Johnny Z, on 16 June 2015 - 06:29 PM, said:
Ignore all the Gauss users using macros that dont want you to. If it was so bad they wouldnt mind helping the OP instead of trolling him. Here is how although I refuse to use macros because I consider it cheating.
As anyone can see the macro basically bypasses the mechanic and those saying the current gauss charge up is better than a macro are now exposed for what they are.
As anyone can see the macro basically bypasses the mechanic and those saying the current gauss charge up is better than a macro are now exposed for what they are.
Wut? Dude, you've got a wierd view of cheating.
He's still got to charge the rifle. All the same rules apply.
There's no "trick" to using the Gauss Rifle, it's not like there's a ridiculously small window you can fire in. It can hold a charge for a reasonably long time.
Such a macro is 100% purely a disadvantage. It's BAD. It makes you play worse, objectively worse. And not "worse" in the sense that somethings doing your work for you, but rather worse because you're losing control of the exact moment you fire at.