Returning Pilot... Now Who To Join?
Started by Bushrat, Dec 19 2014 08:19 PM
9 replies to this topic
Posted 19 December 2014 - 08:19 PM
Hello all,
I have been away from the game for some time... I have over 100 mechs in my garage and am now going to come a play the game again now that community warfare is here. My big question is IS or Clan.... then which unit or house to join. I am extremely knowledgeable about the lore and tend to want to go Merc, or Davion if I go IS, or Wolf or GB if I go clan. I am a mature player who wants no drama in a unit that I join. I have the Pheonix pack and the first wave clan pack. I don't want my mechs to go to waste not being able to be used because I pick I side where i can't play my mechs. What units are recruiting? I play in the Eu and Eastern NA time zones primarily. I would post this in the recruitment page but they are House or Clan specific and since I don't know which way to go I am posting this here.
I have been away from the game for some time... I have over 100 mechs in my garage and am now going to come a play the game again now that community warfare is here. My big question is IS or Clan.... then which unit or house to join. I am extremely knowledgeable about the lore and tend to want to go Merc, or Davion if I go IS, or Wolf or GB if I go clan. I am a mature player who wants no drama in a unit that I join. I have the Pheonix pack and the first wave clan pack. I don't want my mechs to go to waste not being able to be used because I pick I side where i can't play my mechs. What units are recruiting? I play in the Eu and Eastern NA time zones primarily. I would post this in the recruitment page but they are House or Clan specific and since I don't know which way to go I am posting this here.
Posted 19 December 2014 - 08:49 PM
My experience:
Things are just starting to congeal.
So they are obviously subject to change.
You are gonna want to look at mech quirks in the mechbay. It makes or breaks certain variants.
Generally, Clans have a range and general xlengine advantage but certain niche IS mechs can beat them in their respective niche.
As far as population, Smoke Jags, Jade Falcon and Liao are the least populated...so far. Falcons have the House of Lords.
Everyone else seems to be fairly populated with Ghost Bears and Davion having more the last i heard.
You have some who get into the role play to varying degrees. Which can be fun if sensible, sad if not.
FRR is fun, casual, but under the gun to organize being the first to get whupped on by the Clans.
Ghost Bears seem pretty cool. Steiner has a decent Euro population i hear.
My friends, who are mid-skill-level and dont like drama went to: Ghost Bear, FRR, Steiner, Kurita, Davion.
BUT you do have the option of short term contracts so you dont have to be cemented in one faction.
I find CW to be fun and more involved than regular play, but i havent really team dropped much so its fairly new to me.
Some of the comp players find it a bit 'routine' but its only been out for a week.
If you join a Unit, be sure to get TeamSpeak(or whatever) VOIP is kinda a must.
Have fun, hope this helps.
Things are just starting to congeal.
So they are obviously subject to change.
You are gonna want to look at mech quirks in the mechbay. It makes or breaks certain variants.
Generally, Clans have a range and general xlengine advantage but certain niche IS mechs can beat them in their respective niche.
As far as population, Smoke Jags, Jade Falcon and Liao are the least populated...so far. Falcons have the House of Lords.
Everyone else seems to be fairly populated with Ghost Bears and Davion having more the last i heard.
You have some who get into the role play to varying degrees. Which can be fun if sensible, sad if not.
FRR is fun, casual, but under the gun to organize being the first to get whupped on by the Clans.
Ghost Bears seem pretty cool. Steiner has a decent Euro population i hear.
My friends, who are mid-skill-level and dont like drama went to: Ghost Bear, FRR, Steiner, Kurita, Davion.
BUT you do have the option of short term contracts so you dont have to be cemented in one faction.
I find CW to be fun and more involved than regular play, but i havent really team dropped much so its fairly new to me.
Some of the comp players find it a bit 'routine' but its only been out for a week.
If you join a Unit, be sure to get TeamSpeak(or whatever) VOIP is kinda a must.
Have fun, hope this helps.
Posted 19 December 2014 - 09:02 PM
Clans are moving downward with little resistance.
Clans are doing fine but have had some infighting because of pugs attacking other clans instead of IS.
Ghost Bear pretty much sucked up almost all of Smoke Jaguar.
Just depends on the mechs you want to run really.
Clans are doing fine but have had some infighting because of pugs attacking other clans instead of IS.
Ghost Bear pretty much sucked up almost all of Smoke Jaguar.
Just depends on the mechs you want to run really.
Posted 19 December 2014 - 09:16 PM
Many units IS or clan have guest rooms were none affiliated players can drop with them I know this is true of Davion Royal House Guards and Clan Wolf International. There is also the Comstar server were you can drop with various units as well. I would say drop with several different units and see which you prefer to play with. Good luck and good hunting fellow mech warrior.
Posted 19 December 2014 - 09:57 PM
CI implemented a process, by member vote, to alternate IS/Clan contracts. That way everyone gets to play their favorite/all their mechs often. If it's the Faction they don't like, they can take a short time off, play competitive, play the regular queues, help with the diplomatic corps, do some RP, pay attention to their significant other, etc. We'll even be switching which House/Clan regularly so that if that small a detail is important to you, you won't have to put up with it for long. We have an open guest policy and a new recruiting process to enlist interested persons much faster than our previous process did. We can be found on Comstar NA (na1.mech-connect.net, no password).
Edited by Ihasa, 19 December 2014 - 09:59 PM.
Posted 20 December 2014 - 12:05 AM
Most of of it's cosmetic so it doesn't matter much. I would say if your playing for CW decide what mechs you like best, if stormcrows and TW's then go clan. If you like king crabs and thunderbolts then IS. Otherwise it comes down to culture. Steiners are German culture with a very mercantile like society, Davion is British in the classic medievil kingdom like, Free worlds is america yet it's been under martial law so a corrupt America basically, Liao is chinese and some say "the north korea of battletech" because of they value service to the emperor above all else, Kuritas are Japanese and many mechwarriors consider themselves samurais.
Jade Falcons and Clan Smoke Jaguer are the more traditional conservative clans, while clan wolf and clan ghost bear are more unorthodox in their practices. The falcons and Jags desire to invade Terra(earth) more then any other clan...the wolves and ghost bears not as much, however they would invade terra in order to prevent falling in the hands of jags or falcons
Jade Falcons and Clan Smoke Jaguer are the more traditional conservative clans, while clan wolf and clan ghost bear are more unorthodox in their practices. The falcons and Jags desire to invade Terra(earth) more then any other clan...the wolves and ghost bears not as much, however they would invade terra in order to prevent falling in the hands of jags or falcons
Edited by Grimwill, 20 December 2014 - 12:18 AM.
Posted 20 December 2014 - 02:34 AM
Join the Dragon! Fighting on multiple fronts guarantees that you will always have foes to face! You can fight Clanner scum and dishonourable Sphere aggressors as you please, and Kurita faction camo is best camo. (See Resistance package page for example). The big question is, why would you not join the Dragon?
Posted 20 December 2014 - 06:56 AM
I'd say join any Inner Sphere house or group.
Paul isn't done beating anything Clan with his football bat yet. The Wave 2 mechs aren't even out for cbills, so they'll get hammered into nothing soon.
That being said, the Clans are allowed to attack each other during CW....which means we don't have an Ilkhan that tells us not to. It's very possible that the FRR could simply end the invasion before it goes any further. It's not as if we're following any canon story line.
Paul isn't done beating anything Clan with his football bat yet. The Wave 2 mechs aren't even out for cbills, so they'll get hammered into nothing soon.
That being said, the Clans are allowed to attack each other during CW....which means we don't have an Ilkhan that tells us not to. It's very possible that the FRR could simply end the invasion before it goes any further. It's not as if we're following any canon story line.
Posted 20 December 2014 - 07:04 AM
Bushrat, on 19 December 2014 - 08:19 PM, said:
Hello all,
I have been away from the game for some time... I have over 100 mechs in my garage and am now going to come a play the game again now that community warfare is here. My big question is IS or Clan.... then which unit or house to join. I am extremely knowledgeable about the lore and tend to want to go Merc, or Davion if I go IS, or Wolf or GB if I go clan. I am a mature player who wants no drama in a unit that I join. I have the Pheonix pack and the first wave clan pack. I don't want my mechs to go to waste not being able to be used because I pick I side where i can't play my mechs. What units are recruiting? I play in the Eu and Eastern NA time zones primarily. I would post this in the recruitment page but they are House or Clan specific and since I don't know which way to go I am posting this here.
I have been away from the game for some time... I have over 100 mechs in my garage and am now going to come a play the game again now that community warfare is here. My big question is IS or Clan.... then which unit or house to join. I am extremely knowledgeable about the lore and tend to want to go Merc, or Davion if I go IS, or Wolf or GB if I go clan. I am a mature player who wants no drama in a unit that I join. I have the Pheonix pack and the first wave clan pack. I don't want my mechs to go to waste not being able to be used because I pick I side where i can't play my mechs. What units are recruiting? I play in the Eu and Eastern NA time zones primarily. I would post this in the recruitment page but they are House or Clan specific and since I don't know which way to go I am posting this here.
Hey Bush long time man, If you want to go clan and play with your clan mechs you bought come to the clanside, same if you want to play with your IS mechs stay with the innersphere.
Onmyoudo, on 20 December 2014 - 02:34 AM, said:
Join the Dragon! Fighting on multiple fronts guarantees that you will always have foes to face! You can fight Clanner scum and dishonourable Sphere aggressors as you please, and Kurita faction camo is best camo. (See Resistance package page for example). The big question is, why would you not join the Dragon?
But Bush if you want a good Clan then join Clan ghost bear international. We have some good pilots and like to have a laugh at times. With a bunch of officers from the US and EU making the rules for the group. We also cater for all time zones.
Posted 03 January 2015 - 05:36 PM
Hello again,
Well I am looking for a unit again. After a failed start with a Clan unit, I want to qualify what kind of unit I am looking for. Maybe some people can make some suggestions.
Well I am looking for a unit again. After a failed start with a Clan unit, I want to qualify what kind of unit I am looking for. Maybe some people can make some suggestions.
- Fair leadership--not run by one megalomaniac on a power trip
- Fair treatment of players, rudeness and insults are not common in your unit... fun jokes and humour are ok ofc as long as they don't get out of hand.
- Practice and training are taking place regularly-- ( I am a bit rusty and could use some practice)
- Not too serious, to too casual. I would like to compete, but also am not totally hardcore.
- Fairly large-- I would like to play with a unit that is established and has active players on most times of the EU and NA playing times.
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