- Number of planets controlled.
I.e. planets with this unit's name on it. For every individual player achieving victory on a given planet, the unit gets one token. At the end of an attack phase, the unit with most tokens get their name next to the planet, as I understand it. Planets which aren't under attack will stay under the control of the last unit with control. - Weekly victory count.
Basically, see how many victories each unit has gathered this week. Scores are reset every Monday. Same as above, one individual winning a match = one token. If a 12-man group wins a match, they get 12 tokens. See which unit grabbed more tokens.
And the weekly victory count would be interesting, because the units getting planet control aren't necessarily the ones winning most matches.
I think a top 5 leaderboard would be pretty cool. Maybe top 10. It could even highlight some of the most dominant units and let them make their mark on the MWO timeline, once PGI gets back to wrting ISN news reports and stuff like that.
Or would it lead to complete chaos, ten galactic plagues and the end of MWO as we know it?
Q: Why not just look at the map to see which faction is winning?
A: Because some faction start out in really good positions, others in really bad positions. Some start out with many worlds, others with few worlds. The galaxy map doesn't really tell you much about which units are getting the victories. For example, the unit getting the highest number victories per week may be fighting for Liao, and Liao could still be losing because they're just getting swarmed by various Davion and Marik units, or hordes of pugs.
Edited by Alistair Winter, 19 December 2014 - 04:52 AM.