The Cohort is a group of tight-knit gamers who strive to be competitive in any game we play. We're a multi-gaming US based community that has played many different FPS/MMORPG games over the past 8 years. We're looking to pick up a few mech pilots who strive to learn this game and be competitive in their mechs. The goal of any game is to have fun, but who honestly has fun while losing? Our goal is to be able to field highly effective lances and 12 man teams for community warfare and regular match.
The Cohort is a mercenary unit and will remain as such. This means that we will swap factions as needed depending on many different variables.
What can we offer to give you purpose in this game?
1. Nightly lance / 12 man drops.
2. Organization – We enjoy working together, and believe organization along with individual still is the key to success.
3. Training – In The Cohort we believe in teaching and training to be one of the most effective ways to help others learn the game. One does not need have a high skill level to join our group, only the ability and desire to learn and be competitive.
4. Great Atmosphere within the group - Many of us have been playing for years together. We strive for our members to be a name, not a number. We don't over recruit. We look for potential recruits that will fit in and play with us for years to come.
Do you think you found a purpose in us? See our requirements to see if you fit in with us:
1. Must be 18 or older. We're a mature gaming community that does not have time to deal with immaturity.
2. Communication is imperative! Must have a working microphone and teamspeak 3. (Note: Teamspeak 3 is required when playing the game.)
3. Must be team oriented—that means being able to follow orders as well as help give them and support them.
4. Thick skin – If you can't take a joke and/or get upset easily, this is not the group for you.
If you found your purpose in us and meet our requirements, please proceed to contact me in game, reply to this post or send a PM on the forums. Hell, you can even jump onto our Teamspeak server and say hi.
The best way to get in contact with us and try us out will be to jump onto our teamspeak server and introduce yourself. once on teamspeak you will be able to group up, do some drops and see what you think.
Teamspeak IP:
Password: cohortstrong
Contacts in game :
Edited by Salous, 19 January 2015 - 06:31 PM.