Butane9000, on 21 January 2013 - 09:05 AM, said:
@Sturm - Why isn't the Flashman or Black Knight on here? I thought they were common for the time, or is it they don't have enough variants or the variants aren't all that different.
Flashman doesn't have enough of
its variants "currently" available:
- FLS-8K: 2701
- FLS-7K: 2796
- FLS-9C: 3061
- FLS-C: 3063
- FLS-9B: 3068
- FLS-9M: 3070
It's only got two variants invented (with the original, "archetypical"
FLS-8K out of production until 3054, on top of that (pg. 214, TRO 3050 Upgrade)) for the next in-universe decade, rather than the three needed for the game's XP/Elite unlock system.
Black Knight is a more interesting case.
It has more
variants, and more variants that were invented prior to 3050:
- BL-6-KNT: 2578
- BK-6b-KNT: 2751
- BL-7-KNT: 2809
- BL-7-KNT-L: 2809
- BL-6-KNT "Ian": 3039
- BL-9-KNT: 3052
- BL-10-KNT "Ross": 3055
- BL-6-RR: 3057
- BL-12-KNT: 3063
The "Ian" and "Ross" variants are the unique, personal variants of
Ian McKinnon and
Ross McKinnon, respectively - and
the variants that bear their names are, in fact, the same (long-lived) individual 'Mech (and a potential Hero 'Mech

While there are extant examples (the McKinnons had one) and the relevant technologies have been recovered, the "archetypical"
BL-6-KNT is actually out of production until 3065 (pg. 212, TRO 3050 Upgrade).
The BL-6b-KNT variant was reserved for the Star League Royal BattleMech regiments (pg. 212, TRO 3050 Upgrade) - there would never have been many, and they would have either left with Kerensky or been destroyed during the Succession Wars.
(And a few other 'Mechs have SLDF variants that haven't been implemented, so it seems like the Devs may be avoiding them.)
The BL-9-KNT is unique to ComStar, isn't produced until early 3052 (during the lead-up to Tukayyid), and is one of their "Clanbuster" 'Mechs (
and requires a 5-ton Hatchet, so it likely wouldn't be available at all until advanced melee is implemented).
That basically leaves the BL-7-KNT and BL-7-KNT-L as the only variants being actively produced... where the difference is that the latter switches out the former's PPC for a Large Laser and two Heat Sinks.
Though, the
Black Knight is an interesting case because the LosTech needed for the primary variant (Endo Steel and BAP) have long-since been recovered in-universe, which puts the BL-6-KNT in the same situation as the primary/"archetypical" variant of the
Highlander - the Gauss-toting
HGN-732 is actually out of production until 3057 (pg. 220, TRO 3050 Upgrade), though there are existing examples out-and-about (Rhonda Snord's and Davis McCall's personal 'Mechs, and a few that ComStar "mistakenly"(?) gave to the DCMS in 3039) and all of the requisite LosTech (FF Armor and Gauss Rifles) has long since been recovered.
And not only was the
Highlander (featuring a Gauss Rifle, no less!) announced as
BattleMech 17, but Garth stated in
Ask the Devs 20 that the only variant he could confirm at the time (Oct. 08, 2012) was the HGN-732 (though, whether that would be as a c-bill variant or a Hero 'Mech was not specified).
So, I left out the
Black Knight on the grounds that it
should be disqualified, as it is known and confirmed that only two variants (with one being a single-weapon-switch field refit of the other) are actually in active production - however, the
Highlaner does set a precedent where the
Black Knight could be a
technical possibility.
In fact, there was
a thread from back in October where the same question - and the same information - came up, which (at least, in part) fueled the conclusion that the then-yet-to-be-announced 75-tonner essentially had to be the
Edited by Strum Wealh, 21 January 2013 - 12:31 PM.