing unceasingly, and push further into Wolf territory.
I guess what I am saying is, reign in your fellow warriors. Make sure they know the desires of Clan Wolf as a whole and what you hope to achieve. For we are already getting bored on our single isolated front. Another unprovoked attack or two over the ceasefire line, and we may need to annexe Ferris, simply for something to do. I do not mean this as a threat in any way. I just want to lay out the realities of our situation clearly for the interested parties.
The fact that we have had a couple days of relative peace between our great factions is encouraging. I hope to see that bond continue to grow in the future.
With regards to the recent spat between certain Wolf and Bear members on these forums, I think a few things are worth mentioning.
First, at least in regards to the Mercstar Alliance, if the poster can't use proper spelling and punctuation in their posts, it is probably safe to assume that they do not speak for Mercstar as a whole. Individual members are free to do as they wish, at least for the most part, and barring breaking CoC, or other offenses, we try to censor our members as little as possible. We don't really have an official system, but essentially any unit leader or ranking unit officer of a Mercstar Alliance Member unit should be able to speak on behalf of The Mercstar Alliance. Everyone else is usually just along for the ride. So I would suggest ignoring the odd **** disturber in a 200 member super unit made up of a half dozen different comp units.
That being said, personally I take a very dim view on trolling, baiting and generally being a douche bag in the presence of others. I find it to be a big waste of time and effort. If you don't know me personally or through my efforts in MWO these past two years, others would likely tell you that I am a community builder with a priority of building positive relationships between units, and working together for the betterment of the community. Mercstar the community, The Marik Civil War Campaign, and the Mercstar Alliance super-unit are all examples of what I am all about.
Simply put, I usually don't have the time or desire to get into the petty crap that is so prevalent in online communities. I've got real work to do.
So, me and a few others have "encouraged" the member in question to leave things alone. That being said, we don't intend on forcing anything unless that imaginary moral line is crossed, which honestly, hasn't happened yet.
A suggestion for Gyrok if you will. Don't feed the troll. just ignore him, he will find other things to amuse himself with. Or take him up on his "1v1 me bro". Nothing like a good honour duel to settle silly disputes. Declare your trial of grievance if his presence and posts offend you. I will try to make sure it is enforced. Heck, that could be kinda fun.
Perhaps some honour can be restored to the House of Gyrok and his Delta galaxy brethren after you tossed aside your commitments last minute and abandoned Star League Reborn in the most recent Clan Nova Cat Invitational 10v10 Tournament.
Actually, in hindsight, maybe that is why hes bugging you. Though I guess I don't know for sure. In reality, I really don't care : )
With regards to The Mercstar Alliance (the super unit, not the community TS) I figure I should clarify a few things.
We are a collection of MWO competitive units that have banded together as a greater whole for CW. What we can achieve together as a whole is far greater than what we could hope to achieve as lone units. The reality of CW is that times are tough for smaller comp units (15-25 members). It is fiendishly hard to conquer any planets as a small unit. The only good option is to try and get your names on planets through defenses. but even that can be difficult, as defensive planets can change unit hands constantly due to their being on the front line.
Take Steel Jaguar for example. In my opinion they are easily one of the most skilled and accomplished units in MWO history, and frankly, I don't think I have more respect for any other unit other than possibly the 228th IBR. That being said, what have SJR been able to accomplish in CW? Other than the odd defense grab that they have since lost, they haven't gotten anything. Which is both perplexing and sad. Though perhaps that is more due to a lack of Smoke Jaguar assistance. In a way, they were fighting that front entirely alone. At least until one of my favorite clan comp units and veterans of the MCW campaign showed up.
Big props to SA. If you are reading this, kick some ass guys! Mercstar is cheering for you, and would be happy to assist in any defenses you need reinforcements on. You guys will make a real faction out of CSJ yet

Sry for the segway. Back on topic.
The above are some of the many reasons we put together The Mercstar Alliance. Alone we must face the greatest conflict Battletech has ever known on terms that are difficult for any smaller competitive team to deal with. Together, anything is possible. In The Mercstar Alliance's short 7 days of existence as a unit (we got things officially rolling 2 whole days before the surprise release of CW) we have already proven that we are one of the single most powerful units to grace CW. Together with our ghost Bear Allies, we are effectively unstoppable. Not one day has gone by with our midnight goals not being achieved.
This was the goal of The Mercstar Alliance, and so far, myself and the other unit leaders that make up our unit could not be happier. CW is awesome. I don't think I have ever played so much big stompy robots in one week in my entire experience with MWO. And it is our spirit of cooperation and the many roots we have planted throughout the community that have made it all possible. At least on our end.
Lastly, I wanted to clear up the rumours/suggestions of what our future plans are.
The whole goal of The Mercstar Alliance was to hop around, Mercing out for the factions that had the greatest draw for the multitude of units that make [-MS-] up. We decided that Ghost Bear was going to be our primary Clan faction, and are currently deciding on which IS faction we wish to support.
So while the rumours of [-MS-] bugging out after this week are partially correct, do not assume that is the last you will see of us in Clan Space. We will be back the following week. Bigger and more organized than ever, with another dozen planets to our name.
It would be a bad assumption to believe that Ghost Bear will be helpless without us. Even without [-MS-] for a small period of time, The Euro Alliance and CGBI are more than a match for anything the Sphere can throw at us. Not to mention the plethora of other allied units, and the other Mercstar associated units that will be staying behind to continue on the gains we have made so quickly. As for the Clan side of things, well most of us know how the CGB - Wolf/Jaguar conflicts went. Which was quite pleasant for the land of the Bear.
Lastly, keep in mind the Ghost Bears have a long memory. They are known in fluff to hold a grudge. And [-MS-] is fully commited to the Ghost Bear cause. Any injustice perpetrated in our absense will be payed back two fold upon our return to clan space.
Word to the wise: The Mercstar Alliance is fully committed to the Ghost Bear cause. The rest of you clanners can have your silly plans of a Terran conquest. Us wardens plan on creating the Ghost (Goal) Bear Dominion.
We hope to have the capital of Rasalhague secured by Christmas. Now if only PGI would let us...
Lastly, I want to give a big shout out to both The Golden Keshik and Clan Wolf International!
Keep up the good fight brothers! You guys are making a big name for yoyurselves on your push towards Terra. Especially the [CWI] boys. You guys have nearly every friggin planet in Wolf space under your control. That's Awesome!
We had a blast fighting as your partners in the most recent CNCI Tourney, and wish you all the best on your push towards glory.
Antonius Rex,
of The Swords of Kentares,
and The Mercstar Alliance.
TLDR: You're loss. but at least you saved some time

Edit: PGI, if you are reading this, please give the Ghost Bears back their 3rd attack lane. It would be nice if we weren't handicapped in our quest for glory. And I am sure the Wolves would appreciate us not getting bored and staring at Wolf space while drooling

I appreciate you policing your own.
As for his "sleight" about SLR. The issue was, I forgot to inform Skeletor that the date and time would be a conflict. Not to mention, had anyone from SLR reached out to us before the match I would have informed them we would not be able to make it.
Either way, it is what it is...
Posted 16 December 2014 - 09:02 AM
Antonius Rex, on 16 December 2014 - 06:55 AM, said:

Edit: No idea who made this original picture. Someone in SwK tossed the text on. Every time I see the pic it makes me giggle. I propose we include it in all diplomatic messages from Ghost Bear. But maybe its just me.
Shout out to the original creator, whoever it is, for being awesome in general.
Well speak Antonius Rex. And I definitly agree on that picture. It really place some welcomed humor in theses place.
I personatly shall defend worlds possessed by the Clan Ghost Bear.
Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:17 AM
First, the large (and even small) units of Wolf will never be able to reign in pugs. Neither will Ghost Bear. Second, CWI has more than "boys" in it. You don't need to use exclusive language. Plenty of women play this game. Maybe none in Ghost Bear? But it's silly and patronizing. I've given Delta Galaxy a hard time for it too.
Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:18 AM
Gyrok, on 15 December 2014 - 09:03 PM, said:
Your players talking trash in the wolf forum are doing you no favors.
1v1 or you have no say
Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:44 AM
Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:45 AM
Asatur, on 16 December 2014 - 11:44 AM, said:
I'm not sure where you've been this was organized a few days ago.
Edited by Saxie, 16 December 2014 - 11:45 AM.
Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:47 AM
Edited by Asatur, 16 December 2014 - 11:53 AM.
Posted 16 December 2014 - 11:57 AM
hybrid black, on 16 December 2014 - 11:23 AM, said:
yah pick the class son, light med heavy assault
I already did...Cataphracts...
Circle of Equals 200m radius
Map random
Start with countdown from powered off state
Will be a referee in the lobby
If you are not content with those terms...then there is no trial. If you have no Cataphracts, get to buying and mastering.
You have until 10 PM CST today to meet my batchall. The match will be tonight...about 10 pm CST
Edited by Gyrok, 16 December 2014 - 12:01 PM.
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