Ax2Grind, on 26 December 2014 - 10:31 AM, said:
Why not keep it 24 hours but just tally all the attacks for the day to make sure that every attack and defense counts? Or do away with the ceasefire time completely and allow planets to be captured based purely on a number of successful attacks? Any ceasefire like we currently have will still cultivate cries of "meaningless" CW time. Keep it simple and just tally a full days worth of attacks and defenses or take away the time frame and make it purely based on the number of successful sectors attacked and held.
I am given to understand that the cease fires are needed by the server so it can update itself. Move the borders, assign the occupying unit, and randomly pick another group of attack/defend worlds. So sadly as of right now the ceasefires are needed from a systems stand point if nothing else.